Voluntariado en isla de estonia con el Cuerpo Europeo Solidaridad

YesEuropa Centro de Información Juvenil

Otras becas, empleo y formación: 22 febrero 2021

Queremos informarte sobre otras oportunidades que puedes conseguir en España de empleo, becas, cursos y charlas. Difundimos la información como Centro de Información Juvenil de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Proyectos europeos
Becarios Erasmus
Socios internacionales

Pincha aquí para leer el boletín información juvenil para conocer otras oportunidades

¿Qué incluyen nuestras plazas?


Un billete de Ida y Vuelta

Curso idiomas

Aprenderás el idioma del país

Dinero bolsillo

Cantidad fija al mes para tus gastos

Alojamiento y gastos casa

La casa y los gastos los cubre el programa


Seguro gratis accidentes y responsabilidad civil


Tendrás una cantidad para comida y gastos corrientes

Pide tu plaza

Experiencias de voluntari@s

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Mar 20
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Feb 22
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Feb 09
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Feb 05
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Quiero más info

Voluntariado en isla de estonia con el Cuerpo Europeo Solidaridad con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento, transporte, seguro, idiomas, dinero de bolsillo y formaciones.


Your next destination: youth station


Kuressaare, Saaremaa island, Estonia


Active life style, sport, tehnology (programs, computers)..


25th of September 2017 (because we want to apply at 4rt of October deadline for the project approval)


1 year (1 February 2018-31 January 2019)


  • Main activities: working in the youth center. You are going to work in a innovative structure with multiple options to entertain youngsters from 7 to 26 years old.
  • Inside the center you are going to have the possibility to organize your own indoor workshops
    – projects to develop and realize with the youngsters
     working in the youth center next to the beach on summer. During the summer period (form june to august) the center is moving to house close to the beach. It is possible for you to play and organize different activities (games, workshops, handycraft) outside and inside etc.
     be involved on the local/social events for youngsters (help to prepare, organize and carry out- be involved and take a part, give your ideas/ make your ideas to happen).
  • Other activities:
    o communicate, engage in fun activities with youth in youth centre;
    o help in hobby lessons;
    o the volunteer is also welcome to create and fulfill her/his own ideas, projects and activities.


comfortable and confident around youngsters
o collaborative, reliable and flexible;

REQUIRED o able to work both independently and in a team;

o take initiative;
o speak basic English;
o it would be preferable that the volunteer has past experiences in sports (healty life style projects) or with different tehnologies (using computers, smartphones, APPS, programs etc) or if not at least a interest to these areas.


Working time:

– 35 hours/week, Monday-Friday; the youth center is opening for young people in the after-noon so the volunteer can come a earlier to prepare his activity during the day, but not very early in the morning.

– 2 days off per week; usually Saturday and Sunday; in case the youth center has an event in the week-end days the volunteer will receive his free day in the immediately working days that follow;

– Holidays:

2 days /month (maximum 24 working days for the whole project)


Fully covered by hosting organization.

The volunteer will live in a cozy hostel room with shared kitchen/bathroom and showers. Everything is nice and clean and it allows the volunteer to interact with local student that live in the hostel too during the school year.

A monthly food allowance is provided.

85 €/month (pocket money)


For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Estonia  Liis Kuressaare. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

You will be notified via email as soon as possible if you have been selected for the next round.

The second test is a Skype meeting in English language where we’ll talk all the details of the project

  • J Santos
    25 octubre, 2016 at 8:33 am

    Hola. Me gustaría saber si este SVE ha sido asignado ya a alguien o sigue libre. Gracias.

  • Yes Europa
    25 octubre, 2016 at 9:36 pm

    Hola, ya está cubierto por un usuario nuestro, pero po favor envíanos tu mail a asociacionbb@gmail.com y te enviamos las plazas libres

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