Intercambios culturales en Letonia sobre creatividad, cultura y graffitis: 6 becas


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6 becas erasmus+ para intercambios culturales en Letonia sobre creatividad y cultura para jóvenes. Todos los gastos de transporte, alojamiento y manutención están cubiertos durante las actividades.

Título proyecto:

Youth Exchange Project “A Treasure Chest of Family Traditions”

Countries: Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Spain (1 leader + 5 young people).

Participants from each group must be aged 16 – 30 (except leaders that can be over 30 years old)

Lugar y fechas intercambios culturales:

Daugavpils, Latvia

Activity Dates: 20.05.2017. – 28.05.2017. (19th is arrival – 29th departure)

APV dates: 24.03.2017. – 27.03.2017. (1 leader + 1 youth representative from each country, we will discuss the program and all the logistics, activities etc.)

Tickets: starting from June 2016 groups can start buying their tickets. It would be great if you provide us with the information about the means of transport you are going by.

From Spain only Building Bridges members will come.

Daugavpils is a city in southeastern Latvia, located on the banks of the Daugava River, from which the city has got its name. Daugavpils literally means «Daugava Castle». With a population of over 100,000, it is the second largest city in the country after the capital Riga, which is located some 230 km to its north-west.

Daugavpils has a favorable geographical position as it borders Belarus and Lithuania (distances of 33 and 25 km respectively). It is located some 120 km from the Latvian border with Russia. Daugavpils is the major railway junction and industrial centre. The city is surrounded by many lakes and nature parks.

Daugavpils is an important cultural center in eastern Latvia. There are 22 primary and secondary schools, four vocational schools, and the Saules College of Art. More than 1,000 teachers and engineers graduate from Daugavpils Pedagogical University (now Daugavpils University) and the local branch of Riga Technical University annually. The city theatre was restored couple of years ago. Daugavpils Theatre is the oldest theatre in Latvia and it will celebrate its 160th anniversary next year.There is also a cinema as well as other cultural institutions.

The city exhibition center offers many cultural activities. There are also several architectural, historical, and cultural monuments in Daugavpils. The most prominent is the Daugavpils fortress of the late 18th–19th centuries.

The historical centre of Daugavpils city is an architectural heritage of national importance (the construction work was carried out in the 19th century according to the project endorsed in St Petersburg in 1826). The historical centre is the greatest attraction of the city and one of the most successful examples of balancing the aspects of ancient and modern times. Daugavpils is one of the few cities in Latvia which can pride itself on a unified ensemble of both classic and eclectic styles. The cultural heritage of architectural, artistic, industrial, and historical monuments combined with the picturesque surroundings create the essence of Daugavpils’ image and endow it with a special charm.

Perfil de los participantes intercambios culturales (tanto visita de planificación como intercambio)

 Youth and their group leaders

 Age of project participants 16 – 30 years

30 young people 16-30 years old from Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Romania, and Spain are involved in the project (25 participants + 5 leaders).

Due to the plan, the young people at the age of 16 to 30 (1 leader + 5 participants) will take part in the project all together young people from Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Romania, and Spain. Project activities will last for 11 days, during which various theoretical and practical studies concerning the project themes will be implemented. All the project participants will be hosted in the hotel “ERFOLG” which is situated near the place where main activities will take place.

Now it is a high time for each partner organization (group leaders) to gather their participants as soon as possible and decide upon project-related nuances. This will be the first preparatory step, because youth groups should start to buy their tickets.

Resumen proyecto:


The exchange project “A Treasure Chest of Family Traditions” will be implemented in Daugavpils. Activities will run in Latvian city Daugavpils from 20.05.2017. to 28.05.2017.

Main project topics are: Creativity and culture as well as intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong) learning.

Project activities are planned for 9 days + 2 travel days for 30 young people from different countries.

As the working methods there will be used workshops, discussions, ice-breaking activities, performances, excursions, presentations, preparing and participation in “ZOOMAIFEST” family celebration.

During the project activities the young people will have an opportunity to get acquainted with several European countries and their culture through various presentations and activities.

What is the most important, in the framework of the project, these young people will develop their own creative and communicative skills and raise their confidence. Moreover through workshops and other activities youth will reconsider the importance of such an important theme as family traditions and celebrations.

