Training Course in Polanica Zdrój (Poland) – Volunteers As Leaders Unite And Build Learning Experiences


We would like to invite you for Training course under the project 4.6 “Volunteers As Leaders Unite And Build Learning Experiences” which will take place in Poland between 8th – 14th September 2014 in Polanica Zdrój/ Poland

Number of the participants: 1-2 people per organization.

Partners countries: Spain, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Italy, France and Poland.

During the Training Course we will organize meeting with local leaders, workshop about non-formal, formal and informal education, leadership, European Voluntary Service, Youth exchanges. We foreseen different activities connected with visiting hosting project of EVS in Klodzko Region.

We also would like discuss about new programme Erasmus + and future cooperation.


We can cover only 50% of international travel costs for Training course. Our limit for co-financing for international travel costs is 220 euro per person.

The participants can came by plane, bus or car.

The reimbursement of international travel costs will be during training course in cash. Please collect all boarding passes, invoices and tickets for international travel costs which will be necessary for reimbursement procedure.

Our organization is covering 100% of accommodation, board and working materials, etc.

The accommodation will be in double and triple rooms in Villa Alexandra in Polanica Zdrój/ Poland

Here you can find more info about accommodation:

Here you can find more info about Polanica Zdrój:

The participants have to arrive to Bystrzyca Klodzka 8th September 2014 till afternoon and organize the way back 14th September on afternoon.


We are waiting for application forms till 8th August 2014

The selection results will be 12 of August 2014 afternoon. We will inform you by e-mail.


Important information before you will check your flight connection to our place.


You can buy the flight ticket to Praha (Czech Republic) or to Wroclaw (Poland) airport.

If you will buy the ticket to Praha please remember that you have to arrive around 14:00 p.m and departure has to be not earlier than 13:00 p.m.

If you choose Wroclaw airport please arrive till 19:00 p.m and departure not earlier than 11:00 a.m.

More information you will find in the attachment.

Praha is 180 km far from our place and Wroclaw around 100 km.

We will pick you up from Bystrzyca Klodzka railway station. We will arrange the details of the pick up as soon as we have your application form.


Draft schedule

Monday,8.09.2014 Tuesday,9.09.2014  Wednesday,10.09.2014 Thursday,11.09.2014 Friday,12.09.2014 Saturday,13.09.2014 Sunday,14.09.2014
Arrival of the participants Breakfast (8:30 – 9:00)
Official welcoming (introduction to the programme and objectives of the meeting),Team building workshop, fears and hopes;Presentation of participating organizations part I Erasmus + programme presentation and workshopWorkshop: non-formal, formal and informal education Visiting hosting project in Klodzko, meeting with the volunteers and project coordinators Leadership workshop.Going to Długople Zdrój, Długople Dolne and Międzyórze – visiting hosting project EuroWeek- schools of the leaders(Activities with youngsters). Developing project ideas in small groups, agreements with potential partner organizations,Presentation of developed projects and other follow-up activities in plenary, Departure of the participants
Lunch  (13:00 – 15:00)
Presentation of participating organizations part II, Introduction to the 4.6 action (general information),“Volunteers As Leaders Unite and Build Learning Experiences” – presentation of the EFM project and budget;Profiles of target groups involved in the projectInvolvement of the partner organizations and beneficiaries to the project;


Visiting EFM office and Bystrzyca Klodzka, City games as a method in youth work Meeting with Mayor of Kłodzko Muncipality and with youngster city council,Free time in Klodzko Workshops: problems encountered during implementation of the project which included youngster with a fewer opportunities (host and sending organization);preparation of projects for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (the relevant aspects of the project)  Open Space debate,Final Evaluation
Dinner 19:00 – 20:00
Informal get-together in hotel bar (voluntary) Clash of culture Free evening International Evening Free evening Farewell party




Application form:



Application for participation in the

Training Course under the project: “Volunteers As Leaders Unite And Build Learning Experiences”

8 – 14th September 2014

Polanica Zdrój/ Poland





in Bystrzyca Kłodzka/ Długople Gorne, Poland


Details of the Organization

Full name:
Legal status:   private                   public
Type:             non-profit               NGO
Activity level     local                     Regionalnational                Body active at European     level in the youth field
Street address:
Postal code, City:
Telephone: Fax:
E-Mail (of the organization):



Personal information

Surname: First name:
Country: Gender:  female                   male
Date of birth:
Profession / Occupation:
Your role in the organization:
Street address:
Postal code, City:
Telephone: Mobile (personal):
E-Mail (personal):


Language proficiency

Language very good good satisfactory adequate
English c c c c
Other(please specify):………………………… c c c c
…………………………… c c c c
…………………………… c c c c



Please describe your experience and motivation for the seminar:  



Special requirements (special diet, health considerations, etc.): 


I agree to choose the most economical means of transportation to the “Volunteers As a Leaders Unite And Build Learning Experiences” and understand that I will be reimbursed for travel expenses up to a maximum sum of 220.00. I hereby agree to participate for the duration of the Training Course.

I hereby agree to take part in the whole seminar.


City Date Signature







Remember to write in the email that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges ES-2010-120

All documents written in english you can send to:


Marzena Pitus


Europejskie Forum Młodzieży

Plac Wolności 5/5

57-500 Bystrzyca Kłodzka


tel. +48748110223, tel/fax. +48748111399

mobile: +48724930033


Good luck !

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