Our NGO has been involved since its creation in 2013 in the field of international youth work, we have been involved in several youth in action activities, as well as Erasmus + program and some other EU program like the program of the German foreign office dedicated for youth ect ..

After the process of EVS accreditation, we have been recently accredited in last October and we want to lunch our first experience in hosting volunteers.

coordinating and hosting organisation

L’Association Euro-méditerranéenne des Echanges, Volontariats, Evènements (Euro-Med EVE)


Nabeul (Tunisia)


1/06/2015 – 30/11/15


Description of the project

INFO FOR ALL…» is a six-month Euromed Volunteering Service (EVS) that will take place in Dar Chabenne El Fehri,NABEUL, TUNISIA.

The project is divided into 3 main parts:

a) Digital skills : project management, design & audiovisual work, communication & events, programming & Web development ect ….

b) Promotion of voluntarism : project management, finding hosting organization, promoting Erasmus + and euro med youth program …

c) Creating own initiatives : getting integrated in the local community by creating own initiatives……………………

 Role and Activities of the volunteer

The volunteers will be involved in the following activities (30-38 hours per week): Check out more details about the EVS involvement

1. Developing digital skills of young people involved in a non-formal setting (e.g. youth hostels partners);

2. Organizing events aimed to develop the digital skills of young people in a non formal setting;

3. Raising awareness to the importance of new media linked to youth work , non formal education , volunteerism through online and offline means;

4. Assuring new media coverage for Euro-Med EVE events (photo, video, journalism etc.);

5. Managing and developing local projects, Organizing thematical and interdisciplinary exhibitions, competitions, concerts from youth groups, events around EVS and VOLANTARISM, creative activities, cultural and non formal educational events even in collaboration with youth hostel and others partners,

6. Developing Euro-Med EVE social media channels and assuring a permanent and relevant content for young people information; managing Facebook page, web, flyers, brochure ect ;

7. Keeping an online diary on a monthly basis on Euro-Med EVE website describing the EVS experience;

8. Raising awareness about the importance of Voluntarism for young people, including for example, the creation of interviews with Volunteers (text and/or video);

9. Organizing events aimed to develop and Promote voluntarism of young people in a non formal setting;

10. Raising awareness about the Euro-Mediterranean cultural diversity by organizing for example different meetings to present various dimensions of their own country;

11. Organizing language courses for young in English and/or other language aimed to promote multilingualism and to develop young people competencies of communication in a foreign language;

12. Getting integrated in the local community (providing English or French or German language courses, meeting young people, understanding the Tunisian culture and civilization features)

Profile of the volunteer

We would like volunteers applying for this project to have a strong motivation and dedication for working inside youth group. Volunteer’s enthusiasm, creativity and interest in order to engage with people, to work in team but also willingness to accept personal responsibilities are highly appreciated. A readiness to work with flexibility in changing or developing situations is essential,

Young people (18-30), legal residents in a Program Country, interested in new media, non formal education and voluntarism and ready to get involved in youth work activities.

Some or practical skills are needed, as:

– Artistic skills or digital competences (knowledge of Microsoft office, Photoshop or illustrator, web designing, video, journalism or similar programs) are also highly appreciated but not obligatory.

– Due to the partnership made, French ,and/or English and / or German language skills are required , while Arabic is not a requirement.

– Gender is of no importance, but volunteers have to be between 18 and 30 years old and ready to live 6 exciting months in Tunisia, in a daily youth environment.

– The volunteers will share indeed the project, but they have the freedom to distribute the tasks according to their interests. Still, all tasks will be done in close cooperation with the NGO staff, so they can consult and support each other.


Please send your CV and applicationform to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «EVS Nabeul Túnez”. 

Please make sure you write on the motivation letter that Building Bridges will be your sending organisation.

[button size=large style=less_round color=blue align=none url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqhnx38f4omtwv5/Application%20form%20EVS%20Tunisia.odt?dl=0]Applicationform[/button]

[button size=large style=less_round color=blue align=none url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/l95bmmjt4lqxh00/EVS%20infopack%20tunesia.pdf?dl=0]More information[/button]

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