Urgente! Voluntariado europeo en Varsovia en organización cristiana de asistencia



Warszawa, Poland


The European Voluntary Service in Poland in the framework of a project funded by the European Commission.The project will begin inmediately and finish in February 2017 and it is meant for volunteers who want to get involved in mission of our Youth Ministry of Baptist Church of Poland.
Volunteer’s period of stay :12 months (2 volunteers from Europe ) 


Hosting organisation

The host association is a Christian organization in Poland.


Volunteers will work on a multithread basis, where on one hand, they will start working on preparations of another all-Poland conference, and on the other hand, volunteers at the same time will be involved in preparation to do regional conferences . There will be particular tasks scheduled to be done each month so that some tasks which need advance preparation would be completed adequately in advance – i.e. invitation of speakers, logistic issues, preparation of materials, website updates, etc. Also, there will be an informative campaign going on at the same time and weekend visits of youth groups in different cities, where we will run workshops and advertise conferences and camps. Apart from that, volunteers will be involved in administrative work at Youth Ministry, website administration, and a charity work of a local church of the city where volunteers will be accommodated. The wide range of tasks will allow a volunteer to get involved in various areas of service and fulfill his/her ambitions on different fields. As a result, a volunteer will gain an overall development throughout his/her entire stay.
1. Conferences
– cooperation in organizing conferences foryouth and for children.
– assistance in planning and organizing at both levels the logistics and factual knowledge.
– work in a team responsible for conference preparation, where everyone will focus on particular activity (e.g. website, workshops, talks, lectures, advertisement, logistics, information, etc.)2. Camps
– Participation incamps preparation
– Summer Camps / July & August / for children and youth
– Volunteers will run workshops in various fields for participants of different age groups. Workshops will be prepared together with volunteers using their talents and capabilities. Activities will be based oncooperation with the leader running the class.
2.Participation and help in trainings for youth leaders (4 seminars a year)

  1. Office

– help with basic office work such as: taking care of correspondence, writing e-mails, printing, photocopying, sending faxes etc.,/
– administration of the web-site (translating documents, photo gallery, etc.)

4. Promotion:

– visiting local youth groups at weekends; running workshops and advertising conferences and camps.

– administration of the website

– writing a blog of the project – in the blog a volunteer will give his/her account of their experiences of the voluntary work.

– getting involved in “editing” of a monthly magazine.

– writing articles and giving an account of the voluntary service in the newsletter. Promotion – – to visit local youth groups; to run workshops and advertise conferences and camps.

5. Local church in WARSAW

– to help in charity actions at a local church

 Summer Camps 2016  for children and youth – both out-of-town camps.During summer holidays volunteers will be involved in doing summer camps for children and youth organized and supported by the Youth Ministry of Poland, where they will join the team of leaders and take active part in the preparation process. They will receive particular tasks to do such as running workshops, preparing and carrying out further specified activities.

– Volunteers will run workshops in various fields for participants of different age groups. Workshops will be prepared together with volunteers using their talents and capabilities. Activities will be based on cooperation with the leader running the class.

The list of workshops that may be at camp is open and depends on the kind of the workshop leaders we get for the camp. It can be a drama workshop or music, singing, language workshop /English, German or the native language of the volunteers/.

Summer charity “work camps” – participation in camps where young people from church work for the local community – for example: painting, cleaning, charitable activities, various forms of help for the needy.

Examples of typical tasks:

– Preparation of a plan for the camp in the leaders’ team, setting the work plan.

– Preparation of materials for the workshops.

– Help with a workshop, and running workshops at the camp.

– Preparation of the games, some fun to stimulate children and youth.

– Running a workshop on your own or with the leader.

– Help in preparing a festivity for the local community as for day camps. Running all arranged activities at the festivity /games, sports, performances, etc./

How to apply

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Warsaw Zgora Christian.TU NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS» and sent to asociacionbb@gmail.com

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