Voluntariado europeo en escuela de musica



Strassen, Luxembourg


01.01.2017 – 31.12.2017 (12 months)




Founded in 1984, the Music School was recognized in 1991 as a foundation of public interest. The school is responsible for music education in over 60 municipalities of Luxembourg (certified music courses) with a total of almost 5,500 students enrolled in various music courses. In the field of non-formal education, the Music School organizes throughout the year numerous vocational and advanced training courses and workshops on the national and international level, as well as bilateral and multilateral exchanges in collaboration with other youth organisers and partners, including the National Youth Service (Youth Ministry) of Luxembourg. The activities of the school are aimed towards residents of Luxembourg and the greater region, as well as residents of other European countries for the international activities.

EVS project – «Youth for Music» project makes provision for entrusting one volunteer during twelve months – from January to December 2017 – with specific administrative, creative and coaching tasks – according to his/her skills and preferences – related to our activities aimed at the youth with an international or European dimension scheduled in our annual activity program, like international youth exchanges, orchestral working sessions for young musicians, concert tours of young talented European and Luxembourgish soloists.

Tasks and activities

The volunteer will be involved in the organisation of youth projects, including promotion and media coverage, communication and cooperation with foreign partners and participants; elaboration of the daily schedule of the projects; elaboration of a youth related cultural program (trips, talks, visits); promotion activities to arouse the interest of participants and public; ongoing contacts and support to help participants solve any problem before, during and after the projects; pedagogical coaching of the young participants to solve any problem and favour perfect integration into the group; pedagogical assessment of the results of the projects.

Activities with an international or European dimension provided for in the 2017 activity program in which the volunteer will be involved: from January to December 2017: beginning preparation and organisation for a new youth musical that will take place in 2018; from January to December 2017: promoting activities for young talents in Luxembourg and abroad in cooperation with other music competitions for youth and with the EMCY (European Union of Music Competitions for Youth); from January to December 2017: promoting activities and cooperation in networking project «INTER-NATIONAL net_works+» organized in the frame of “Erasmus + / Youth in Action” between organizers of national youth music competitions across Europe (Germany, Luxembourg, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Norway, and Slovakia, Spain); February/March 2017: “Young Talents on Tour” Concert tour in Luxembourg-Germany-Spain; April 2017: «National Youth Wind Orchestra Luxembourg»: orchestral working session; July 2017: «International Music Week” in Ettelbruck (L): international youth exchange organized in the frame of the EU-program “Erasmus + / Youth in Action” with partner groups coming from a number of other European countries; July 2017: «European Union Youth Wind Orchestra»: orchestral workshops and concerts in Kerkrade with talented musicians from all Europe; November 2017: «European Competition for Young Soloists” at the Music Conservatory of Luxembourg (L), with more than 120 young musicians coming from all over the world.

Volunteer Profile

The volunteer should be motivated and autonomous, and should feel an interest for music and for organisational and relationship tasks, as well as for pedagogical and multi-cultural activities with young people from different countries. The volunteer should have good social skills and no fear of communication with young people. Since we work with a multicultural target group, the volunteer should be open to learn and use new languages and to experience intense intercultural exchange. Given the European dimension of the youth activities involved in the EVS, a good knowledge of one of our common languages – French, German or English – is important, and basic knowledge of another of these languages (or others) would be of a certain advantage to the volunteers’ activities.

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form (signed)

Please send your documents to evsmadrid@gmail.com before the 01.09.2016 with subject “EVS_Strassen.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”

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