Día: 4 de mayo de 2015

May 04
Plaza de voluntariado europeo en Rumanía sobre interculturalidad y tradiciones

Servicio Voluntario Europeo de 1 año en Rumanía «DISCOVERING THE RURAL TRADITIONS THROUGH STORYTELLING» «Discovering the local traditions through storytelling» project aims to promote the intercultural learning among the young people through rediscovering the traditions. Objectives The specific objectives of the project are: – Participation of four volunteers to an EVS stage, which will prioritize […]

May 04
Becas para seminario sobre creación de empresas en Polonia en verano

Becas Erasmus+ para el seminario en Polonia «Open To New Horizon» Dates 10-15 june 2015 Description of seminar The main event of the project is 6 day seminar with the participation of 25 people representing 12 partner organizations from Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Sweden. The seminar will be held on 10-15 […]
