Etiqueta: evs germany

Dic 03
SVE en un centro juvenil de Alemania

Servicio Voluntario Europeo de un año de duración en la ciudad de Jena, Alemania. Gran oportunidad si te gusta trabajar con niños y jóvenes. Alojamiento, manutención y gastos de viaje pagados. ¡Envía tu solicitud para formar parte de esta genial experiencia! Dates 01/09/2016 – 31/08/2017 Place Jena, Germany Deadline 15/12/2015 Project The youth center is […]

Nov 17
SVE en Alemania: juventud y deporte

1 year EVS in Aschaffenburg  (Germany), starting in October 2016.  For this project it is important that the volunteer is not only interested in sport but is actively doing some kind of sport himself/herself, preferably basketball and football. Also, some basic knowledge of the German language is essential as he/she has to be able to […]

Feb 12
SVE en Alemania!

“Together Strong for Environmental Protection and International understanding” HOSTING ORGANISATION: “Gruene Schule grenzenlos” e.V. DEADLINE: 20th March 2015  DURATION OF EVS: October 2015 – Sept 2016 (12 months) MAIN TOPICS: Youth + Environment + Non-formal education + Culture + Media … LOCATION: Erzgebirge Mountains in Saxony (East Germany); a small village with 800 inhabitants (nearest […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE como un auxiliar en una institución para discapacitados, Alemania

Integrational workshop for the Disabled IWO – Work and Employment Project start: September 2015, duration 12 months   Description of the organisation The sheltered workshop of the IWO conducts exemplary integration and support for mentally, physically or severely disabled people through manifold and ambitious employment opportunities and individual caregiving and therapeutical assistance. Disabled friendly places […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE en una residencia para discapacitados en Alemania

Franziskus Heiligenbronn – Assisted Living for the Disabled Project start September 2015, duration 12 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in need of […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: SVE como un auxiliar en el sector de trabajo social, Alemania

St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn – Employment and Occupation Start of the Project: September 2015, duration 12 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in need […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: Buscamos 2 auxiliares para un SVE en una escuela para discapacitados en Alemania

St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn – School for the Disabled Start of the Project: September 2015, duration 11 months Description of the organisation The foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn is an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. It performs a charitable mission based on christian-catholic principles, in particular for people of all ages with impaired senses, elderly people in […]

Feb 08
URGENTE: Buscamos 2 auxiliares para un SVE en una residencia de pensionistas, Alemania

Residential Home for the Elderly «Emmaus» Haiterbach Project start September 2015, duration 12 months   Description of the organisation The «Sozialwerk Schwarzwald e.V.» as supporting organisation of the Residential Home for the Elderly Emmaus was founded in 1970 by members of the Free Church of the Pentecostal Mouvement. The Residential Home Emmaus was inaugurated in […]

Feb 07
URGENTE: 2 Plazas de SVE en un hostal en la reserva natural en la Selva Negra en Alemania

Naturfreundehaus Radofzell Start of the Project: June 2015, duration 9 to 12 months   Organisation topics Education through sport and outdoor activities Environment and climate change Description of the organisation The NaturFreundehaus Bodensee is a hotel (150 beds) with a restaurant and many leisure facilities. Our guests are many families with a lot of children […]

Dic 17
SVE plazas en el festival de cortometrajes Kaliber35, Alemania

Ahora mismo estamos buscando voluntarios para ocupar la plaza de organizador de seminarios y director del festival de cortometrajes Kaliber35. Ambas plazas serían para comenzar entre junio – septiembre de 2015, y de un año de duración. Estamos buscando jóvenes entre 20 y 25 años, con interés en el mundo del cine y la formación […]

Dic 15
SVE en Städtisches Kinderheim, Alemania

Starts: Autumn 2015 As the placement involves working with children and adolescents it would be of great advantage if the candidates spoke German well enough to be able to communicate easily with them. We’re a therapeutic pedagogical institution for educational help in the city of Aschaffenburg (70.000 inhabitants). Our residents are children and juveniles, 2 to 18 […]
