2 plazas de Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Pesaro (Italia)


Deadline to apply: 31st August 2014

Nr. of Volunteers: max 2 (male or female) ONLY FROM PROGRAMME COUNTRIES.
Age: Over 18 years old
Activity Dates: 10 months (starting from 1st February 2015 or 1st April 2015)

City: Pesaro, Italy
Description: The volunteer will participate actively in the association activities according to her/his needs and
interests without the need of previous experiences, competences and skills as the main aim is the volunteer
personal development. For this reason the project will be personalized on the aspirations and attitude of each
volunteer and prepared together with them. The volunteers can decide how to modulate their volunteering schedule
as their needs and according to our opening hours for 5 days at week for a total amount of 30 hours weekly. In
order to let them feel free to move and to enjoy the life they’ll live in an EVS house, rented for them in the city,
complete with all the comfort and close to the office. The activities will be realised in a dynamic way together with
the volunteers of Vicolocorto Community, mainly in the places where local youngsters meet, in order to facilitate
their social inclusion.
– Join the staff on spreading information activities about Europe and Youth in Action Programme through lectures
and meeting with youngsters within association office or during informative events.
– Take part to local workshops and projects organized by Vicolocorto on intercultural dimension, empower of young
people or inclusion activities.
– Use the media (like making videos, blog, etc.) and the social networks to spread information
Description of hosting organisation: Vicolocorto is a non-political, non profitable youth cultural association
created in 2006 and based in Pesaro, Italy. It is specialized in youth work and operates in fields of non-formal and
extra-school education, intercultural learning, promotion of youth mobility, volunteerism and youth participation,
study and research of youth policies and activities. The Association has gained a high experience in the fields of
youth policies and international mobility, involving hundreds of young people in international projects, sending over
60 volunteers in EVS projects, hosting 15 long term EVS volunteers, hosting and coordinating 15 YiA international
projects so far. The Association can count on a specialised team of trainers and youth workers, who gained
experience through training courses in formal and non-formal education context and working side by side with


Why Pesaro? Read a story of polish volounteer Kamila:


I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien. I’m a Polish in Pesarooo – that would sing Sting, if he
were me. Of course if he were able to sing, not like me. I think the point is not to
pretend being the same, but being aware of the differences. Sharing and accepting
them. Having new impressions, doing mistakes. This is a part of learning, taking
and giving – volunteering.
Poland, not Holland – Polonia, not Bologna.

If you are foreigner and you are not working or studying in Italy, it’s difficult for Italians to
understand what is going on. The concept of volunteering is not very popular and finally a bit
surprising. After you introduce yourself as a volunteer it’s time to explicit where are you from. Even
though Poland is kind of big country in East Europe, or according to others Central Europe, the
name sounds sometimes a bit exotic. It’s not because of lack of geography knowledge, but I think
more about being amazed what Polish girl can do here apart from working or studying. However I
never felt offended and those linguistic misunderstandings leaded only to huge FUN. There were
also some occasions when people were surprised that I am not Italian – of course it’s only because
of my pronunciation of “Si!” with a very proper accent.Perché Pesaro?
After this introduction there is a moment for the main question: why you chose Pesaro? Maybe I
am a hipster, maybe Pesaresi don’t appreciate their own town or maybe they are just curious what
is the sense to choose Pesaro, if you can go to Roma, Firenze or Napoli. The answer is simple. My
woman instinct told me that this small place will be charming. Being near to the sea will make me
alive and here I will be able to get close to people easier, because it’s so small. Also, earlier in
Poland I had the pleasure to meet one of Vicolocorto’s youth workers and he came up to be a
really warm and nice person. At the end I discovered that he is not from Pesaro, but Ancona and
partly Puglia 🙂 However, imagination in that time started to work in positive way about all people
from Pesaro.Pesaresi in action
It happened in a certain moment that people started to inform me how Pesaresi are closed and a
little bit suspicious to outsiders (even from Fano 🙂 ). Being honest, I would never noticed that.
Maybe sometimes they are behaving like “wild animals”, but after a little bit of whispering and
cuddling we achieved agreement and trust.

The reason why I find Pesaresi warm and open is also connected with my “mother” here.
Vicolocorto took care of people I met, especially at the beginning. The association created a circle
of people who really wanted to meet this small girl from Poland. They were nice, open, interesting
and interested in me and my country. After this time of “protection period” I was able to make my
own friends and show some initiative. Like for every normal human being there were some
mistakes, misunderstandings, but also moments of real joy and fun.
Do you know why volunteering is better than being?

Just being is lonely and selfish. While volunteering you are “drag ” into meeting other people,
creating relations, being part of Pesaro’s network, full of great personalities and organizations. This
is your chance to act, to develop yourself as a person, not only being but also doing something for
the community and with others. Is it too naive for 28 years old girl? Maybe, but I am volunteer, I
can 🙂

How to apply: Send CV and motivation letter to the address asociacionbb@gmail.com


Asociación Building Bridges.

C/Alonso Cano 76
Email : asociacionbb@gmail.com


For more informacion about places send email there: candidates@vicolocorto.org

You have to add that sending institution is Building Bridges ES-2010-120.

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