Día: 19 de abril de 2018

Abr 19
Voluntariado en Grecia sobre deportes y arte

Dates 3-9-18 / 31-8-19 INFO ABOUT THE HOSTING CITY Alexandreia, previously called Gidas, was the «largest village» of Imathias local prefecture. It used to be the historical center of plain that was known since the Turkish domination of Roumlouki, the land of the Greeks; Alexandreia was consisted of 40 villages.  There are many interesting monuments, […]

Abr 19
Voluntariado ONG en Alemania en centro juvenil

Se ofrece Voluntariado ONG en Alemania con todos los gastos pagados por el programa Erasmus+ de viaje, alojamiento, comida, transporte y dinero bolsillo en un centro juvenil Lugar y fechas voluntariado ONG located in west Germany in town called Oer Erkenschwick  you will find the essentials for your every day living within the town; […]
