We are new polish hosting organisation on EVS in the frame of ERASMUS+
(our PIC 940863917) and we are looking for one person for EVS project which
take place in Trzebcz Szlachecki, Poland (district Chelmno, near to Toruń) from
1st of March to 30 November 2015 (9 months).
We are Foundation «Better Tomorrow». The Foundation was established in 2010
to conduct and support and promote the development of local communities and
the equalization of opportunities for personal, professional, social and cultural life
of people of all ages. The Foundation achieves its goals by conducting and supporting:
– Educational activities, educational and child care for children and youth,
– Funding awards and scholarships for talented children and youth,
– Social assistance, including assistance to families and people in difficult situations,
– Actions for the protection and promotion of health,
– Preventive programs aimed at preventing social exclusion and warfare,
– Employment promotion programs and volunteering and social and professional young people and adults,
– Entrepreneurship and economic development of local communities,
– Actions for European integration and the development of contacts and cooperation between peoples,
– The development of art and culture and protection of cultural heritage and traditions,
– Measures for the development of democracy and protection of human rights.
The target groups for the activities of the Foundation are children and young people from the local community.
The Foundation supports regular activity Bilingual Primary School and Non-public Nursery «Maja and Gucio» in Trzebcz Szlachecki
(district Chelmno, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship).
Now, please find short description of our project «EVS for Trzebcz«
The main aim of project is to help children and youth from rural areas, promoting of European awareness and youth education by various forms of non-formal education and intercultural learning process. This aim will be achieved by involving into activities EVS volunteers who will share their experiences, knowledge and  ideas. Predicted effects of EVS projects are increase social inclusion and reducing exclusion, improving the quality of services provided by the Foundation for children and youth and the unemployed, development of good practices at alternative ways of spending leisure time by young people and mutual intercultural exchange of experiences among volunteers, youth unemployed and inhabitants of rural areas.
Project will take place in Trzebcz Szlachecki. There are two units well-recognizable and well-known in local community because of intensive cooperation with Partners from different sectors: Bilingual Primary School and Non-public Nursery “Maja i Gucio”. These units have the same seat as Foundation.
Volunteers who will come to  Trzebcz Szlachecki can develop their personal  life, learn other cultures, language (polish, English); they can learn how to work with youth and children with fewer life opportunities; they can know better polish system of education, they can learn also openness, responsibility, punctuality; and how to operate computer and the Internet (MS Office programs) like also fax machine and copier.
Our Foundation would like to cooperate with volunteers from different countries from UE and other European countries. We want to show to our volunteers different range of culture.  We are mostly open on invention and ideas of volunteer in organizing activities for our youth according to his/her interests and hobbies. He/she will have the possibility to express his/her point of view in the different tasks and offer new ideas and initiatives. Moreover volunteer will have possibility proposing and developing activities depending on his interests and will.  Our staff will be ready to help volunteer in work when it will be necessary. During project we would like to cooperate and exchange mutual good practices.
Volunteer will be involved in many various, interesting types of activities within our institution. Plan of activities for every month will be discussed with volunteer by giving them proposals and realizing their ideas. Volunteers will have  a chance to choose activities, which they like and are interesting in. During EVS project every volunteer will have chance according to her/his abilities and will to work on own personal projects. If she/he wants to start own activities, it will be possible after discussed it with coordinator of activities.
During the first stage of our EVS project volunteers will get to know better host institution, our staff  and everyday work.  We will show them where, how and for who we work. It will be time to show them the village and the nearest cities: Chełmno, Toruń and Bydgoszcz. Mentors will show them interesting cultural places where they can spend their free time and will teach them how to move from Trzebcz Szlachecki to any city.
Next stage will be cooperation with Bilingual Primary School and Non-public Nursery “Maja i Gucio” workers and working with children and youth who are under care of these units. We would like to invite volunteers, who want to work with children and youth under 12  years old with fewer life possibilities because all sugested activities for the volunteers will require cooperation with children and youth.
