Hola amigos!
Hoy os presentamos estas nuevas oportunidades SVE en Praga para colaborar con un estudio de animacion y con un centro juvenil.


Prague, Czech Republic.


01.10. 2016 – 31.09. 2017 (12 months)




There are possibility to choose out of two profiles of EVS.

First is focused on working on a animation movie (gaining skills that are required to finish a short movie),
with a studio Animation people

Second one is working in different youth and children clubs (gaining skills in music-therapy / movement-therapy ).

Activities will be taking place within the church buildings that are located within a short walking distance from a commercial centre. From there it is a 20 minutes by public transport to reach the city cetnre. Smíchov is a parish of the main Czech protestant Church, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren.
The Church was formed inthe year 1918, through the unification of the Protestant churches ofthe Lutheran and Reformed confessions.

The organisation is closely connected to protestant Parish. We are open and to host and support people from another culture.

Structure of EVS:

1/3 of the time is dedicated to the training or gaining information or skills,

1/3 is dedicated to practical usage of the gained information or skills and

1/3 is for reflection of the learning process, and other activities connected with EVS.

Both profiles will follow the same schedule:

1 months of settling down, preparation and planning process, inter-cultural training,

8 months: core of the EVS

1 months for closing and finishing the work, reflection, presentation of the work and finishing youthpass.

Training contains:
intercultural dialog, cultural shock, time management, youthpass, work safety, legal context of Czech Republic, inter-religious dialogue, Czech language, working with vulnerable youth, work safety.

Moreover for first profile there will be lessons of techniques of animation, working with camera, directing, editing and for second profile is enriched by technique of movement or music therapy.

Gained theoretical information will be used in youth clubs (in case ofsecond profile), where EVS-er will assist and where he will lead certain part of activities.
Created movie could be shown on international Festival of Animated films in May and become a part of library of movies used for pedagogical purpose.

There are other occasional activities of the parish where EVS-er could take part:
– Camps during summer
– Festivals
– Educational trips
– Optional is also an attendance in the meeting of Choir.

Regular activities of the community involve:

Community religious life: Christian celebrations, educational trips, French language club, yoga club, clubs for children and youth, professionally led choir, club for elders.

Club for children in the house of Ezer, that is a shelter for abused women with children (our church is involved in cultural and leisure-time activities for children and also supports mothers of these children)

Other activities are:
Formal and non-formal cooperation with German speaking Christian community and the Anglican Church in Prague.

Profile of the volunteer

We are looking for someone, who is interested to grow as a person and to develop their skills in the field of understanding of other cultures, and to grow at least in one of the areas we are offering. We are looking for a volunteer who would like to challenge themselves to live in a community.
Volunteers will be accommodated in a house belonging to the church. Each one will have a in a small flat and shared kitchen. Privacy ofthe volunteer is secured, but there are some rules that have to be followed in the house (no smoking inside, keeping peace after 22:oo). In the same house there is an office that is accessible. Studio of «Animation people» is placed in the same house.

The aims of the organization is the growth of the inner man in three areas:
– Spiritual and moral growth
– Deepening of legal awareness
– Developing the ability of learning to learn
There is also an animation studio: «Animation People» http://www.animation.cz/en/ within the grounds of the church.


For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

-Short CV

– Short motivation letter

– In case you want to work on a movie please add some examples of your work.


Por favor envia los documentos solicitados a evsmadrid@gmail.com antes del 26.02.2016

Recuerda de escribir en el asunto del email «tu nombre.tus apellidos.EVS_Prague».

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