Voluntariado en teatro de Polonia para mayo y septiembre

 Te presentamos un voluntariado europeo muy especial sobre teatro en Polonia para septiembre, con una organización que lleva muchos años con las artes escénicas en una pequeña localidad. ¿Te atreves a subirte al escenario?


2 periods, please choose only one:
1.05.2016 // 31.08.2016
1/09/2016 //31/08/2017


Goleniow (Poland)



About the project

Goleniow is looking for an EVS volunteers from Greece, Italy and Spain who can start working on a project that will begin September 1, 2016. The project will take place in the city of Goleniow and will last 12 months. We are currently looking for volunteers (young adults between the ages of 18-30) who are interested in doing a year of volunteer service in the field of Art & Culture. The project will assist the volunteer by introducing them to the possibilities of working with an alternative theatre and educational association – including planning and administrative work, researching, developing and creating performances, organizing events and festivals, promotion, technical assistance, teaching and performing. Theatre Brama travels frequently to perform in festivals and teach workshops, an ideal volunteer to our organization must have a flexible schedule and enjoy traveling.
We are open to giving the volunteer the opportunity to realize their own ideas. We encourage volunteers to envision new events and create their own original work, either with the help of the Theatre Brama ensemble or independently.
As we frequently work with our local community, the volunteer will be encouraged to become an active citizen in our society. It will be an informal and inter-cultural education experience which will help the volunteer expand their self awareness and knowledge about cultural heritage, history, values, languages, interpersonal skills and dealing with people from different backgrounds.
We are currently interested in volunteers that would like to begin their year of service on September 1st.


Please be sure to tell us:
– if you have any previous experience with performance
– if you dance, sing or play musical instruments
– if you design costumes or sets
– if you have previous teaching experience
– if you have previous experience making/editing film or taking photos
– if you have any skills regarding arts management/organizing events, festivals
– please list any experience that will make you a good candidate for the project

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS Poland Theatre Brama. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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