Voluntariado europeo en un barco en Holanda


Whoahhhh! Vaya oferta de voluntariado europeo interesantísima en un barco en Holanda. Pon a prueba tus conocimientos en este SVE único!


We are a dockyard with special ambitions. Ships from the golden century which has been important in our maritime history, are reconstructed. This national heritage is vanished because of a restricted life span, demolished or lies as a wreck on the ocean floor. In April 1995 the Batavia was let to water. The construction of the ship has costs 10 years and it’s the world best reconstruction of a 17th century VOC (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) ship. Initiator was ship building master Willem Vos. After the completion of the Batavia on the yard Batavia started with a second project ‘Het water schip ’ , a 17th century working ship. The yard realizes the construction of the ships by means of reintegration for unemployed people and give them work experience. This way Batavia plays an important role in living long-term unemployed people for which the distance to the labour market in have become too large.


Lelystad, Netherlands


18 april 2018


  • 1. From 1st August 2018 to August 2019.
  • From 1st September 2018 to September 20193. From 1st December 2018 to December 2019


is a non-profit foundation. For building and maintaining the ships  is depending on income from contributions and sponsoring and officially has been commented as an “Use full non-profit organization”. The conservation of cultural heritage, old crafts industry and craftsmanship. The ships ‘Batavia’ and ‘het water schip ’ contribution to imagining the tale of people and their living and working method in VOC-time and golden century. In several workshops, such as the woodcutting, the forge and the place where they make the sails, old crafts industry reaches life. The Batavia yard offers to the visitor, learning the occasions of the past in an active manner.

Batavia is also a place where one does historical study to extended into the construction manner, methodology and material usage in the 17th century. It can be determined that this expertise to build these ships is unique in the world. Because of this the Batavia yard is able build reconstructions which come very near of the original design 400 years ago. The construction of the ships produces new knowledge concerning shipbuilding. We call this ‘experimental archaeology’.
Expectation future The Batavia yard will not sit still the upcoming years. We are in preparation for a lot of projects which will provide both culturally and social opportunities. This way are in preparation to become more like an institution for knowledge and a will invest in large maintenance of the Batavia and of course the further run-down of ‘het waterschip ’. For these projects reintegration and volunteers on the yard rightly are highly needed and more then welcome.

The volunteer will live in an apartment. The building it self is located city centre of Lelystad and from walking distance from the supermarket and rural areas. By bike it will cost you twenty minutes to reach the Bataviawerf.

The volunteer is working in a very active and flexible foundation. Despite there is a project description the volunteer will personal freedom. This means that there is enough space to grow in the organisation besides the fixed activities. Of course the foundation will give a structure in which the volunteer can find his challenge.
The volunteer can learn how it is to work in a field with a small power-distance. If there are things that you think can be changed to benefit the organisation in the volunteering work you are doing, you are more then welcome to share your opinion with the team leaders.
Because foundation Batavia prefers to have volunteers for one year the volunteers will have the opportunity to grow in the organisation and get responsibilities.
However we must point out that the volunteering work is hard. Building a ship wasn’t easy 400 years ago. And still it’s quite some work, especially the way Stichting Batavia is building the new ship. You will be outside most of the time also when it is cold, rainy and windy. In the winter there are other tasks which can be carried out inside. Because Batavia aims at the highest level of quality possible for their ships the work can be done by strict protocols. This is for your safety and safety of the construction and well-being of the ship. A mistake in the construction can have severe consequences for the building process. And at some point if you finish your EVS we hope that we can invite you ever again when the ship is going to set sail after some years when the build is finished.

Example of takes for EVS at Stichting Batavia:

Ship building activities:
• Making new rigging for the Batavia.
• Wood cutting restoration work for statues on the ship.
• To forge.
• Maintenance work to the Batavia.
• General maintenance of the grounds or buildings
• Build the new ship ( het water schip)

Educational (secondary) activities:

• Looking after guided tours for visitors, children and foreign guests.
• Treating incoming e-mail.
• Taking part in the activity team.
Making new drawings for the ship in 3D on the computer.

As Stichting Batavia is the host and coordinating organisation the spreading of this EVS opportunity will be carried out mainly by the Batavia yard as a coordinating organisation. We will spread this EVS opportunity in our network. The Batavia yard will give everybody the opportunity to respond with a CV and motivation letter. With these papers the Batavia yard will go into discussion with the volunteer. After this we will make a pre-selection of participants for the EVS project. With the possible participants left we will arrange meetings on the telephone to check the level of English and to see if they are motivated. This is mainly because one year is a long time and we need to make sure that the participants know what they are going to do and how they feel about it, what they think about The Netherlands and what their motivation is to join this EVS project

Profile of the desired EVS volunteer:

We need somebody high motivated and ready to get on Board of The Batavia vessel.

– digital 3D drawings with SolidWorks or similar
– Technical background
– Creativity
– Flexibility
1. Affinity with history and ships.
2. Under control carry out activities; take of routine implementation decisions of protocols of the foundation and the memorandum.
3. Social skills concerning cooperating in a group and it pleasantly can speak publicly to inform groups at the Bataviawerf.
4. Movement attitude, order and hygiene at the implementation of cleaning and maintenance activities.
5. Inconveniences such as physical activity (regular, physical exercise, clean, regular objects lifting up to approximately 10 kg), psychological stress (working together with unemployed) Aggravated (dirt and stench, working clothes, changing temperatures due to outside work.
6. Creativeness, initiative and movement attitude are necessary at the implementation of the technical activities.
7. Being able to work in a group and get in touch with other cultures (open mind)
8. It would be nice to have someone who is socially skilled.
9. We look for someone with a high state of self activity.
10. The volunteer must realize that this EVS project is hard work. You will build the past for the future. Building a ship is no easy work.

Please state the maximum number of volunteers your organisation is able to host at the same time (ensuring all quality, learning, and welfare standards of EVS for each volunteer): 3

The welfare of the volunteers have to ensure the tutor and volunteers at the week days contact. The will discus the living conditions and welfare to ensure this is in right order, Both the mentor and the tutor regularly visit the house of the evs. To ensure that incorrect seen situations change.

Bataviawerf has a book with protocols for safety, the EVS volunteer is stated to act according to the rules the protocol book says. This will be monitored by social control and other colleague’s.

We do not recruit beneath the age of 18 years old.

How to apply

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form (signed)

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Netherlands Batavia. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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