Dates: 1 August 2015- 30 May 2016 (10 months)

Venue: Bucharest, Romania

Number of volunteers: 8


Description of the project “Care today, Cure tomorrow!”

This Erasmus Plus project is inspired by no one else than Erasmus himself. Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Dutch humanist, Catholic priest, social critic, teacher and theologian, and represents an important personality of the Renaissance period.

One of his most famous quotes is: “Prevention is better than cure”. This simple motto can hold the key, in our opinion, to almost all the problems emerging nowadays. With a level of 10% unemployment among the European youth and almost 75 million youngsters all over the world not finding a suitable job, we can undoubtedly conclude that youth unemployment, as well as its causes (scholar abandon, lack of career orientation and proper competences) represents a problem.

We know that big changes don‟t come overnight so we decided to tackle this problem with small, but steady steps, in a project meant to promote volunteering and non-formal education as ways that could prevent, in the future, the problems mentioned above. From our experience, we believe that being an active volunteer in youth NGOs and using non-formal education will help valuing and developing your native resources (language, artistic skills etc.) so that you could gain confidence and experience as a future professional and of course, person.

The project “Care Today, Cure Tomorrow!” is going to be a long term EVS of 10 months at the end of which the foreign volunteers will gain and improve their linguistic and digital competences, as well as their soft skills. They will be given Romanian classes and they will experience being language teachers by non-formal methods, finally having to create book guides that would contain ideas and presentations of the non-formal methods they used. Because we appreciate new initiative in matters of voluntary activities, the hosted volunteers will create and implement their own activities, with the support of our staff.


Profile of the volunteer

We want you only if:

  • You are a legal resident in one of the program or partner countries of Erasmus+, with ages from 18 to 30 years old
  • You have a strong motivation and dedication for working in youth groups
  • You are energetic, creative and highly responsible. A willingness to beflexible in changing situations is essential


  • You have specific knowledge or skills (artistic, sportive etc.)
  • You like foreign languages and you can speak EnglishYou have experience in voluntary work and had used non-formal methods beforeImportant!As we are trying to create an environment of social inclusion and tolerance, youngsters with fewer opportunities or diverse disabilities are highly recommended to apply. The youngsters with disabilities that can, however, undertake normal activities for at least 3-4 hours a day will have priority.



Throughout the 10 months, the volunteer will:

  • Take intensive classes of Romanian language
  • Participate in trainings and demonstrations about the non-formal education and its methods
  • Participate to a set of tests designed to provide them with a better self- knowledge of their skills and aptitudes
  • Participate in trainings organized by the host organization about project management and project writing in the frame of Erasmus +
  • Participate in trainings and workshops designed to develop their digital competences
  • Teach foreign languages through non-formal methods to primary school pupils from local public schools
  • Prepare and present public interactive events in order to promote their own culture
  • Promote the Erasmus+ program in different environments and by different methods
  • Create and promote two guide books containing presentations of the non- formal methods that can be used in teaching
  • Integrate the community in volunteering activities conceived and implemented by them
  • Write a project and propose it to their sending organization upon their return



Through the project “Care Today, Cure Tomorrow” we intend to:

  • Promote volunteering and non-formal education
  • Provide foreign language classes by non-formal methods
  • To create and promote two guide books containing presentations of non- formal methods that can be used in teaching
  • Initiate and implement new volunteering activities
  • Write a project in the frame of Erasmus + program


Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

  • ­ Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)
  • Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS RUMANIA D.G.T. ASSOCIATION


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