Día: 17 de noviembre de 2015

Nov 17
Erasmus+ Study visit in Poland , march 2015

Erasmus+ INTERNATIONAL STUDY VISIT ON ZIEMIA KŁODZKA REGION/ PL 8th – 14th MARCH 2015 Between the 8th and the 14th of March, 2015, on Ziemia Kłodzka region (Poland) took place an international study visit with 34 youth workers from Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Greece, Italy, Poland and Turkey. Spain was represented by Building Bridges Association […]

Nov 17
SVE en Alemania: juventud y deporte

1 year EVS in Aschaffenburg  (Germany), starting in October 2016.  For this project it is important that the volunteer is not only interested in sport but is actively doing some kind of sport himself/herself, preferably basketball and football. Also, some basic knowledge of the German language is essential as he/she has to be able to […]

Nov 17
Voluntarios para un centro de fanzines en Francia

Dates From: 05/09/2016 To:31/08/2017 Place POITIERS, France Tasks The volunteer will have a plural mission within La Fanzinothèque hosting organisation. This mission will firstly be centred on the reception of the public and the mediation in micro-edition. Then, it will also deal with the technique of the “screen printing” via presentations, exhibitions and workshops. A […]
