Erasmus+ Study Visits

Accredited by the European Commmission. Study visits from 480€ per participant (including evaluation & monitoring).

European Projects
Erasmus+ participants
International partners

Erasmus+ Study Visits in Madrid

As host organisation, we are able to welcome participants to make an Erasmus+ Study Visits in Madrid. 

We work with over 200 companies in Madrid and Spain. We also have agreements with several public&private organisations.

We design the visits with the requirements you need.

The daily schedule of the visits will vary depending on your needs. 

We also offer cultural activities as host organisation.

host organisation

Evaluation results from our courses

Study Visits Fees

Programme fee: 480 € per participant

* Applications to start the program in May, June and July have a 50 € supplement.


Study visits price includes:

  • Enrolment fee and pre-departure assistance in arranging your application and assistance.
  • Selection of the companies according to your needs.
  • Processing of the necessary agreements of the study visit with the organisations/companies.
  • Assistance and support throughout your study visit. YesEuropa will be the link between you and the organisations in order to solve doubts and problems. We provide one staff member with your group during your visit.
  • Your appropriate preparation for the visit and monitoring of your progress.
  • Orientation packs once you are here, including tourist and city information, transportation and communication details, etc.
internships in madrid

Erasmus+ Study Visits sectors




Business Administration

Event Management


Financial services



Public relations

Real Estate


Social media



Charitable & Voluntary organisations

International trade




HR & Recruitment

Hotel & Catering

Graphic design


Requirements and application

  • Minimum 10 people, no maximum
  • No age limits
  • Have full health insurance during your stay in Spain. We can provide you one if necessary.
  • Provide an abstract of your project so we can target your needs
Prácticas en Administración

Study visits Experiences

“We have helped more than 500 students to make their dream of having practical experience in Spain comes to reality”
Jose María Imbert
Head of Office

We are specialized in finding Erasmus+ opportunities for students, since we send almost 500 participants abroad every year, thanks to our partnerships in Europe.

We have companies of all kinds not only in Madrid, but also in other Spanish regions.

The average duration of the Study Visits grants is 5 working days, however a slightly shorter or longer duration can be agreed with us.

Navigate in our experiences map


“We know how important quality accommodation is for you”
Jose María Imbert
Head of Office

We have a wide range of hotels in Madrid near your study visits.

We aim for the highest standard while keeping the costs reasonable for you. Our hosting managers ensures all properties are kept clean and in good conditions.

accommodation madrid

Erasmus+ Study Visits Team

antonino versace

Nino Versace – Director

Jose Imbert – Head of Office

Antonio Daviña – Project Assistant

Luisa Iossa

Coordinator Assistant, EU Project writer

Juan Cruz

Training Coordinator

Nino Caminiti 

IT Manager

Anna Micolis

Volunteer on Information&Communication

Carolina Occhionero

Volunteer on Information&Communication

European Projects


Erasmus + KA2 - Higher Education (Partners) 2023

Friendly Informal Immersive Cloud Alternative ( FII;)CA ) - DISCOVER, PLAY, SOCIALIZE


Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partners) 2023

WICEPS. Empower Women in the 3D Construction Industry


Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation Partnership (Partners) 2023

MaxP-DC Project, in partnership with Nadační fond vzdělávání a podnikání [NFVAP] Foundation


Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partner) 2023

No Digital Divide, to overcome the Digital Divide for +50 years old Adult learners, specially in their relation with bureaucracy and daily life,

Erasmus + KA2 - Adults (Partners) 2022

EmpowHERment. Aims to help provide a digital toolkit for women across Europe to help develop and/or upskill their digital competences.​

Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partner) 2022

Born from the necessity of evaluate the potential of the extracurricular education generated from secondary activities like sports.


Erasmus + KA2 - Small scale Youth (Partners) 2023

"Ukraine meets the EU" (UMEU) Digitalization, solidarity and non-formal education go hand in hand in this project to help the inclusion of the Ukrainian population in Europe

Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partner) 2023

The "Digital Boost" project aims to fight against the effects of unemployment due to COVID-19. Both countries involved in this project (Sweden and Spain)

Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partners) 2021

Re-Create. The project will offer a set of e-contents for the Creative Industry professionals.

