EVS in Sigishoara (Romania) – Healthy Eating Active Leaders


EVS Stage: 01.11.2014 – 01.05.2015
Sighisoara, Romania (6 months)


With HEAL project we aim to train 14 EVS volunteers as HEALTH promoters and show the new age opportunities for being healthy for the local community. The volunteers will learn how to eat healthy, how to do efficient sport, how to make a massage as treatment, what are the benefits of the medical gymnastics and kinetotherapy and how to practice them, what is chiropractic and what they need to make from this a real profession, how brain works and why is important to really know yourself, what are the best ways to socialize and fit into society. They will know at the end of the project how to use these skills for themselves and how to use them in helping others around them in improving their life.


We will host 14 young people from 4 different countries (Italy-6 persons, Spain-4 persons, Estonia – 2 persons and Lithuania – 2 persons) for 6 months in Sighisoara, Romania. The volunteers will be the main communication channel and the best example for the local community.


The project objectives are:
1. Developing communication skills for the EVS volunteers
2. Organizing 8 public events on health topics
3. Learn how to have a healthy life
By participating in this project the volunteers will:
– learn how to create a perfect frame for teaching others their
– learn how to prepare the necessary support documents for any
type of healthy life initiative
– find out how to use the 21st Century medical discoveries for
their own health
– receive all the necessary info for starting a new career in the
medical field (therapy, massage, chiropractic, coaching, etc.)
– learn how to communicate effectively
– understand their life from another point of view and will
know how and what to do to improve it.


Activities organized by the volunteers:
1. Outdoor sport activities with youngsters and children
2. A web-site + Facebook page
3. Healthy lifestyle workshops
4. Own initiatives connected with the project relevant topic
Activities for the volunteers provided by Wild Carpathia
team and local partners:
1. Welcome training – general info
2. Romania language courses (weekly)
3. Individual and group life coaching (monthly)
4. Contests with prizes(weekly)
5. Learning classes- trainings delivered by a specialized
doctor or therapist (monthly)
6. Surprise trips


We want to take everything in serious and teach them as many useful things as possible in order that they will live a long, happy and healthy life! Like this they will be able to help themselves and help others to change their life and make it better.

At the end of HEAL project they will know

–          What means “Postural Therapy” and why is it so important and how to do it for others – specially for children and young people, to help them improve their body position.

Like connected activity with this topic we will make weekly presentations in schools.

–          Why is medical gymnastics a necessity for everybody and how to do it.

Like connected activity with this topic we will make every 2 days free workshops for local community.

–          What are the muscles what are causing back pain to 90% from the globe population and how to work with them.

Like connected activity with this topic we will make monthly public conferences.

–          What is reflexology, pressopuncture and acupressure and how our physical body is connected with this therapies?

Like connected activity with this topic we will organize theoretical and practical working sessions.

–          What are emotions and how they works? What are the links between emotions and diseases.

Like connected activity with this topic we will provide special coaching sessions.

–          How to proper practice yoga, stretching, self-defense and sport in general

Daily activity for those who want.

–          Why is water and air so important for us

–          How to choose the right food and how to sleep

–          What is “Pain therapy” and how to stop the pain

Wild Carpathia.

Wild Carpathia is an NGO created in 2013 by a group of young people who wished to do everything necessary for changing the world and bringing hope in the people’s life. We are specialized in working with people on all ages in many fields connected with the human well-being. Therefore we decided to apply on Erasmus + Program and give the opportunity for the foreign young people to join us also. As large is the team so are the results more meaningful. This will be our first EVS project so we wish to make it as good as possible! Even if the association is new our team is really good prepared so we hope to gain like this a great reputation so in the future to organize many more projects. We still don’t have a web-site but with the help of our volunteer we will after this project.We have a facebook profile – Wild Carpathia- and a few pages related and I will also create the project page which will be launched on 1st August 2014.


During the stage the EVS volunteers will live in Sighisoara city, in shared flat, house or student dormitory, minimum 2 and max. 4 persons in one room. If the volunteers will have any special request concerning the accommodation please let me know. The city is not so big so they will be walking to get at the office at the medical cabinet or at the place where they will organize the activities. The accommodation place will have all the necessary elements, bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and wi-fi. We will provide you with bed sheets, pillow and blankets but please bring your own towels.


Food & Pocket money
For food the volunteers will receive 100 Euro/person/month.
Monthly allowance will be 60 Euro/person/month.
What to bring
We suggest you to bring with you your laptop, warm winter clothes, an unlock mobile phone (we will give you a Romanian sim card), towels, traditional stuff from your country (food, sweets, presentation movies, etc.), special medicine if you need.

The volunteers will work 5-7 hours/day, 5 days/week. They will have the week-ends free and extra 2 days holliday after working 30 days.


The communication language will be English.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Personal CV with picture (made in the last month)
– Motivational letter
– A special letter named “My best friend”- describe your best friend in max.1500 words.

Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is «Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120

All documents written in english you can send to:   Alexandra Negrei wildcarpathia@gmail.com


Good luck !


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