10 meses de voluntariado en el norte de Italia



1March – 1 January 2016

Application deadline-

1st of September 2015


Our main seat is in Chiari (BS) though the activities of the hosting organisation are carried out in Oglio Nord-Western Commune of Province of Brescia, composed by 11 Commune, in total of 94.441 inhabitants in Lombardy region. Mission: As a non-profit organization, our mission is to educate, help and support individuals, groups and the whole society, promoting initiatives in sector of training/development of minors and youngsters with a particular attention to individuals with social and economic disadvantages.

About Chiari (BS) Chiari is a medieval town in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy, northern Italy. It has got 18.810 inhabitants regarding the 2013 statistics. The historical centre of the town is very tiny and it is surrounded by the small Italian narrow streets which make circles round the centre. Chiari has got a Library, two big Youth Centres, a Commercial Centre, supermarkets etc.

Although there are different sport gyms, sport camps and a swimming pool in Chiari, you will always see people of different age jogging in the streets of the town during all the periods of the year. Here people like going on cycling as well. Chiari has also a big Hospital. Chiari stays in the middle of the most running railway line. Having the railway station, it becomes very easy to make visits to North Italian big cities like Milan, Venice, Verona, Brescia and Bergamo. During the year, different cultural, religious and sportive activities are organised by the Municipality, NGOs and Foundations. The town becomes crowded with people who visit the Sunday shop markets, Antiquaries market, 50-60s market and so on. Chiari is famous for its festival, which is called ‘Le Quadre’. It takes place on the first week of September. During this week, all four districts of the town become decorated and ready to host the visitors. The festival finishes with the Saturday sport game.

Main aim:

One particular aim of the foundation is to organize events and researches, trainings and meetings, become a trustable centre for Youth. We aim to improve the daily life of any youngsters of our territory involving them into social, economic and cultural life.

Description of the project

How EVS started in our organisation: One of the young people was part of EVS in the past. Sharing his experience, we realized that the Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano has already all the characteristics and potential to accommodate some of European volunteers. The variety of projects, the large number of participants, availability of accommodations, the transport and young volunteers demonstrate that basically we are already implementing a kind of European Voluntary, but we would like to give it the right form, to grow further in the world of volunteering and to give more opportunities to young people to whom our Foundation aimed. We believe that we can accept and host volunteers for a period from a month (it`s possible for those who already know the language) till ten months. In fact some young the project will start from March to December. The inclusion of previous volunteers in the Foundation was usually positive, as an experience with young people. They had the opportunity to learn Italian, to find out and visit some sightseeing, towns and cities. They discovered what the Foundation is and they met other associations, young, and volunteers` groups in the area. Thanks to the daily contact with children and young people, they established relationships, made friends and kept contacts even after their departure. What is our EVS about Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano offers a wide range of projects, which includes people from different age groups – from toddlers to young adults. The distribution of daily and weekly working hours of different activities in CAG, Piano Giovani and in Eurodesk gives the possibility for the volunteer to get involved fully into the project and choose freely where and how to participate.

Hosting organisation has created different initiatives which could be divided into three main categories:

-CAG (Aggregation Centre for Youth)



a. Aggregation Centre for Youth CAG as a place of educational and social relationship development, concrete and practical reply to the educational needs and growth of children, creative opportunity of free time management (after school activities), offers an aggregation service, social participation, creative cultural workshops and training addressed to: 1. Youngsters (6-11 years old)

2. Preteens and first preteens (12-15 years old)

The service takes place from 1st of March till 1st of January, every afternoon from 15:30 to 18:30 except Sundays and National Holidays. August is the month of holidays in Italy . CAG plays a key role in educational work with youngster. It has one of the aims to prevent marginalization and deviant behavior, to support young adults, promote and help positive development of integration into their areas. The venue is 1 minute far from the House of the Volunteers.

b. Piano Giovani The initiatives that Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano propose to youngsters aged sixteen and above tend to open up more to the area, given the greater possibility of movement of young people. The special moment is the evening, especially on Saturdays. Often the evening starts or ends with a drink or dinner, and sometimes organized meetings and going-outs. In our organisation we try to include EVS volunteers in all organisation’s activities, that seem interesting to them or that they want to learn, and we actively encourage them in creating and performing their own projects. Volunteers actively participate in creating cultural, art, youth, informative, social and civic activities, and through their work promote EVS among young people in our environment. Through their activities and living they gain the feeling of belonging to organisation as well as belonging to community and local environment, they grow personally, spread and develop their fields of interest, and also continually learn during the process.

C. Eurodesk And finally hosting organisation is the place where European and National projects are organised. Here in the organisation our main aim is to bring young people aged 18-30 closer to opportunities that European Commission gives them. It is already two years that the staff of hosting organisation  started to organise and coordinate the Erasmus plus project. From January 2015 the Foundation became Eurodesk Local Agancy in Chiari. Our organisation is the one to inform, orientate and promote the EU projects in the District of 11 Municipalities. The EVS volunteer will surely become a part of it, participating to the activities we organise on national level.

The volunteer will surely become the testimony of active citizenship for our young people in high-school meetings and during different festivals. On national level we have a range of projects such as: – Bartender, where young people gain competences in bar management – Tecnico del suono – where young people learn how to become DJs or musical recorders – Bottega d’Arte – is the place where young people develop their artistic skills – Musical lab – dancing classes for youth – Bandfest live music- one Saturday evening in a month Youmore promotes live concerts – Language courses (English and Russian) Among many things, volunteers learn the strategies and techniques of self-organising and planning cultural, youth and other events, and gain the required abilities to work in a group of people with different cultural and social hosting organisation backgrounds. During that process, they learn about the projects and workings of nongovernment, non-profit organisation and perform publicly renowned projects in the fields of culture, art, music and activism. Each EVS volunteer is precious to a hosting organisation, because they bring difference.

The goals of the project are:

– to promote the personal and professional growth of the participant;

– to provide opportunity to develop key competences for lifelong learning;

– to offer the possibility to discover a new nation through the Italian language and culture, promoting the development of COMPETENCE OF COMMUNICATION IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: during the project the communication language will be the Italian language;

– to develop preparation and competences for future work of the participants:

The project involves a total of 9 hours per week working in the office of EURODESK LOCAL AGENCY, where the volunteer will work with the responsible of the preparation of different workshops,info days, flash mobs and structured meetings on experience abroad in schools.

The house of the volunteers

During these years, the hosting organisation has created “The Project Hospitality”, thanks to some apartments recently fitted on its own. Almost forty young people from different countries who have taken part in this project. Now there are about fifteen youngsters: students, nurses, trainees and teachers. To each of them is given the opportunity to enter in the youth voluntary group, they can participate in various laboratories according to their sensitivity and free time. Meanwhile they have the possibility to study or to make the first steps at work. The food, the accommodation and the most part of the volunteer service is into the office of the Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano, an ancient old building with an internal courtyard that promotes peace and dialogue. To the European volunteer there will be proposed an experience of community life: our idea is to host two volunteers in two neighboring apartments, consisted of a bathroom with a washing machine, a kitchen and a room. The question of the volunteers` transport seems irrelevant. The office of the the hosting organisation is situated five minutes far from the train and bus station of Chiari. By the way during the project the volunteer will get a bike for his/her personal use. The workplace is located exactly near their accommodation. In case of necessity or emergency, we can rely on generous people always available to offer to drive, especially if volunteers are burdened with luggage for air travel. It would be the task of Mentor or Tutor to resolve such kind of problems.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges


For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Italia Nord Eurodesk»

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