Voluntariado en verano de corta duración en Rumanía para trabajar con niños



Baia Mare, Romania.

The host community – Baia Mare Located about 600 km away from Bucharest (the capital of Romania), close to the Ukrainian and the Hungarian borders, home to 115,000 inhabitants, Baia Mare, the capital of Maramureş County, hosts a mixture of cultural and ethnic variety. A history of more than 2000 years of gold, silver and other nonferrous metals extraction has carved its landscapes and culture, with many architectural remaining from the medieval time. The city itself has a number of cultural attractions, several parks and one of the best public libraries in Romania. Being surrounded by hills and mountains makes it perfect for all sorts of activities throughout all the four seasons, with spectacular hiking tracks like Creasta Cocoșului, Vârful Igniș or Vârful Pietrosu, a beautiful lake to cool you in the summer and many ski resorts for winter sports. Not to mention that Maramureş itself gives you the opportunity to dive into one of the last places where rural European medieval life still thrives, with hand-built ancient wooden churches, traditional music, colorful costumes and festivals. Widely known for their hospitality, people living in Maramureş are always ready to give a helping hand.




Duration of project: 3 months

Activity 2: 1st July 2016- 31 sept 2016

Hosting organisation

The host association – Team for Youth Association www.t4uth.ro – some of the information is translated in English. You can “meet” our team here and find out what is our main goal as an NGO. Also, read the blog of the current and ex EVS volunteers. https://www.facebook.com/t4uth – to see our events, pictures and videos from activities.

Activities at Team for Youth Association revolve around a set of values that have formed in time and have grown together with the experience of our team: interculturality, volunteerism, tolerance, team spirit, and excellence. Based on these beliefs, our assumed mission is to stimulate the youngsters to develop themselves through volunteering activities, international mobility and nonformal education.

The tools used to achieve our team’s vision include international voluntary activities and other projects that facilitate youth mobility beyond borders. The partnerships we have built locally and internationally offer us a proper environment for recruiting, training and placing volunteers in projects with a variety of themes. Team for Youth Association was born in 2009, and since then has developed activities concentrating on three main topics: voluntarism (we also work as a center for recruiting and placing volunteers in different activities in the community), nonformal education (every year we organize a Carnival of Nonformal education that promotes different instruments for experiential learning),intercultural learning (we bring together the local community with volunteers from different parts of the world, including other continents, like South America or Africa.


The main activities of the project ReAnimate will be connected to clinic and social animation. The volunteers will work with following categories: the group of beneficiaries contains of children that are hospitalized with light illnesses (aged 3-15) and children and youngsters living in foster homes (aged 13-18). For hospitalized children the main need is to get a boost of happiness and good mood through animation and games, for having better chances of getting over their illness and to overcome the trauma of spending time in hospital.

For the youngsters and children in orphanage the main aim is to socialize with foreigners, improving communication skills and developing friendly and non-violent attitudes. The other side of project is devoted to volunteers themselves, by improving their language competences, to gain experience is working with vulnerable categories of children and youngsters, to develop competences in animation, to learn how to work in a team, more specifically in an international team, to get experience in working in multicultural environment.

In the first week of their service, the volunteers will receive training from the staff of the organization regarding animation and games: ballooning, origami, face painting, juggling and list of resources to find other tools and games to do with each target group of the project. Starting with the second week, the volunteers will go to the hospital for hospitalized children. In some days, they will have activities also in a kindergarten. The children going here come from rural areas and very poor and disorganized families. The main responsibilities of the volunteers will be:

– To research for games and animation activities to implement with children in the hospital, foster homes and kindergarten;

– To prepare their activities before going to the activities;

– To organize animation activities, 4 days per week, with the children forming the target groups of this project;

– To evaluate their activities at the end of every week;

To take part in Intercultural presentations as well as to make in presentations in schools, in this way practicing their oral speech in English.

Any idea for a personal project that is connected with the objectives of Jiggle Juggle will be encouraged and supported by the hosting organization.


Team for Youth Association sketched the general features for the profile of the candidates, according to the activities proposed. The candidate should be between 18 to 30 years, from France, Italy, Spain and Hungary that have as main characteristics the need to learn/improve their level of English, from very poor to at least low intermediate, willing to experience a multicultural environment and to volunteer abroad, to explore other cultures and to work with people from disadvantaged backgrounds (economically and socially), to be trained to grow personally and to learn and teach non-formal methods. It is preferable that the potential candidate can motivate themselves to get involved with Team for Youth Association and have the initiative to organize new activities individually or with an international team.  Feeling comfortable with the idea of being the center of attention, comfortable to answer the curiosity of others about them.  Being an ambassador of their culture, willing to talk and make presentation about their country.

 Being decided to analyze situations, communicate about problems and seek solutions to make things work better, both for themselves and the others, being proactive and confident.

 Being willing to learn and develop themselves, in an intercultural team.

The activities of the project do not require advanced language competences in English. A very basic level of communication that allows the volunteer to get around in a foreign country would be more than enough. The project targets young volunteers between 18 and 30 years that come from difficult economical background: unemployed, school drop-outs, coming from poor families. We do not have the facilities to host disabled volunteers or volunteers with strong social problems.

Practical arragements

The volunteers will benefit from the full support of the Team for Youth Association staff and local volunteers in promoting, preparing and implementing activities. Team for Youth Association will also provide for the volunteers a mentor, as well as Romanian and English language teacher.

The volunteers will share a flat with other long-term volunteers and there might also be the case of sharing one room with two beds. The volunteers will receive 450 RON (approximately 100 €) for food and 250 RON (approximately 60 €) pocket money, both wired in their account.

To avoid lack of budget management, Team for Youth Association decided to pay the Food money at the beginning of the month and Pocket money on 15th date of each month. Team for Youth Association will also provide a Romanian SIM card for phone, charged monthly, WI-FI available in the apartments and in the office as well.

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Romania ReAnimate.TU NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS» and sent to asociacionbb@gmail.com

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