Día: 19 de agosto de 2015

Ago 19
3 becas para curso sobre inclusión social en Portugal

3 Becas Erasmus+ para miembros de Building Bridges para el curso en portugal con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento, manutención y viaje durante las actividades CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí Name Equal Inclusion for a Gold Future Dates 21-28 October 2015 Place Porto, Portugal. Introduction to the roject: “All human beings are born […]

Ago 19
Último minuto! Voluntariado en Polonia de incorporación inmediata

Place Milicz Dates 1 year and start in first week of September 2015     Are you still interested in EVS in Poland?:) If yes – We have 4 questions: 1. Are you ready to work with disabled children and perfectly healthy but sometimes annoying teenagers? 2.Are you aware that project will take 1 year and start […]

Ago 19
Voluntariado en Rumanía relacionado con educación y menores

Introduction We are starting this mini book by wishing you WELCOME TO ROMANIA!!! We know very well that leaving your home and coming in a foreign country, especially for a long period of time, it’s a difficult thing to do. But we understand also, that each one of you was well aware of these things […]

Ago 19
2 plazas de voluntariado europeo en Praga

Dates We host two EVS volunteers for 12 months during the same period in one year – starting 1 st of February 2016 and ending 31st of January 2017 . About the project The volunteers become members of the hosting organisation team and participate in all parts of the organisation life such as regular office meetings, […]

Ago 19
Una trabajadora juvenil en Rumanía con Erasmus+

El pasado 29 y 30 de Julio he tenido la oportunidad de participar en la visita preparatoria de Erasmus+ (APV) del proyecto de voluntariado europeo que se realizará a partir de octubre y donde Building Bridges será la organización de envío para dos voluntarias españolas. Para la planificación de este proyecto nos desplazamos a Sighisoara yo, […]