Erasmus + KA2 Small Scale Adults (partner) 2021

e-Merging: Digital resilience in rural areas

Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partner) 2021

Upgrade&Connect. We want to bring ICT tools closer to the artists community.


Erasmus + KA2 Adults (partner) 2021​

Empowerherment, digital MOOCs for disadvantaged women.


Erasmus + KA2 - Adults (Partners) 2021

Rural Plus. Boosting digital tools in rural communities.

CERV (Partner) - Network of Towns

Network of Town activities on food&culture in rural communities.


Erasmus + KA2 - Small Scale Adults (Partner) 2021

SIMPLE - Simplify the language of European programs through digital tools to ensure greater inclusion


Erasmus + Capacity Building on Youth (Partners)

EVOLVE, it is a strategic partnership in the field of Youth between 12 partners.

no gender gap ka2

KA2 - Adults (LEAD) 2019

No Gender Gap. The project offered a set of competences for the professional development of the training curricula in women.​

violencia sexual logo

KA2 Youth (partner) 2018

React-Act-Prevent sexual violence through youth work EU project.

KA2 - Adults (Partner) 2020

Error 404. We want to bring women closer to the ICT sector by creating a Bootcamp where we will include tools.

Curso sobre radio en Madrid

KA2 Youth (partner)​

Broadcasting Europe, KA2 project for creating an online radio and teach young people how to use it.

Proyectos KA2 erasmus

KA2 - Youth (Partners)

Inclusive Partnership. The project´s purpose was the improvement of youth workers’ competencies in relation with inclusion for young people with fewer opportunities.

yes europa europe for citizens

Europe for Citizens (LEAD)

The main objective was raise awareness among young people, teachers and youth workers.

KA2 - Youth (Partners)

Read Summarise Verify and Publish is a strategic partnership in the field of youth between 8 partners. RSVP nvolved 40 different youth leaders and educators.

KA1 - Higher Education consortia (LEAD)

YesConsortium. The project involved +150 young graduate students from 2017 to 2020. In consortia with public and private universities in Spain.

KA2 - Adults (Partners)

Eu-Learning, it is a strategic partnership in the field of Adults between 6 partners. Eufrak involved Adults in EU Project Management Community of Practice. We developed together a complete guide of funding.

New European Bauhaus

+300 EU projects (LEAD and Partner)

We have been helping our EU partners to develop over 300 projects with almost 8 M€ since 2008.

“Great team, professional work! It’s been a pleasure to participate in one of your projects!.”
Iuno Mavlea
Project Manager - Romania

EU Project Results

Recreate MOOCs

MOOC in English, Spanish and Croatian about Culture&Creative Industries. +800 students


Error 404 Mooc

Digital tools for disadvantaged people in English. +600 students

youtube yeseuropa

Webinars about EU opportunities

Available in Spanish. 1300 suscribers, +30.000 views.

no gender gap ka2


MOOC in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian and Portoguese. +1200 students

no gender gap ka2

Methodological guide on Robotics

Available in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian and Portoguese. +600 downloads

no gender gap ka2

Short course on Robotics

Available in Spanish.+200 views

no gender gap ka2

Webinar on Robotics

Available in Spanish. +800 students.

Papers about Youth

Read Summarise Verify and Publish is a strategic partnership in the field of youth between 8 partners. RSVP nvolved 40 different youth leaders and educators.

Beginners Guide to Coaching in the European Voluntary Service

This international training course was organized as Learning Mobility Project in the frame of „Erasmus+”- Program by Association of International and Intercultural Exchange ANAWOJ from Poland

ESC Programme management

Our ESC Manager, José Imbert, explained the everyday tasks to be taken into account when managing European Solidarity Corps projects.

LIFE Programme webinar

Our #LiveTalk focused on the new #LIFE programme 2021-2027. Maximilian Weinhold, project manager and expert for the new EU funding period. We give you an insight into the innovations of the EU's environmental and climate protection programme, its focal points and upcoming calls.

2021-2027 EU Funding booklet

The handbook on EU Funding Opportunities 2021-2027 provides an overview of the main funding instruments offered by the European Union.​


ESC for begginers course

European Solidarity Corps for beginers online course.

