2 plazas de voluntariado europeo de corta duración y larga duración en 2017 en Bulgaria.

Lee la experiencia de Belén en este voluntariado europeo.


1 volunteer for service from 1 September – 29 October
1 Volunteer for service from 30 October – 26/28 December

from  Spain – Asociacion Building Bridges


Blagoevgrad is а city in southwestern Bulgaria, the administrative centre of Blagoevgrad Province, with a population of 70,881 inhabitants. It lies on the banks of the Blagoevgradska Bistritsa River.The city is the economic and cultural centre of southwestern Bulgaria. It is located in the valley of the Struma River at the foot of the Rila and Pirin Mountains, 101 km south of Sofia, close to the Greek, Serbian and Republic of Macedonia borders. Blagoevgrad features a pedestrian downtown with preserved 19th century architecture and numerous restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, and boutiques.Blagoevgrad is home to two universities, the South-West University «Neofit Rilski» and the American University in Bulgaria.

The organisation:

Association hosting is youth non-governmental, non-profit making organization working in the territory of Blagoevgrad region. The main objective is to encourage personal and professional development of young people through non formal education and also the building up and development of active citizenship among them. The organization is an alternative for young people in the region to realize their potential and become an active part of the society. «Alternativi International” is founded by people seeking the positive change for young people in Bulgaria. For that reason the main target group is youngsters aged between 17 and 30 years old. We also aim at providing equal possibilities for youth with fewer opportunities. The organization gives them the opportunity to develop their selves by participating in various initiatives and events at local, national and international level. The association organizes information days and campaigns, cultural events, discussions and debates on different issues, etc. The organization, in partnership with students from the city, issues and youth newspaper, to inform young people about career opportunities, trainings, work placements, internships, cultural happenings and so on. The organization is working with the aim to develop intercultural dialogue and understanding between young people from whole Europe crossing all the differences. We are developing initiatives fighting the racism and xenophobia among youth from different religious, ethnic, cultural, geographical or economical background.

The project:

Project Objectives:

-providing local youth access to quality youth information and counseling on career development, mobility programs, volunteering, personal development;

-providing alternative to local youth for organizing activities for their leisure time by organizing thematic clubs, summer camps, cultural workshops, youth festivals;

-promoting volunteering and EVS and inclusion of local young people to the values of volunteering.

-To organize the free time of youth,there will be themathic workshops organized according to the interests of the volunteers such as music, cooking, culture, traditions, sports to be an alternative for local youth on their free time spending.

Project Activities:

Part of these activities will be conducted in small town and rural areas and include youth who do not have much access to information and opportunities.

The project will offer young people an alternative for leisure time activities to ensure access to quality youth information, activities to promote EVS and Erasmus +, trainings and workshops for career development, Academy of success

-3-month activity with various modules such as personal development, acquisition of soft skills, entrepreneurship, information about mobility programs, etc. which will improve the chances of young people to enter the labor market.

As part of the project we will organize a youth festival associated with the arts, culture and expression of the talents of local youth. Each month the team will issue online youth magazine with a variety of development opportunities and valuable information for young people. Using the tools of non-formal education, we believe that this project will give new opportunities and will have a positive impact on personal and professional development of many young people by providing access to quality youth information, including young people from small towns, encouraging participation in mobility programs, promote their activity and social responsibility, will inform and motivate them to become volunteers will introduce them to new cultures, will raise the level of their knowledge, skills and competencies.

Food money:

The volunteers will be receiving 110 euros per month as food money which will be paid in the beginning of each month.

Weekly schedule:

*please know that the program is subject to change according to the needs of the volunteers

voluntariado europeo corta duracion

The volunteers will be accommodated for free in fully furnished apartment in single or double room with another person from the same gender. There will be free wifi connection for the whole duration.

Pocket money

The volunteers will be receiving 70* / 90** euros per month as pocket money which will be paid in the beginning of each month. *for long term volunteers **for short term volunteers

Profile of participants

1) Young people motivated to develop and share their skills and experience in the sphere

2) Generally the age limits are (18- 30 years old)

Travel costs

275€ return ticket

Accommodation, food and pocket money

Participants’ travel costs from their home city to Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria will be reimbursed on actual expenses of the participants and also according to distance caltulator of Erasmus + program

The planned travel reimbursement maximum limits are base on calculated distance of official registration address of the sending organziations from the partner countries to the project venue Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria based on the Erasmus + program distance calculator http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm (please note that the distance is calculated one-way, but the reimbursement amounts are for return travel) We kindly ask all participants to take the most environmentally friendly and cost effective alternative available.


Travel Reimbursement Rules:


1) Rembursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation of all (including return tickets) original tickets, receipt/invoices and boarding passes. Please remember to bring the original invoices. there will be no reimbursement without the original invoices and tickets with indicated Names of travelers, description of the journey, indication of cost and currency and date of trave.


2) Rembursement will be done in EUR beased on the acctual price of the ticpets indicated on the ticket or/and receipt/invoice. For tickets putchesed in other currency than Euro will be used the official European Commission exchange rate converter, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/index_en.cfm 3) Please send copies (scans) of all tickets and invoices and email them


We strongly advice the European partners to use low costs companies such as ( WIZZAIR , RYANAIR, VUELING and etc) to get to Bulgaria in order to fit in the budget and in order to redirect those costs to project activities if needed.


Each volunteer will be provided with free insurance for the whole duration of the service provided by CIGNA insurance company through your Sending organization.

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»red» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Bulgaria EVS Academy Petya. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbb@gmail.com

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