Voluntarios Italia en Monza para trabajar con niños y adolescentes


Te presentamos otra oferta más para nuestro país vecino, para voluntarios Italia, con el programa Erasmus+ que cubre todos los gastos. El programa es para trabajar con niños y adolescentes.

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Sobre el proyecto que busca voluntarios Italia

“Shining suns ” project will involve one European volunteer, one sending organization and one coordinating and hosting organization

Activities directly involving the volunteer will start on October 2017, ending on May 2018.

Volunteers will be involved in a network of activities for youth in Monza municipality (near Milan, Italy), where an integrated system of youth services is run by our professional staff since twenty-four years.

Here volunteers will have the chance to experience team work in different kinds of youth projects, giving their help to professional staff members and local volunteers in two different contexts:

 one Youth Center called “Tempo Insieme ” , which offers cultural activities for young people, 13-25 years old;

 “Mille soli” Home , where we host 9 adolescents, 13-19 years old.

At the moment we are a little bit in a hurry to find a suitable candidate: we would like to close our search for the end of September.

Objetivos del proyecto con voluntarios Italia

In line with Erasmus + Program, the general goal of the project is to offer volunteers the chance to increase their learning opportunities and their participation to the European labour market, through the experience and practice of intercultural dialogue among organizations working in the youth field and through their active cooperation in social policies for youngsters.

In particular they will be engaged in activities oriented to the achievement of specific objectives, such as:

 improvement of the quality of social and educational interventions;

 internationalization of National youth policy agencies, through a stronger cooperation among their members and a non-formal learning process based on best-practices exchange;

 improvement of key competences and skills of young Europeans.

2. Expected outcomes of the project:

The expected outcomes of the project will consist in the development of specific skills and attitudes, such as:

 practice-based competences in social animation and education with children and teenagers;

 team working and problem solving attitudes;

 working knowledge of another European language.

We shall also involve volunteers to spread knowledge of Erasmus Plus program’s goals and disseminate its values among youngsters in Monza area.

Actividades voluntarios Italia

Before the volunteer’s arrival in Monza , we shall keep in touch by e-mail with him/her and his/her organization and discuss all the aspects of his/her experience , dealing with accommodation , duties , expectations, etc. etc…

We shall also make clear the requested approach with children and staff, establishing a constant exchange through Skype and Internet.

In past years we experienced that is very important to know each other and to know the environment where the volunteer will have to work, by exchanging pictures of everyday life and activities.

2) Volunteer’s arrival and welcome (1 month)

As at “Mille soli” home volunteers share their accommodation with other people, the second month is generally dedicated to their introduction into community life and to Monza/Italy in general (language, culture, life style ..).

In this period the volunteer is exempted from other services outside the community and s/he will be coached by an educator, who shall look after him/her and let him/her learn the following working duties:

a) Morning wake : it is difficult for adolescents to wake up and to go to school! In “Mille soli” home, we try to offer a pleasant wake up and breakfast:

that is why the volunteer and educators prepare breakfast together, bring some children to school, clean bedrooms, clothes and go shopping;

b) Lunch : it is an important moment. Educators and the volunteer prepare lunch together and then they eat with children: this moment is normally dedicated to talk with children and let them tell us about their school day and activities outside the community. After that the volunteer helps in washing dishes and glasses;

c) Afternoon activities: Doing home works and studying together is obviously the first and main activity. After homework, it is playing time, sometimes “open air” at the local park. Afternoon snacks are then offered and this time is spent in relax for free socialization;

d) Evening dinner: is one of the most important moments of the day. All the adolescents are present with two educators and the volunteer. This is often a delicate moment: sometimes the most beautiful of the day, sometimes the most difficult one! Adults help boys and girls to be satisfied with the good moments of the day, in order to face their often difficult social/school situations. We use this moment to prepare them for a serene evening: educators, the volunteer and children prepare the dinner and after eating they clean the kitchen. Children don’t queue for cleaning dishes…so we have to motivate them!

e) After dinner: games, films, football on television!!! It is the time just preceding sleep. Once again, boys and girls face the fact they don’t live in a family, and they often miss it. The work of educators and the volunteer is to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

During the first month of presence of the volunteer, tutor and mentor meet him/her regularly, to help him/her with all bureaucratic matters or other difficulty they should face: residence permits, national health system card, language course,etc.