Yoselin Pacheco

Radio YesEuropa

12 podcasts available in Spanish, created by the KA2 project "Broadcasting Europe"


Erasmus+ grants online course

Erasmus+ grants for beginers online course.


Personal branding online course

How to get a job after COVID19 crisis: personal branding and digital tools

violencia sexual logo

Training course "Sexual Violence prevention"

The E-Learning Training Platform provides a comprehensive series of E-Learning Training Modules developed during the project, proposing innovative policies, strategies and practices to combat sexual violence through youth work.


ESC manual

247 thematic sheets of 12 × 12 cm containing information on the 50 European countries, according to 7 categories: country name, capital, flag, monument, plate, "hello" in several languages, landscape.

violencia sexual logo

Guide on "Sexual Violence prevention"


violencia sexual logo

Training modules for Youth NGOs and individuals

A package of E-Learning Training Modules entitled “REACT-ACT-PREVENT SEXUAL VIOLENCE THROUGH YOUTH WORK”, has been developed during the project,

Toolkit for volunteers and leaders of European volunteering projects

During and after the TC VolUME (Volunteers: United, Motivated, Engaged) taking place in November 2017 in France, you all worked on a possible restitution of all the new things you’ve learnt about work and cooperation with volunteers in the organizations.


Teacher´s toolkit

TOT is adapted to people without experience but very strong motivated to be a trainer. The educational approach implemented during the TC intends to allow for various learning needs of participants to be identified and pursued individually through group work and simulation of training development, design and implementation.


«You are my leader» tool

“You are my leader” is a leadership game to develop decision making, time management, stress management, delegation, group facilitation and management skills of the presidents, managers, directors, etc.


Manual on “Laboratory of Kinesthetic Learning”

TOT is adapted to people without experience but very strong motivated to be a trainer. The educational approach implemented during the TC intends to allow for various learning needs of participants to be identified and pursued individually through group work and simulation of training development, design and implementation.


Guide for social entrepreneurship

Guide for social entrepreneurship thanks to Erasmus+ scholarships of a course in Bulgaria for scholarship holders of the portal www.yeseuropa.org


Book of experiences of European Voluntary Service

Book of experiences of European Voluntary Service in summer in France


Erasmus+ course on European citizenship and human rights

This e-booklet is the output of the training course for youth workers: “New Citizens of the World” (hereafter “Ne.Ci.Wo.”). The project took place in Palermo (Italy) from 18th to 25th July 2016 and was financed by Erasmus+, a program of the European Commission for training, education, youth and sport.


Erasmus+ pre departure training

Online course for Erasmus+ participants in Youth Exchanges and Mobility for Youth workers grants.

Agreements and Memberships


Erasmus +

OID E10054030

European Solidarity Corps

ESC accreditation: 2021-1-ES02-ESC50-017145


European Commission

Accredited for European Solidarity Corps n. 101075347 — BBQL

Ayuntamiento de Madrid logo

Madrid City Council

Youth Department

direccion general juventud comunidad de madrid

Regional Government of Madrid

Projects funded in 2016 and 2020


Youth Information Centre

Registered Youth Centre Nº 10604

Almendralejo City Council

Support of Erasmus+ Traineeship management


Erasmus+ National Agency (Youth), running the European Solidarity Corps Intermediate Evaluation

europa con los ciudadanos

Europe for Citizens

Projects funded in 2015

comision europea en españa

European Commission in Spain

Projects funded in 2016 and cooperation in communication actions.


Erasmus+ National Agency, projects funded from 2016

secretaria de estado de la ue logo

Secretary of State for the EU

Projects funded in 2018


Almeria Regional Government

Management of EU calls website tender

Huelva Regional Government

Support of Erasmus+ Traineeship management

Soto del Real Town Council

Support in EU projects

Citizens for Europe

Member since 2017

red española anna lindh

Anna Lindh Member

Anna Lindh Network


European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) members


New European Bauhaus

Official member



Official member of Advisory Council for European Solidarity Corps since 2017


Eliana Town Council

Training Tender


EYCA network member



Our network of partners for EU projects.


Member since 2018

cerv programa

CERV Programme

Project funded in 2021



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187.000 visitors / 883.000 page views / 2:42 min per session

yes europa

YesEuropa Bulletin

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