Etiqueta: evs polonia

Ene 09
Curso Erasmus+ en Polonia para hacer mejores proyectos

Curso Erasmus+ «Do your projects smarter, faster and easier – IT tips for project management» CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí Location: Lodz, Poland (120km west of Warsaw) Dates From 7 to 13th February 2015. Presentation of results Participants: 3 people from Spain, Building Bridges will be their sending organisation. Preferably working or […]

Dic 29
SVE plaza en jardin de la infancia en Polonia

We are looking for volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years, legally residing in one of the Program or Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU. We seek a balance of varied ages, genders and nationalities amongst our EVS volunteers. We are not looking for experienced volunteers but those that would learn a lot during the service. […]

Dic 11
10 razones para visitar el colorido Poznań

Mi ciudad natal- Poznań, en los últimos tiempos cada vez más a menudo es visitada por turistas extranjeros. Estoy muy contenta por este hecho, por lo que he decidido crear una pequeña guía con los lugares más importantes e interesantes de ver en esta colorida ciudad. 1. La antigua plaza del mercado Poznan es considerada una […]

Oct 16
Servicio Voluntario Europeo en guarderías de Polonia (Elfik)

Our Foundation – Fundacja Inicjatyw TwA3rczych (FIT) was established in 2010 by the group of friends who wanted to act on the field of education, culture and art. Our main goals are to activate the local community, support the local initiatives and develop the idea of the civil society. Our Foundation cooperates with the organizations and institutions […]

Sep 08
2 Plazas de SVE en Łódź (Polonia)

Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Poland Contact person: Emelie Hofland Coordinating organisation: kobietylodzpl Host: ŁÓDŹ ART CENTER: Location: Łódź, Poland Deadline: 09/09/2014 Start: 15/01/2015 End: 15/11/2015 Lodz Art Center is a cultural, art and design centre located in a postindustrial building complex. LAC is an alternative, independent platform focused on contemporary arts and city promotion. Lodz Art Center takes part in organising […]
