Becas Erasmus Italia de voluntariado en actividades con discapacitad@s


Te ofrecemos estas becas Erasmus Italia que acaba de abrirse para desarrollar un voluntariado en Modigliana, en este proyecto con todos los gastos pagados.

Si buscas otras becas , por favor mira este apartado de Becas en Italia de nuestra web.

Datos becas Erasmus Italia

Long term evs 11 months: sept 2018/ aug 2019

Entidad acogida voluntariado becas Erasmus Italia

The volunteer must be between 18 and 30 years old. No Italian knowledge is required, as well as no studies in the social field are expected: the important thing is that the volunteer is motivated towards this experience.

The arrival date should be inmediately.


The volunteer will work inside the services of the cooperative: people with disability, young people, disadvantaged mums with their little children.

We will host 4 volunteers at the same time for 9 months. The other volunteers come from Portugal, Poland and Sweden. They will share an apartment in the centre of the town.

During the first week, the 4 volunteers will have a training in order to build up the group, to know the town, the culture, etc.

Then, during the first month, the volunteers will do an experience in each service of the cooperative in order to chose in which one they will spend their next months.


The Erasmus project covers the travel expenses (max 275 euro for roundtrip), accomodation, local transports, food allowance, insurance and a pocket money of 115 euro/month.


Itis in Emilia-Romagna region, a small nice town among the hills, not far from Bologna, Ravenna and Florence


The history of the Cooperative began in 1992 thanks to a small group of mothers and fathers of «special» children, eager to do something concrete for their children and for all the children and girls with problems of their community.

In 1987, these families had formed as a G.A.D.  (Parents and Friends of the Disabled), working to offer psychological support and information to other families.

Thanks to the spirit of initiative of some young women belonging to the G.A.D, it was decided to give life to the Social Cooperative, a real social enterprise able to guarantee continuity and professionalism to the services launched on the territory.

Alongside services for people with disabilities at home, in schools, in the modern day and residential center «La Libellula» and in the «La Coccinella» social-employment laboratory, has contributed to:

start up supplementary services for the education and protection of children in the Municipality of Tredozio, to support young families (even single-parent families), with particular attention to situations of fragility;
animate Spaces lnFormaGiovani where young people find not only information but a place where they can be together and share their interests, as well as support and orientation for participation in projects of mobility abroad, active citizenship and voluntary work;
in collaboration with the Cooperativa San Giuseppe of Sadurano, to create a new type B Agricultural-Social Cooperative called «Abbraccio Verde» which operates in the green and agri-food sectors and is aimed at the insertion of disadvantaged people.
Since 1997, thanks to the intuition of its President, it has opened her own business to Europe, in the belief that the best ideas always come from the comparison with others.

It operates mainly in the territory of the Municipalities of Romagna Forlì – sub-area Acquacheta, which includes the Municipalities of Modigliana (where the Cooperative has its registered office), Tredozio, Rocca San Casciano, Dovadola and Portico and San Benedetto. It is a hilly-mountainous area, mainly rural, with a total population of just over 10,000 inhabitants.

The decision to remain rooted in our territory, especially for social assistance and educational services, was the result of the desire to be a concrete resource for the community and for the weakest and most disadvantaged groups. The proximity allows us to grasp the specific needs expressed by the territory and then evaluate and design targeted responses in collaboration with local authorities and third-sector organizations.

The Cooperative has obtained the Certi fi cation of the Quality Management System according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard with RINA Services S.P.A. for the following fields of activity:

residential and diurnal partner-riabilitative service for minors, young people and medium-to-moderate disabled adults;
educational assistance for minors and early childhood;
school assistance;
basic and educational home care for minors, young people and disabled and disadvantaged adults;
socio-occupational laboratory for people with mild disability and / or disadvantage.

Proceso selección becas Erasmus Italia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

[button color=»green» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Hosting organisation application form[/button]

[button color=»purple» link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Motivation letter and sending organisation form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Italy Ciani Modigliana”.

  • Soanmy Aray Poriett
    30 julio, 2018 at 1:00 am

    Hola. Aceptan aplicaciones de ciudadanos venezolanos? Gracias.

  • admin
    30 julio, 2018 at 7:11 am

    no, pero te recomendamos esta web:

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