SVE en Liège -Belgica


Theme 1: Children
Theme 2: Education through sport and outdoor activities


In our project, the volunteer will be all the time in contact with children and young people. He/she will launch, lead and follow several activities. These ones
can be various and will depend of his/her ideas, wishes and skills. They will always suppose a democratic participation of the children who have the right to choose and make proposals. Usual activities in the Adventure Playground are: Artistic workshops: painting, sculptures, theatre…Creative/participative workshops: cooking, sewing, handicraft, shed buildings, story telling…Games: outdoor games, sport games, table games. Outdoor activities: nature discovering, gardening, and so on.

The volunteer will also help us in the maintenance of the Playground (small reparations, painting, grass cutting) and may give a support for some administrative tasks. He/she will also help us when we’ll participate in special events and/or organise punctual projects with other partner organisations: carnival, local fest, shed symposium, international workcamp.The Playground is open six days in a week: Monday 15-18 pm; Tuesday 15-18 pm ;

Wednesday 13-18 pm; Thursday 15-18pm ; Friday 15-20 pm ; Saturday 10-17pm. During the school holidays, it is open everyday (excepted Sunday) from 10 am to 17 pm. The volunteer will have a flexible schedule: our working times depend on children free time from school: during the winter there are more “dead periods” instead of the summer when the activities increase and we have A LOT to do!


Profile of the volunteer:
Our project is open to anybody motivated by volunteering and who wishes to be involved in our organisation, regardless to their nationality, religion, believes, diploma, professional experience.We expect the volunteer to want to build an atmosphere of confidence and security with the youngsters; be ready to involve him/herself in the several tasks we do; be able to work together with the staff; be interested in the topic of young people entertainment; agree with our philosophy; to be enthusiast and bring new ideas. As told above it’s also important to be very flexible.


All information: click

Project period:
EVS activity will start on 01/02/2015 for duration of 12 months

Send CV and motivation letter: till 15 of September !!!

Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !


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