While carrying out the planned activities for the project, two main fields will be promoted for the development of the intercultural dialogue, the improvement of the youth communication and social skills, awareness of the belonging to the European culture community.

Objetivos intercambios culturales:

 to improve creative and communicative skills, knowledge of the project participants about the other European countries, to help them become more united by the means of common workshops and other activities and more tolerant towards different cultures and social realities.

1. to involve young people and their leaders into a multicultural project;

2. to promote youth-organizations cooperation and exchange of experience on an international level;

3. to provide project participants in establishing and implementing artistic performances by the means of intercultural cooperation;

4. to ensure high quality and exciting informal learning of the relevant topics during the youth exchange;

5. to prepare and take part in “ZOOMAIFEST” family celebration

Actividades intercambios culturales

The following activities will be organized: creative workshops, presentation of family, the presentation of the partner countries and, morning exercises etc.


It is planned to use the non-formal education methods – different kinds of activities, for example, ice-breaking activities, intercultural evenings, excursions, creative workshops, orienteering, various presentations, evaluation evenings, farewell parties.


Partner countries of the project will gain the experience in the project organization on the international level.

The project will contribute in popularizing ERASMUS+ program and involved partner organizations. The youth will find out the importance of non-formal education methods and see other organizations that organize similar international projects, to provide each participant with the possibility to widen their horizons, explore other cultures of the European countries and get more involved in the cultural life of Europe.

During the project activities the youth will have an opportunity to get acquainted with different European countries, their culture and traditions. The youth will also brainstorm about the synthesis of sports topic and graffiti – street art.

Otras informaciones

Payment Conditions for APV and echange: accommodation and local transportation is covered by the project. Food is provided. Travel expenses will be covered according to distance calculator taking into consideration the distance between the places where participants live to the venue of the project.

Participants from Spain will get 270€ budget for travels.

Deberes para hacer antes de acudir

 Prepare presentation about your society/organization, city;

 Prepare national evening (you may take some national snacks, dishes or food if you wish as well as costumes attributes and souvenirs to recreate and show the atmosphere of your country);

 Find some interesting activities for family festival “Zoomaifest”

 Prepare ice breaking activities, group work, team work, materials and presentation about family holidays in your city /or country, workshops etc.


 Gather all the participants make the team

 Buy the tickets and contact us, send us a copy of your ticket and your travel information.

 Get the energy to travel and have 11 great days in Latvia

 Get a pair of comfortable shoes, warm and lightweight clothes, swimming suite, hats

 Prepare for the cultural evening. Be ready to present your culture and family, prepare group home works

 Each participant should take some small present from your country

 Each national group needs to take a flag of native country

Selection process

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV , application form and motivation letter to with subject Exchange Latvia Fjodorovs.YOURNAME.YOUR SURNAME“.. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • Patricia
    21 septiembre, 2016 at 11:04 am

    ¿Hasta cuando se puede pedir?

  • Yes Europa
    21 septiembre, 2016 at 4:36 pm

    No hay fecha límite, va por CV y por orden de llegada, cuando se complete con candidatos elegibles, cerraremos el plazo. suerte!

  • Claudia Rodríguez Santamarta
    11 diciembre, 2016 at 9:01 pm

    Creo que las fechas al principio están mal: Project Dates: 20.05.2017. – 28.08.2017. (19th is arrival – 29th departure)

  • Yes Europa
    13 diciembre, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    Hola, están bien, una cosa es el inicio de las actividades (20-28) y otra la llegada y salida (19-29) un saludo!

  • Yes Europa
    13 diciembre, 2016 at 10:24 pm

    Hola, si te refieres a esto:
    «The exchange project “A Treasure Chest of Family Traditions” will be implemented in Daugavpils 01.08.2016. »
    es la fecha de inicio del proyecto, que es distinto al inicio de la fecha de las actividades. Las fechas de actiividades están bien! gracias por avisar, quizás es algo confuso , pero las fechas son correctas

  • Yes Europa
    13 diciembre, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Ahh! si es verdad! gracias! ya está cambiado. buen ojo! gracias

  • Susy Liu
    27 diciembre, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    si resultara elegida pero finalmente no pudiera ir me ¿reembolsarían la cuota pagada?

  • Yes Europa
    28 diciembre, 2016 at 9:36 am

    Hola, solo si es por fuerza de causa mayor se reembolsan las cuotas. un saludo!

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