Etiqueta: training Course

Mar 20
Becas Erasmus+ para curso en Croacia sobre inclusion social

Curso de formación en Zadar, Croacia «NFE – opportunity for social inclusion» CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí Description This training course „NFE – opportunity for social inclusion“ is designed for those youth workers who have basic competences in using NFE and working with inclusion, but need to fine tune their competences in […]

Mar 20
Becas Erasmus+ para un curso de formación en Italia sobre «INCLUSION-ing» en Sicilia

CURSO COMPLETO, por favor mira otros cursos aquí Becas Erasmus+ para curso de formación en Italia The Training Course of  «Social INCLUSION-ing» will take part from 25th May to 1th June in Alcamo, Sicily and will gather 24 participants from 12 countries and 12 organizations. The aim of the Training Course is to empower youth […]