2 proyectos de Servicio Voluntariado Europeo Bélgica sobre discapacidad


Deadline and dates

Before 25th of March 

EVS Start: 4th of Sep 17 – submission to the NA either on February or in April (R2)

Duration: 9-12 months

The knowledge of the basic French is required.

Projects (please select one)

LES CHARMILLES: Accompanying mental handicaped people in Wiers (near Tournai) – 2 Vol 9-12 months –

FOYER STE-ANNE : Accompanying elderly people in the Foyer Ste-Anne in Namur (Belgium) – 2 Vol 9-12 months–

LES CHARMILLES: Accompanying mental handicaped people in Wiers (near Tournai)

Includes two volunteers for periods of 6 and 12 months.

The purpose of this project is to provide opportunities and resources for young volunteers to get involved and participate in social and human service to help mentally handicapped people.

The goal is to help 33 people with mental disabilities, divided into two services Charmilles 1 and 2 (profound mental and moderate disabilities), in a structured and fullfilling educational environment. The volunteer will have the choice of service after a period of observation and integration of one month.

Residents’ needs are the same as ours: basic needs (food, housing, ensure satisfactory conditions of hygiene and appropriate medical monitoring) need for structure, autonomy and self-determination, security and social need.

Educational staff guides people in all activities of daily life and performs health social, nursing and education acts. He developes recurrent workshops in occupational and educational aim . During these periods, the main role of the volunteers is to assist and support educators in the implementation of activities. They may bring their own animation ideas through predefined schedule of activities.

Moreover, the volunteers can, if desired, create, organize, create an activity according to their own tastes, individually or collectively. To this end, after a period of observation and integration, they will be asked to offer their personal project to be discussed and implemented in consultation with the teaching staff in respect of the individual project of the resident.

This project can be built initially for the following activities: drawing classes, painting, reading, writing, sports, gardening, ….

Outside these periods, they accompany and assist residents in all activities of daily life (meal …).

In general, this project aims to:

promote active citizenship among young people in general, to develop solidarity and promote tolerance;

In terms of knowledge

1. Significant improvement of the knowledge of French

2. Knowledge of the organization of a care home for the elderly or a home for mentally handicapped

3. concrete realization of a personal project

4. Practical experience in animation projects suitable for elderly or disabled


1. Integration of the volunteer in the local community

2. Increased knowledge of Belgian culture

3. Integration in an international environment

On a personal level

1. Better understanding of oneself and

2. Learning a personal autonomy (management of its resources, its schedule, decision-making capacity …)

3. These activities (intergenerational or to the profit of disabled people) will strengthen their maturity and prepare them for future challenges of their life.

Profile requested

The knowledge of the basic French is required.

The project “Charmilles” is accredited in the new Erasmus+ programme but don’t yet appear in the European data base. The project “Château de Callenelle” is submitted to the National Agency for accreditation and we hope it’ll be accepted for the next deadline.


If possible basic knowledge of French which allows the volunteer to integrate more easily and quickly in the team and have direct contact with residents

– The interest of the volunteer for a mission to social goal , centered on the disabled person.

– Ability of the volunteer to live in a rural area

– This profile is appreciated in advance by the coordinating Org on the basis of the application file submitted by the sending organization and a phone interview and then presented to the host organization that establishes if necessary contact with the applicant by phone or e -mail.

Volunteer accommodation

Volunteer accomodation ( is the responsibility of BSCN )

Compared to the previous project and to give volunteers opportunities for meetings and cultural activities (conferences, theater, cinema, … ), accomodation has been moved to the center of the city of Tournai .

The «seminar» Tournai is willing to host volunteers F and M for stays of 6 to 9 months . Accommodations are in a separate wing from that reserved for seminarians and religious community of the Sisters of the Assumption.

The buildings are very large , very well maintained and are located 150 meters from the cathedral , close to a supermarket and 15 minutes walk from the station.

The seminar also has a large well equipped auditorium where are held every Tuesday lectures and debates and house also a music academy.

The rooms are spacious and well equipped ( bed with blankets , bed sheets, bed lamp / desk, desk, wardrobe and storage shelf , lavabo, chair).

Internet connection is possible . A kitchen, a dining room and a small lounge with TV are at disposition of volunteers .

