1 Portuguese and 1 greek needed for EVS project in Madrid, Spain


project description

This EVS project already has sendings organizations!
Greece: SOCIAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: info@ngokane.org
Tasks and activities:
1) Social, cultural, sports and Community activities whose activities and projects are directed to local groups, living in Madrid and as well in the surrounding municipalities, and to Asociación Building Bridges’s centers for adult, young people and children. We actively collaborate with institutions and NGOs and we also participate in education, cultural and sport activities.
2) daily online services for young people in youth information, councelling, guidance and opportunities in Spain and abroad
3) Education/Cultural/assistance activities with children, young people and adults with economic obstaccles and at risk of exclusion.
4) Daily online services for the promotion of cultural resources and training opportunities and project management

accommodation, food and transport arrangements

In a flat shared with young people to support their integration in the city. Well communicated area. Accommodation will be based in single rooms, if not possible we will provide double shared rooms when available.

training during the project

Apart from EVS training , we offer training courses in the field of cultural & educational management, for example:
-Creation of databases
– Social media strategy
– Strategies to search information in the web
– Cultural and language courses
– Search of professional opportunities in Europe

volunteer profile

– Interested in the cultural sector;
– Aware of the responsibilities and commitment as a EVS volunteer;
– Open to learn about new cultures;
-Strong organizational skills
-Flexibility and open nature
– Creative personality
– Social and organizational skills, able to interface with young people and organizations;
– Interested in European culture and the art world.

additional information

Maximum: 35 h/week. Full-time, from Monday to Friday. Exceptionally, activities will take place on weekends, though volunteers will be told in advance and they will get a free day the week after.

We can provide first hand information and our experience around the world. Our team is multidisciplinary, so volunteers have access to many services. We count on work counsellors, intermediation experts, educators, trainers, technicians of European projects, translators,
We also offer individual counselling if needed (e-mail, phone, presential). We already

how to apply

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– CV written in English or Spanish
– Motivational letter in English or Spanish
You need to contact first your sending organisation:
Portugal: ASSOCIACAO CHECK-IN (Info@checkin.org.pt)
Greece: SOCIAL YOUTH DEVEPMENT info@ngokane.org
and keep us in CC (asociacionbb@gmail.com)

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