Voluntarios para un centro de fanzines en Francia



From: 05/09/2016 To:31/08/2017




The volunteer will have a plural mission within La Fanzinothèque hosting organisation.
This mission will firstly be centred on the reception of the public and the mediation in micro-edition.
Then, it will also deal with the technique of the “screen printing” via presentations, exhibitions and workshops.
A mission of communication of events could be added to the previous ones.
Shortly, his/her main activities will be:
– the mediation in micro-edition and the technique of the screen printing through workshops, presentation of exhibitions other events
– the reception in La Fanzinothèque or during events organized by the structure
– the communication of the proposed events
– the implementation of exhibitions and other presentations about micro-edition
(S)he can also be at the origin of new ideas, activities that (s)he will implement alone or with the team, according to his/her desires and abilities.


Since 1989hosting organisation is a documentation center specialized in zines: small run editions, comix zines, sf, genre films, gay, lesbian, political, rock, punk, jazz, literature…
– an international collection
– a unique collection of over 50 000 documents from the 1950′s to present day

hosting organisationworks like a public library. Users can read on the spot, volunteer to help the librarian and the screen printer.
They can drop or send their zines so it can be available at the Fanzinothèque.
With a yearly 5 euro subscription, they can: borrow 3 fanzines for 3 weeks.

To find a zine from the Fanzinothèque collections, have a look on the CATALOGZINE section, you will find a database of the Fanzino collections (except the international zines for now).

In the DOC’ROCK section, there are articles from french and francophone music fanzines edited between 1996 and 2000. (1500 titles, 30000 references)

In the EXPOSITION VIRTUELLE section, there is an adaptation of the exhibition « 20 years of rock fanzines 1977-1997 – history of a parralel movement » that allows you to read the history of rock fanzines while consulting the ones that were digitized.

La Fanzinothèque is also a screenprinting studio: LE LABO DE SERIGRAPHIE.
Always with the desire to see people want to make things themselves with few resources,
Le Labo runs workshops like introduction to screenprinting and creation through several techniques and themes. fanzines, buttons, posters, etching on plaster, papermaking… recreation centre, prison, kindergarten grade school high school, retirement home…

La Fanzinothèque regularly stages and participates to events (exhibitions, encounters, etc..) that show the richness and creativity of fanzines and underground art.
With its Distro (a sales booth for fanzines, books, posters..) la Fanzino participates in local, national and international events.


The volunteer has his/her own accommodation or is in a house shared with other EVS volunteers.
(S)he receives monthly money for food and pocket money.
The volunteer has a bus card to travel on all the bus lines in Poitiers.


The volunteer will be trained in the screen printing as well as in the technical manufacturing process of a micro-edited book. (S)he will be also trained to the documentary techniques used within the structure (processing of documents, cataloguing, digitalization, on-line publishing of the collection).
On-arrival and Mid-term trainings organized by French National Agency.


The volunteer is someone communicative and curious. (S)he is motivated, interested in the project and above all is able to propose his/her own ideas and point of view. The volunteer has read the description of the project on the database and is able to criticize it. The volunteer has an interest for graphics art, micro-edition, reading, the philosophy of “do it yourself”, information, communication, human relationships and animation. The volunteer likes both teamwork and autonomous work and (s)he is interested in arts.

A pre-intermediate knowledge of French language in required.



How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) and skype name

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS France Poitou FanzinoTheque. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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