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ESSENCE: Eight Steps to a Successful and Entertaining Cultural Event Educational course
12-21 october
Riga, Latvia
4 participants from Building Bridges Association.
The general criteria for selection are:
○ Age: 18+;
○ Balanced number of female and male participants;
○ Able to communicate well in English;
○ Target groups: youth, youth workers, youth organisation members and leaders;
○ Motivated and willing to learn about organizing and producing cultural events and implement this knowledge in future;
○ Interested in the course topic;
○ Having some knowledge or experience in organizing cultural events is a plus.
Course description:
The methodology of the learning course is composed in a way to facilitate learning, knowledge and competence sharing and acquiring in an informal setting. The participants will be engaged into the learning process through roleplaying games, simulations, researching and group work. There will be theoretical lessons and discussions and thematic workshops which will help understand the topics. During the course the participants will be able to take different social and organizational roles.
The course’s activities will let the participants gain new competences in the topic of youth cultural event organization, and experience for taking up the responsibility to create and implement new cultural event organizing initiatives on the local and international levels.
The program, as mentioned in the title, is structured as eight steps or blocks. These steps will be visualized, and each morning the participants will start the day with taking a symbolic step forward together. Each day is structured into four blocks — morning, day I, day II and evening, each about 1.5 h, with coffee and lunch breaks between them.
The generic timetable: ● 8:00–9:00 — breakfast; ● 9:30–11:00 — morning session; ● 11:00–11:30 — coffee break; ● 11:30–13:00 — day session I; ● 13:30–14:30 — lunch; ● 15:00–16:30 — day session II; ● 16:30—17:00 — coffee break; ● 17:00—18:30 — evening session; ● 19:00—20:00 — dinner and introspections.
The practical result of the participants’ work will be a product — a cultural event, a musical concert, which will also serve as a platform for bringing the local society’s attention to the ESSENCE project, Erasmus+ program, the project’s partners, and a place for interaction with the community.
To maximize the engagement of the local community in the final cultural event, the participants will create and send out press releases, announcements and other activities in social networks, visual invitations. The cultural event will provide the publicity for the concert itself and for the Erasmus+ program. During the preparational works the participants will meet members of the local community, inform them about the cultural event and invite them, strengthening the connections and providing a positive informational background.
Each lesson and workshop ends with its evaluation structured as follows: 1. Participants comments: a. positive elements of the activity; b. things that need changing. 2. Trainers comments: a. positive elements of the activity; b. things that need changing. 3. Comments about the possible method adaptation to work on the related topics in future in participants’ local communities. Before the course the participants will do some preparation: 1. think about the characteristics of the cultural events in their countries, provide examples; 2. take some of the localbranded candy; 3. think about questions they would like to get answers to from the guest experts (the list of guest experts and the meeting topics will be distributed to the partners).
Accommodation, meal and transportation
The accommodation and meal costs are 100% supported by the applicant organization, and the transportation is supported under the rules of Erasmus+ Programme.
Travel costs
All traveling, accommodation, catering costs are covered by the Erasmus + Programme. For other expenses (souvenirs, extra food, skiing arena, aqua park etc) each participant should bring money as much as he/she thinks will be needed.
The necessary documents:
● All the original flight/rail/bus tickets and bookings with numbers and price.
● All the original boarding passes; in case of electronic registration the printouts.
● If the payment was via bank wire: ○ The original invoice, signed and stamped by the issuing company. The invoice must have the number, issuer requisites, payer requisites, date, ticket or booking number and travel dates.
○ The bank payment order, stamped and signed by the bank. The payment order must have the invoice number and travel destination.
● If the payment was by card: ○ The bank statement with the relevant card transaction, signed and stamped by the bank.
● The participants should travel to the airports or rail/bus stations using the public transport.
○ Only separate tickets together with the receipts are accepted for reimbursement. E.g. we can’t accept receipts for topping up the permanent transportation card balance.
○ Taxis should be used only if there’s no public transport available or it’s more expensive.
● It is very important to present each document. Failure to do so may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.
● The project doesn’t allow covering travel insurance, yet the participants must present the insurance document for safety reasons.
Organization notes
● The project activity will happen in October 12–21 in Riga.
● The participants will be accommodated in a hotel near the main activity location, up to two or three persons of the same gender in a room.
● Catering (three meals, nonalcoholic drinks, snacks) will be provided from the evening of October 12 to morning of October 21.
● Taking into account the educational kind of the project, it is forbidden to use alcohol and other drugs during the project activities.
● The project assumes that attendance in all activities for all the participants must be 100%. Failure to attend the activities may result in our inability to reimburse the travel expenses.
● Latvia is a safe country, yet on the first day we will introduce the participants to the general safety rules.
● The Coordinator prepares the Information pack for the participants and distributes it to the Partners for discussion. After the info pack is finalized, the partners distribute it to the participants.
• Please prepare short presentation about your sending organization. We are just curious what you actually do.
• Each of you must bring good/bad cases about sport events in youth work. This will be needed for workshops.
Selection process
You should complete registration in 2 steps:
1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to with subject «TC Essence Latvia«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “TC Essence Latvia“.
Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.
2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities.
* It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.
If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants
What do our participants say?
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Me dirigí a Sassari para mi Training Course con becas Erasmus+ que ofrecen desde Building Bridges con cierto desconocimiento, puesto que yo siempre me he dedicado a la enseñanza formal, y no había experimentado previamente este tipo de encuentros. Dos personas por país, ocho países y un entorno con gran encanto, la ciudad sarda de Sassari.… Seguir leyendo[/tab][/tabgroup]
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Andrés Rodríguez
21 julio, 2015 at 6:18 pm¿Dónde está el vínculo al «formulario de aplicación» (application form)? No lo veo.
¿Y es ésto fiable? quiero decir, eso de enviar dinero previo a todo.
21 julio, 2015 at 11:39 pmHola,
el formulraio se envía a aquellos preseleccionados. Somos una entidad acreditada por la Agencia Nacional y si no eres seleccionado se devuelve la cuota de socio. Si tienes dudas, por favor lee nuestra sección de experiencias!
te esperamos!
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