Etiqueta: evs italy

Oct 01
4 plazas SVE en Prato, Italia

Activitiy period: 06-11-2015 until 06-11-2016 (12 months) Number of Volunteers:  1 place left for a member of Building Bridges Location: Prato (Toscana), Italia Legambiente is one of the most important environmental organization in Italy. It was born in 1980 thanks to the first experience of ecological informal that were raised in the middle 70′. With its 115.000 members, […]

Dic 06
URGENTE: 2 SVE plazas en Menfi, Sicilia

WHO: Istituto Walden WHEN: June-December 2015 WHO: 2 EVS Volunteers WHERE: Menfi, Sicily, Italy WHAT: 6 months of EVS service in Menfi, Sicily, working in a Community with children and teenagers DEADLINE: 24 December 2014 Who we are Walden Institute was formed in 1993 as «Psycho-Social Center for people with Handicap, Disability and marginalization». This […]

Jul 23
2 plazas de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Pesaro (Italia)

Deadline to apply: 31st August 2014 Nr. of Volunteers: max 2 (male or female) ONLY FROM PROGRAMME COUNTRIES. Age: Over 18 years old Activity Dates: 10 months (starting from 1st February 2015 or 1st April 2015) City: Pesaro, Italy Description: The volunteer will participate actively in the association activities according to her/his needs and interests […]
