9 meses en Portugal en departamento de proyectos europeos


Host Organization:

Associação Spina

Name of the Project:

Make a Move!


Project lasts:

9 months

EVS service dates:

1st of February, 2016 to 31st of October, 2016

Associação Spina is a non-profit nationwide association, whose primary aim is to organize, promote and implement cultural activities, training courses, intercultural exchanges and international cooperation. Its headquarters is  Lisbon, Portugal.

Activities proposed to the volunteers:

The volunteers will participate in the activities of the European Programmes and Mobility Department by collaborating in:

– Contribute by researching, brainstorming and ideas for elaboration of new project proposals on the frames of the Erasmus+, European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe and others in the field of youth, training and education;
– Support the Coordination of volunteers for sending activities, such as assisting in the preparation of their CV and motivation letters, orientation for departure and travel arrangements;
– Support the organization and implementation of international youth exchanges, international trainings, partnership-building activities and seminars;
– Help the organization and active participation in Information Sessions about Erasmus+ at the office, in schools, seminars and conferences in order to promote the program;
– Research and collect information about European opportunities for young people for the elaboration of the monthly newsletter and update information on the website, blog, Facebook and Twitter

In the Image and Communication Department, volunteers will :

– Contribution to the research and elaboration of information contents and texts, graphic design and regular updates of the blog, website, Facebook and twitter pages;
– Preparation, formatting and mailing of the monthly newsletter;
– Elaboration of brochures, posters, flyers and promotional materials;
– Distribution of flyers, brochures, posters and other promotional materials for youth related events in the neighborhood where the office is based, in the Carnide area and specifically in schools and Universities of Lisbon Metropolitan area;
– Documenting all Spin’s activities and dissemination of information.

All volunteers will participate also in providing support in the management and to the staff of the SPIN Hostel (by hosting people, answering to requests of information, cooking and cleaning together with international groups, arranging cultural activities with the groups staying in the Hostel, decorating the rooms, creating and maintaining the communication regarding the Hostel).



  • Accommodation – Host organization, Associação Spin, will provide the lodging in a flat as close to the office and city center as possible. If the apartment is located in the city center, the volunteers will spend 35-45 minutes in public transportation (subway & bus) to reach the hosting placement.
    The volunteers will have to share the room with another volunteer/student/young person.
    Room and connected expenses are paid by Associação Spin.
  • Food – A monthly allowance of 185,65 Euros will be provided by Associação Spin to cover food expenses and local public transportations.
  • Pocket money – Every month the volunteer will receive 100 Euros for pocket money.
  • Working hours – Volunteers are expected to spend 30-35 hours a week working. The daily timetable includes time for language lessons, lunch, social activities and development of own project ideas, etc.
    Volunteers are entitled to two days off for every month of their voluntary work.


Volunteers aged 18-30 years, open minded, eager to learn and motivated to work on the proposed project activities. spin 7
It is not required to have any particular degree of formal education, but to have positive and proactive attitude, show tolerance, flexibility and capacity to adapt, motivation and enthusiasm. We will give some priority to candidates who have at least a basic level of Portuguese.


Special remarks (please read carefully):

  • this project has not received funding from the Erasmus+ Program yet, we are going to apply for funding to the Portuguese National Agency on October, 1st;
  • we only accept complete applications that contain all the required documents;
  • we can´t consider applications sent after the deadline;
  • all the applications must be sent to BUILDING BRIDGES ASSOCIATION (asociacionbb@gmail.com) EXCLUSIVELY; applications sent through other communication channels (Facebook, Youthnetworks, etc.) or other e-mail addresses will not be considered;
  • due to the high number of candidates, we are only able to contact the short-listed candidates (in order to invite them for a brief Skype interview);
  • all the other candidates will be informed about the selection results by October, 2nd through our website

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Portugal SPIN. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com


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