Día: 1 de julio de 2015

Jul 01
Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Arad (Rumanía) sobre educación, periodismo y programas europeos

The “Life+” project involves: 3 group stages of 5 months each, involving 15 EVS volunteers coming from countries such as: Spain, Italy and Poland. Where? The volunteers will be hosted in Arad, Romania and will work in collaboration with local partners and local volunteers, developing the following activities: Activities EVS in Romania “First Aid” Workshops […]

Jul 01
Becas para curso en Letonia sobre diseño efectivo de cursos y eventos culturales

CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí Lee la experiencia de Rosa en este Curso Erasmus+ Title: ESSENCE: Eight Steps to a Successful and Entertaining Cultural Event Educational course Dates: 12-21 october Location: Riga, Latvia Participants: 4 participants from Building Bridges Association. The general criteria for selection are: ○ Age: 18+; ○ Balanced number […]

Jul 01
Voluntari@s en Rumanía para trabajar con niños a través del arte

Dates 9 months 1st November 2015 – 1st August 2016 Location Sighisoara / Romania Places 1 female+1 male participant from Building Bridges Association Topic of the project Creativity and culture Objectives of the project – The acquisition of those basic skills necessary for a better transition from school / unemployment to active life (including the […]