Proposition of activities for volunteers, which offers Bilingual Primary School and Non-public Nursery “Maja i Gucio” in Trzebcz Szlachecki
– helping in organize free time for children and youth during all the year (leading intercultural and language workshops, integration workshops, presentations about  volunteer’s countries, activities about European Union, Erasmus +, EVS and another international projects),
– organizing activities for children and youth by various circles of interests according to will and interests of volunteers and participants eg. sport circle, kitchen circle, photography, film, art, painting etc.
– helping  in realization any ideas  and activities of children and youth and develop their interests, show them how they can spend their free time in active and interesting ways,
– helping, organizing and participating in our occasional activities,
– helping teachers in leading their activities for participants,
– helping in realizing other international projects of our Foundation – youth exchanges – leading integration games, energizers, leading language support.
– preparing and leading activities for youth and young unemployed from our partners from other villages and cities of the region
– helping in caring for the aesthetics of the building
– involvement in school activities for the local community (occassional ceremonies).
Volunteer profle
Volunteer should be in age between 21 up to 30 years old.  Age is justified by tasks for volunteer, who will be working with children and with youth. Volunteer should be for them as leader. Gender is indifferent. Volunteer will be working with children and youth from Bilingual Primary School and Non-public Nursery “Maja i Gucio” in Trzebcz Szlachecki who are under 15 years old, so the most important is that she/he should like working with youth and deal with them with easily. Volunteer should be able to find a common language with children and be for them leader. Volunteer will be involved in work with youth from rural areas, so she/he should be open minded, communicative, patient and high motivated to work.
She/he should like both individual and work in group.  Experience in social work with youth will be advantage, but we are open for candidates who have no experience in this area. Moreover volunteer should be eager to  meet new people, to get know better polish history, traditions, language etc.
Children and young people from rural areas are often shy and passive, so volunteer should be empathic and creative to encourage them to be active. She/he will be leader for them and show them and encourage them to follow her/his example. She/he can share with them his interests and help develop interests of our youth. In the office we are speaking English, so volunteer can communicate with us in English. Volunteer  should be opened to learn polish language, because there is possibility to take part in formal language course or non-formal conversations – depends on possibilities.  It is important, because children and young people from rural areas don’t speak English or very little.
Qualities and skills of Volunteer which are welcome:
- very good knowledge of English (spoken and written)
- minimum knowledge of the Polish language (preferred but not necessary)
- at least secondary education (preferred pedagogical)
-  some experience in working with school-age children and / or preschool
- psychophysical efficiency
- stress resistance
- responsibility
- patience
- creativity
- ability to work in a team
- no medical contraindications
Our suport for Volunteer
Volunteer who decided to join our Foundation in Trzebcz Szlachecki will have provided:
– training support: volunteers will participate in on-arrival training and mid-term meeting organized by Polish National Agency,
– language support: volunteers will have possibility to participate in Polish course for foreign students organized by one of Universities (in Toruń or in Bydgoszcz), also our personnel will help volunteers in learning Polish language during informal conversation,
– care given by mentor who will be involved in each programme,
– accommodation and food in the suitable places located closely to Trzebcz Szlachecki,
– professional help in formal aspects of project and staying in Poland given by the Foundation,
– monthly tickets for local transportation which allow them to freely moving to Chełmno, Toruń or Bydgoszcz,
– freely access to Internet to communicate with Sending Organization and with family, friends as well,
– freely access to all furnitures and equipments avaliable in Foundation which could be needed to  realize the volunteer’s ideas and initiatives.
Volunteer who decided to join our Foundation in Trzebcz Szlachecki will have also provided:
– personal support and support during the learning,
– opportunities to integrate into the local community, to meet other young people,
– encourage contact with other EVS volunteers staying at the same time in Poland, especially in kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship, whenever possible.
Applications should be done as CV Europass form and send till 22nd of September:  apsik3@onet.eu
Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120 !
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