2 Plazas de SVE sobre arte y cultura en Łódź (Polonia)

  • Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Poland

  • Contact person: Emelie Hofland
  • Coordinating organisation: kobietylodzpl
  • Host: STOWARZYSZENIE TEATRALNE «CHOREA»: http://www.chorea.com.pl
  • Location: Łódź, Poland
  • Deadline: 09/09/2014
  • Start: 15/01/2015
  • End: 15/11/2015

  • Since 2004 the CHOREA Theatre Association is a continuation of work started by two groups: ‘The Ancient Orchestra’ and ‘Dances of The Labirynth’. After three years of intense, international activity CHOREA Theatre found its permanent residence in Lodz, and together with Lodz Art Center and the City of Lodz created in 2007 new cultural center – Fabryka Sztuki (Factory of Art).

    The CHOREA Factory exists of a theatre and an educational center, which organizes a multitude of activities and events, like: series of cyclical theatre, music and dance workshops, focused on work with human body, voice and rhythm; Concerts; Theatre performances; Performative actions and Theatre festivals

    The objectives of Chorea Theater Association are:
    • carrying out broadly defined culture creating and artistic activity in the field of shaping the sensitivity of the modern receiver.
    • initiating artistic and cultural activities.
    • educational activity in the area of promoting culture and cultural management.
    • artistic activity including visual arts, theatre, music dance, literature and multimedia broadcast.
    • sharing experience and cooperation with organizations carrying out similar activities in Poland and abroad.
    • starting cooperation with social welfare centers, as well as activity for the benefit of disabled people in the area of artistic education and activities combining theatre, music and dance.

    The Association cooperates closely with three other organizations which are based in the same building – Lodz Art Center, Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej and Fabryka Sztuki. Those organizations organize various cultural projects together.


Our Volunteer can help in organization and promotion of all actions organized during the year, both in-situ and on-tour. He/She will have an opportunity to work on different kinds of events and projects dedicated to all sorts of public and participants (amateurs and professionals, people with less opportunities and disabled persons, artists, journalists, other volunteers etc.). Supporting our partner organizations he/she will gain more knowledge and experience, make his relations wider. Tasks may vary concerning the Volunteer needs and preferences as well as actions and projects which will be proposed. By helping in logistics, the Volunteer will prepare timetables, databases, edit agreements, keep in touch with artists, public, partners or sponsors, help in the reception during the event, look for accommodation and suitable transport options, search places for for performances, be in close cooperation with our technical team. He/She can even become an assistant of a director or coach, if both will agree, help in performance and stage preparation. Working in promotion, the Volunteer will be a part of PR strategy, organize meetings, look for media partners, write short texts, help in identification project, make his/her own graphic projects, add news on official website and on a Facebook profile. He/She can also work on promotion strategy, propose other ways and media. The Volunteer may prepare a documentation (photos, videos, texts, reports) of events and actions. Moreover, the Volunteer can also work on a project with other EVS Volunteers from the partner institutions based in the same location. A co-working place will be available for their needs. By working together they can exchange their ideas, experiences, knowledge and learn from and support each other. The effect of their work can be presented as a part of our events. Each Volunteer will also have an opportunity to invent and develop his own project. Our team will be always ready to help him/her in implementation of his/her ideas. If he/she agrees the Association will be also happy to present his/her project to the public.


We are looking for someone who wants to learn and make progress, has strong motivation, who is responsible, and creative, open-minded and optimistic with sense of humor. We would like to host anyone who is or plan to be involved in artistic domain, is keen to develop culture and society.


Please send your CV, motivation letter and short information about your sending organization (if you already have one). An added presentation of you interests or experiences is very welcome. We will be happy to become familiar with your hobbies and talents which you would like to share and develop during the EVS. Please send all documents to: chorea.evs@gmail.com until 9th of September, 2014 and refer in the email subject line to ‘EVS – CHOREA’. Please note that after the selection of the volunteers we will still have to wait for the project approval from the European Commission.

Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !
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