
Hello friends. This week I will leave aside my post about Turkish culture and history. I will talk about my EVS experience in Turkey as a volunteer.

Nilüfer Özel Eğitim Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi. The place where I work as a volunteer

My volunteer work in the school “Nilüfer Özel Eğitim Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi”. It is a school for students with some type of physical disability. In addition to teaching the same subjects in any educational center, the school’s aim is to teach students different types of activities in order to adapt to working life. In the school there are from manufacture of ceramics, fabrics, or overshoes for Hospitals.

All classes are made up of small groups of students and are accompanied by two teachers. Apart from that, the school has various sports activities, greenhouse and cultural activities.

The school’s feminine volleyball team
One of the many cultural excursions organized by the school.

My volunteering consists of activities of social inclusion. I help students in different classes (ceramics, craft workshops or drawing and painting). Also, once a week I am the Origami class teacher. Next month one of my students will compete with students from other colleges. I am very excited.

Teachers and students are very good to me. Despite not speaking almost anything Turkish they help me at all times. Some people speak English which I find simpler. But even those who do not speak out prove to be very patient and help me always. I’m very happy.

I like to talk to them about my culture and teach them the history, music and food of my country. That is why I have given a special class about it. The students and teachers liked it very much.
They also love to talk about Turkish culture and try to teach me things. Even sometimes the whole class helps me with my Turkish duties.
My origami´s class

Nİş kafe bursa” is also a very important point within the school. This cafe belongs to the school and its waiters are excellent. There they invite me to taste delicious Turkish meals, better than any restaurant in Bursa.

One of the tasty meals I commented.

Written by Alejandro, Spanish EVS volunteer in Turkey

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