Voluntariado europeo en Francia en comunicación


Place and dates

The voluntary work will be for 12 months starting in October 2016 and will be realized in Cognac, France.

Hosting organisation

Centre Cognac works on projects with national, European and/or international dimension. Our projects are carried out forCentre Cognac’s team (3 Employees in full time, 2 Civic Service volunteers (Service Civique), the volunteers or the associations which visit frequently the House of the Citizen and the International Solidarity (Maison du Citoyen et de la Solidarité Internationale).Centre Cognac intervenes to accompany the young people and the associations in their personal and collective projects.

In 2012, with the creation of the House of the Citizen and the International Solidarity, we created a space to accompany the citizens and the associations in their projects. We receive them every day coming from all the regions and we support them and make the accompaniment in the search for partners, the assembly (administrative and/or financial), the execution and the follow-up of the initiative. The weak point of the associations is in the follow-up, the communication and the valuation of the projects in march or already executed.

Organization which intervenes in projects of international solidarity, formation and trainins, and the promotion of the rights of minorities. We also accompany the young people and the people stemming from the international migration in their project of socioeconomic insertion. We work on the problem of the cooperation between the North and the South, the education in the citizenship of the young people and the migrants, the promotion of the multiculturalism. We try to give another speech, to show another face to move closer to the people and to minorities on their common stories and respecting the diversity.

Cognac Centre is an Organization which intervenes in projects of international solidarity, the education in the development, the active citizenship and the formation. We also accompany the young people, the associations and decentralized Institutions in their project of socioeconomic insertion and cooperation. Our fundamental objective remains in the formation and the support of the socio-educational projects of the young people.


The COMMUNIC@TE project comes to complete the legibility of the projects, the information and evaluation, also with the edition of videos, to give a visual character of their activities. A partnership with all the associations evolving in the European and international fields is developed for the distribution of their project.

The objetives of the COMMUNIC@TE project are the following ones:

● Make visible and accessible the initiatives (National, European and International) from young people and associations.

● Accompany and form the partner associations and the young people in their project of communication using multimedia tools as support.

● Share the experiences and good practice thanks to the multimedia supports.

● Value the associative work and the contribution of the lessors-financiers with the populations.

● Promote vocations in the young people.

● Create a dynamics around Europe, around international cooperation and around active citizenship.


Many associations work on European projects and of international solidarity. And interesting actions are every day made without the young people and the local populations are informed.

The valuation of the projects is the weak link of our actions giving the impression that nothing happens in our city,region or around us. We are accustomed to realizing reports to our lessors at the end of the projects, while the information might be shared and valued by the population.


These conclusions have been a fruit of several reflections done by the members of our associations and shared by the partners (our companions). It is the base of Centre-TV’s birth.

With this already existing project, we can share information, images, videos, and moments with the actors of our projects and with the population in general. The volunteers are going to continue the work done by their predecessors. This will do that they eliminate their fear of the mobility (European and international) and will allow them, the young persons, be thrown to projects far from their neighborhood or city.

With the project COMMUNIC@TE, we want to receive 4 volunteers to support this initiative and to promote the European and international diversity.


This 4 selected volunteers are also going to put forward the activities of Centre-TV and to manage activities of communication and information, administering the web site, participating in the writing of our Newsletter,participating in the welcome of people in the House of the Citizen and to manage animations in schools.

The volunteers will realize the following tasks:

– Animation and video editing for the web-page of Centre-TV

– Create multimedia supports about the Youth work.

– Accompany the communication of the young entrepreneurs.

– Management of the newletters and the web sites of us.

– Valuation of the Centre’s projects and its partners.

– Management of the mailing of the platform FEDI and share opportunities and information with people.

– Animations and information in schools in Cognac city.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) and skype name

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS France Badji. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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