Shower and toilet are outside the room. A washing machine is available with coins.

The volunteers receive a key of the front door and of their room ( against signature without deposit). No control is exercised at the entrance or exit.

The surrounding of this place can sometimes induce a sense of isolation

On request possibility to accommodate visitors ( parents for instance)

A monthly community meal is provided in the hire. Bed sheets and culinary equipment are provided by Belgian Service Club Namur.


The journey between Tournai and Wiers/Callenelle is about 40 Min

Volunteers will have a monthly fee for travel to Les Charmilles either via public transport (CET) or via the railway (SNCB) .

Language training

Belgian Service Club Namur, coordinating organization , in conjunction with «Les Charmilles » shall take measures to ensure that the volunteers receive , during their stay , language training or another course within a competent organization training , depending their local needs and opportunities.


The volunteers wiil eat in the hosting project during the service.

A monthly allocation of 130 € is paid to buy food to be prepared in the Seminaire

Organization description

It is an association that currently includes thirty retired members from various disciplines whose general mission is to put their skills and experience to young people, SMEs, associations and institutions with a social purpose and offer them a precious help.
Our work can provide people, businesses and private and public institutions, both in Belgium and abroad, assistance and guidance in the administrative, commercial and industrial areas by providing a team of volunteers and experienced consultants.

Within a team of 5 members is in charge of EVS either in a coordination program of hosting projects or in a sending program of young volunteers.
The purpose of this participation is to help young people acquiring through EVS, a relative experience of autonomy, making contact with reality on the ground after schooling, better proficiency of a foreign language and a better understanding of their capabilities and thus provide them a valuable asset for their future work and family life.
We are willing to cooperate with any foreign organization active in EVS.

Our members perform their duties in a manner entirely voluntary.

Risk prevention, security and protection

We maintain regular contact (Tel. and e-mail) with the responsible one of the Hosting Org and with the volunteers and we are thus informed of potential problems that may occur, allowing us to react quickly.
The instructions given to volunteers for their departure stipulate:
-an arrival report must be sent to us (by phone or e-mail) not later than the day of their arrival and a point of contact (mobile, phone or e-mail) must be sent to us by the same occasion,
– A written report must be sent to us either in mid-service or every month in the case of particular projects.
Preparatory meetings should also be used to diagnose problems specific to volunteers that may occur during their service.
We also recommend that volunteers who have specific medical problems to give a letter in a sealed enveloppe, established by their doctor to the hosting manager in order to inform local medical services in case of health problems.
Contact is established and maintained with the volunteers’s relatives.

Project 2 – Foyer st. Ane

Accommodation and Rest and Care House with a "safe quarter" for confused elderly.

The hosting and care for confused Elderly is mainly characterized by the creation of a secure living space. Every effort is made to ensure that each resident can "feel him good" in this area of life enabling them to realize, to come true and to open up and despite the poly-pathology that afflicts him.

The main focus is on support and / or replacement on a daily basis and that in every detail of life. This allows the resident to "stabilize him" in its loss of autonomy, or even cover a bit more autonomy for certain acts that could be done again, which again gives a satisfaction of fullfilment.

The Foyer Ste-Anne offers the full range of specialists dedicated to these goals. Volunteers will be mainly in contact with the healthcare, physiotherapist or animation team.

Project environment

Easily accessible by road, air, rail or waterway, Namur at the confluence of the Meuse and Sambre, is the capital of Wallonia with its 3.5 million inhabitants and is located in the heart of the European Regions.

The Walloon Government and Parliament are installed and 3,500 employees are working here without distorting the center or create an administrative ghetto. Namur has changed its face without losing her smile and that is inherited from the Namur new places, redesigned boulevards, the reshaped city gates, walks along the upgraded banks. Namur has expanded its pedestrian area, allowed businesses targeting the quality, developed its cultural life, looked for lights that put her curves.

The population of the province is increasing and the proportion of youth under twenty years is higher than the national average. The city of Namur will move and create. From cinema to choral sing through poetry, the saxophone, fairground arts, guitar and even laugh: a dozen internationally renowned festivals have, for example, emerged in the province.

