Día: 25 de septiembre de 2015

Sep 25
Trabajar como voluntario en una biblioteca de Kaunas (Lituania)

Dates 5 nov 2015 to 4th September 2016 Place Kaunas, Lithuania DESCRIPTION OF ORGANISATION: Library was established in 1939. Currently one central, one city and seventeen village structural units are in service. The library has more than 151,6 thousand physical documents in its archives. 28 % of the local population and 139,6 thousand yearly visitors […]

Sep 25
Voluntariado europeo en una biblioteca de Lituania

Dates 5 nov 2015 to 4th September 2016 Place Kaunas, Lithuania DESCRIPTION OF ORGANISATION: Library aims to serve as a social organ offering a variety of resources for public and personal growth, and to fulfil cultural, information and educational functions. Qualified staff of 34 employees in the central library works in close collaboration in order […]
