Voluntari@s en actividades juveniles, culturales y educativas en Francia



Arcis et Aube, France


Simultaneous reception of 5 young celebrity in European Voluntary Service within associations of tea network aubois MJC / MPT; (Implementation of 5 local projects in the various host associations , and a collective project in the departmental scale).

> > coordinating Structure:

Hosting organisation del’ Aube; (financial and administrative porterage, coordination collective project).

> > period of reception :

01/10/16 to 31/08/17


15th December 2015

Local Project :

MPT Centre Social de Brienne  :

– Animation with the children and the teenagers

– Development of a cultural practice of its choice in connection with the various public

frequenting the structure (children, teenagers, adults)

– Awareness-raising activities relative to Europe

– Personal project

Condition : the driving license is necessary

MPT Centre Social 

– Activities in connection with the children and the teenagers

– Implication in the various organized demonstrations

– Week of the arts; week of the early childhood

– Awareness-raising activities relative to Europe

– Development of a cultural practice of its choice in connection with the various public

frequenting the structure (childrens, teenagers, adults)

– Personal project

MPT Centre Social Aube

– Animation with the children and the teenagers

– Development of awareness-raising activities (cultural mediation, communication) upstream

to the cultural events of the association

– Participation in the cultural events (reception companies, logistics)

– Awareness-raising activities relative to Europe (Middle school, high school)

– Personal project

MPT Centre Social de Vendeuvre sur Barse 

– Animation with the children and the teenagers

– Development of communication mediums (Blog, newspaper, posters) in connection with the

global project of the association on the intermunicipal territory

– Awareness-raising activities relative to Europe

– Personal project

EVS Collective project FDMJC Aube

– Participation to the radio project » downright teenagers » in connection with the associations

of the network

– Animation EVS’s blog

– Realization of communication mediums around the EVS project (Video, blog, exhibition…)

– Participation to the various cultural projects of the FDMJC

– Coordination of the collective project

– Awareness-raising activities relative to Europe

– Animation with the children and the teenagers

– Personal project

Collective Project

5 young people in EVS will set up a collective project on the scale of the department, corresponding to their desires, and in connection with the activities developed in our organizations ; animation, leisure activities, culture, art, expression, social action, solidarity, sport….

Living environment / transport

– Accomadation : 5 young volunteers will be collectively accommodated on the Troyes urban area near the station SNCF (French National Railway Company) ; single room, necessary equipment.

– Transport / Travels : Every volunteer will have tickets to move on the Troyes urban area, to reach the leisure activities, and available cultural releases.

The young volunteers connected with reception facilities outside the urban area (Arcis sur Aube, Bar sur Aube, Vendeuvre sur Barse and Brienne le Château), will move daily by the train (monthly subscription).

For the MPT of Brienne le Château : train of Troyes to Vendeuvre sur Barse (planned monthly subscription), then car put at the disposal of Vendeuvre to Brienne.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) and skype name

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS France Aube. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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