Near to Brussels, capital of Europe, well served by roads, rail and river, the Namur region is also rich in thousands of companies. The fact to count no industrial stronghold in the

region has avoided the torments of painful restructuring and inevitable closures. And during this time has woven a network of small and medium sized enterprises, mainly in the service sector.

Gradually, the province has acquired a services center vocation, trade and tourism.

Namur is also the siege of two internationally renowned academic centers and many "high schools" with diverse qualifications.

3. Volunteer’s activities


The Elderly people is lossing his autonomy in performing activities of daily life, that is to say, to wash, dress, move, eat … These losses of autonomy are compensated by a multidisciplinary team comprising nurses, aid caregiver, physiotherapists, speech therapist, animators, ….

This multidisciplinary team supports the Elderly. Thus, the volunteer will be included in a professional team and will be especially affected in principle to animation tasks.

However, the orientation of activities will be determined according to his abilities on proposal of the tutor

The integration of European volunteers in this team focuses primarily on:

– To meet the demand of young European volunteers willing to commit to serving others and in particular the elderly,

– To develop an intergenerational project and through animation activities and daily contacts,

– At some times, to accompany residents (elderly) in the performance of activities of daily life.

– To live a human experience through an institution that integrate social, psychological and medical care of seniors

– They can make their own contribution to the project particularly in the field of animation

– To share their experience with staff and local volunteers and thus provide a "more" in the Foyer.

This allows more time for each resident and thus create a climate of "security" and serenity for residents.

In any case, the participation of these volunteers is not a substitute for local employment.

In no case, they will perform activities assigned to nurses or nursing.

The volunteer tasks are mainly focused on the "relational" through:

– Animation activities (representing 70% of the time) such as: games, singing, painting on silk, …

– Support of the elderly for meals, walks, … (about 20% of the time)

Volunteers will eventually develop initiatives based on their personal experience as long as these initiatives are matching the goals set by the teaching team. Their presence will help diversify and to find new approaches, based on another culture. This will be beneficial for the local staff, for the residents and the volunteers themselves.

A typical day is running between 1000 and 1800 Hr with working hours of up to 6 Hr per day, 5 days a week. Two days of rest are foreseen each week.

TWO weeks of leave per semester is expected.

Daily contact with the tutor is possible; a weekly coordination is taking place within the animation team and an evaluation meeting is held every month.

Volunteers participate in debriefing sessions and in the preparation’s programs for animation.

Volunteers are accomodated outside the Foyer, in rooms located in a building housing student nurses. There they will be in regular contact with youth coming from Belgium, France, and from various other countries as well as within the home, they can meet other volunteers from foreign countries.

A period of two weeks is reserved for the integration of volunteers:

– In the local life environment (in charge of coordinating organization: BSC Namur asbl)

– In the middle of the Foyer Ste Anne

A period of intensive learning can be provided depending on the level of knowledge in French and may be followed by regular weekly classes in a school or a local language learning center. The schedule of service will be adjusted accordingly.


Monday morning: FREE or cooperative games

Afternoon kitchen or manual activities, words / letters plays

Tuesday morning: swimming pool or individual activities

Afternoon: tissue / wool Workshop / kitchen / garden activities / DIY

Wednesday morning library

Afternoon: memory /society games

Thursday morning: FREE or games / individual activities

Afternoon: cards / board or collage playing / drawing

Friday morning: FREE or individual activities

Afternoon activities : musical/ memory games

Saturday: FREE

Sunday: FREE


1000 Hr: Making contact with residents during soup dsitribution

1100 Hr 1200 Hr: Various animations

1200 Hr: Accompanying residents for dinner

1300 Hr 1400 Hr: Break

1400 Hr: Coffee

1400 Hr 1700 Hr: Various animations

Hr 1730 Hr 1800: Dinner

1. Profile

– Basic knowledge of French

– The interest of (the) volunteer for a social purpose mission, centered on the elderly.

This profile is assessed jointly by the coordinating and host Org -based on the application file and on a telephone interview with the candidates (coordinating Org in charge).

Selection process

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

  • Application form

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujF67rIrUqP_GWxgfS3HYprjEG3fhDkC5oFtDL3b00U/edit?usp=sharing» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subjects below and select only 1 project to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

“EVS Belgium Les Charmilles. MY SURNAME.MY NAME»



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