Día: 29 de diciembre de 2014

Dic 29
Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Bélgica!

¡Realiza un voluntariado europeo en Bélgica! The municipality of Heusden-Zolder (Bélgica) is a local non profit organisation who gives information and support to its citizens. The municipality provides certain services to the community in co-operation with his municipal services. The contact person and EVS mentor is a municipal official of the social support service. The […]

Dic 29
9 meses en Marseille – SVE en Francia!

Located in Marseille (France), the association CRIJ Provence Alpes (CRIJPA) is a place dedicated to youth. CRIJ proposes informations and services that cover all themes of Youth Information : education, training courses, jobs, employment, health, everyday life, leisures and cultural activities, sports, holidays, initiatives, Europe and international mobility (education, training courses, jobs, employment, everyday life,…). It […]

Dic 29
SVE en Túnez!

Our NGO has been involved since its creation in 2013 in the field of international youth work, we have been involved in several youth in action activities, as well as Erasmus + program and some other EU program like the program of the German foreign office dedicated for youth ect .. After the process of […]

Dic 29
SVE plaza en jardin de la infancia en Polonia

We are looking for volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years, legally residing in one of the Program or Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU. We seek a balance of varied ages, genders and nationalities amongst our EVS volunteers. We are not looking for experienced volunteers but those that would learn a lot during the service. […]

Dic 29
Festivaletteratura – SVE en Italia!

We are looking for 2 volunteers for 4th of February 2015 deadline. The project will last 5 months. 1 volunteer will work in the archive of Filofestival and the other will work in the secretary office of the Festival for the 19th edition of the Festivaletteratura that will be in September 2015. Filofestival is a […]

Dic 29
SVE en Transilvania! – Rumanía

The Youth Association from Transylvania – an NGO from Cristuru Secuiesc, ROMANIA – is looking for 12 EVS volunteers aged 18 to 30, from the PROGRAMME COUNTRIES of the European Union. Activities would start in the first week of August or September 2015, lasting 9 to 12 months. Here are the activities we propose for […]

Dic 29
Opening your mind! – SVE en Liechtenstein

The socio-pedagogical living community Vaduz was founded in 1991. It meets the socio-pedagogical assisted-living needs of children and adolescents in Liechtenstein. The JWG offers a variety of activities: there is a special group for intermediate to long-term stays, a special «crisis room» for short-term stays (e.g. in the case of imminent danger), a special kind of living facility for older adolescents […]