In this first period, following educators’ work, the volunteer will increasingly become autonomous; s/he will also start developing a deeper relationship with the community.

The first month is an orientation period for the volunteer involved in the project. In this first month s/he will also start learning Italian , knowing our services and our beneficiaries.

The volunteer will also become aware how far s/he is from home: this could be a critical moment for him/her! This introduction period shall certainly help her/him to adapt. S/he will also learn specific tasks and become independent.

3) Evaluation (1 month):

The decision of the context where the volunteer will regularly lend his/her service (work at the Youth Center or at “Mille soli” foster home) shall be taken on the second month of his/her staying.

During these first 2 months we shall explain to him/her and to the sending organisation our services: especially tasks s/he can play and abilities s/he can learn.

We really want the volunteer can fully express their potential! We believe that flexibility is a necessary tool for the success of the project: that is why the tutor shall regularly meet the volunteer to understand whether s/he feels at ease, whether s/he has understood her/his duties; if s/he is satisfied with the service in which s/he works; if we should change something in the work organisation.

The aim of this evaluation is to set the project’s options in the best way to achieve a positive and fruitful experience both for the volunteer and for us.

Our projects are based on the educational relationship between operators and children/youngsters. This is a basic aspect we always have in our mind. For this reason, the volunteer will be always supported and coached by educators.

During the second month of his/her presence, the volunteer will also work in other two services: Centro Giovani “Tempo Insieme” (Monza, District 2) and Centro Socio-Culturale “Cederna Library” (Monza). They are two locations for spontaneous meetings and assemblies in Monza area, which can be used free of charge. Here, 30 boys and girls, aged between 15 and 25 years, can experience warmth, open-mindedness and guidance. Among the organized activities are: tutoring and transport support, lunches, study groups, workshops, field trips and visits to events in the district. The projects are parts of the network of social services in the region: schools, summer camps, social service institutions. Additionally, participants to the voluntary Italian Civil Service regularly join in these centers.

4) The activities’ schedule and run (5 months) In this phase the project takes definitely one address: the volunteer will be working by youth centers or at “Mille soli” home.

The Youth centers are open from Monday to Friday in the afternoon and 1 or 2 evenings per week, from September to July while “Mille soli” is open every day of the year (holidays included).

Volunteers will have two days off every week: Friday and Saturday, or Sunday and Monday or other two days agreed with educators.

The general working schedule organisation is always adapted to the personal volunteer’s needs; it is based on 38 hours per week (6/8 hours per day), 5 days on and 2 days off . The language course, team work activities and briefing with the tutor are considered working time,too; the same thing happens with week-end duties (sport events; holidays with Mille soli children).

5) Final assessment (1 month)

The goal of the last month of service of the volunteer is to produce a final assessment to evaluate new skills and abilities learnt, also to be finalized in the European Youth pass. To reach this objective, we shall use our resources, especially psychologists and educators’ knowledge: we usually arrange a final supervision meeting with a psychologist and an educator, who help the volunteer in analysing his/her experience, to focus on skills and innovations in her/his life but also in the services s/he worked with. In this assessment session we invite the volunteer to communicate his/her experience to the working staff, too, and to contribute to future development of the service with his/her suggestions and lessons learnt. We want to raise volunteers’ awareness and, most of all, to let them value their EVS experience.

On this occasion, the volunteer will also have the chance to discuss their plans for future and steps they could take for their professional and personal growth.

6) Budget reporting (3 months)

Last 3 months of project will be dedicated to produce narrative and financial reports for EVS offices.

Cómo participar como voluntarios Italia

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»pink» link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank»]Application form and motivation letter[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Italy MOnza Williams . YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” and the project chosen to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Carlos
    4 mayo, 2017 at 6:44 pm

    Buenas tardes,
    Me gustaría saber si todavía es posible inscribirse.

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