Último minuto! Voluntariado en Polonia de incorporación inmediata





1 year and start in first week of September 2015



Are you still interested in EVS in Poland?:)

If yes – We have 4 questions:

1. Are you ready to work with disabled children and perfectly healthy but sometimes annoying teenagers?

2.Are you aware that project will take 1 year and start in first week of September 2015 – so – very soon:) and if you say yes, can we be sure that you will not change your mind and stay with us till the end of project – till the end of August 2016?

3.Are you able to live in small town? (Milicz has just 15 thousand citizens;) I need your answers

4. When we can talk via phone or even better skype? Please – send to us your number/skype.

I would like to tell you also some things about our projects in general and also in details, about environmental and people around, about our expectation and so on. Later on – you can send to me email with your possible questions if something will be still not enough clear for you. Let’s starts from the beginning. In the same time and place ( 12 months September 2015-2016 VIII, in small city Milicz (14.000 citizens – almost like a village;)), 50 km from Wroclaw – 700 thousands citizens, regional capital city) will be 11 volunteers. The point is, that formally, everyone has different hosting organization:

a)Association for disabled children, – Workshops of Occupational Therapy – working with adults and the rest of the group of young children from 3 to 18 years old )

b)Municipal Milicz – working in local daily centre “Chatka Puchatka”, animating time for young participants there 6-16 years old

c)District of Milicz (a bit bigger administrative area) – Nursing home for old people

That’s why our expectations of you are as follow: In some part from you will depend to how extent your project will be and how interesting indeed.

You should contribute and to be able to organize your own time.  Of course, you can always count on the suggestions and assistance in implementing your own ideas.

You also need to be aware that the level of English in places where you will work will be diverse, poor sometimes , barely enough in other, but sometimes quite acceptable;). On the other hand, certainly among younger people, in nearby restaurants, bars and discos you will meet many people who are willing and are able to talk to you in English. Anyway, don’t worry about lack of communication.

Plus of course we provide you at least basic level of Polish lessons. We also hope that you understand and accept the fact that you will live in the small town of 13 thousand citizens.
That does not mean that you will not be able to travel around Poland or rest of Europe, or visited big city 1 hour ago from Milicz – Wroclaw (regional capital city):) I assure you that you will have enough time to explore whole Poland. In summary – a project is for someone who is mature, knows what she/he wants, no excessive
expectations about the level of English language around;), like nature, and can find a job (not necessarily in meaning “work” but at least – something to do) for himself – and I emphasize this fact because I’ve seen many of EVS volunteers whose biggest problem was boredom during the project – but they did not want to make the effort
to do something that will not get bored As for living conditions – you will be living in your own room, in 3 or 4 rooms flats with others volunteers – .

Each of volunteers will have its own separate room, equipped (table, chair, mattress and so on). There will be internet in whole house. kitchen, bathroom. We will provide for you bikes to ride around town (it is rather close everywhere). You will receive a monthly allowance plus money for food, as always in the EVS. Our goal is to create a small, but cool and happy group of people who interestingly spend this year in Poland.


What we want to achieve during EVS project:

1. Improvement and development of the new methods of work of EVS volunteers (language barrier) with disabled people and children

2. Make everybody aware (volunteers, disabled people, students in the club – rooms) that barriers can be overcome. The success of work is not a coincidence but a result of the hard and systematic work in accordance with the predispositions of the volunteer in the direction of development.

3. Improve the knowledge, professional, cultural, social and language experience through the all partners of the project ( organisations and volunteers ). Upgrade the potential of social community in Milicz as a natural recipients of the results during realisation of our project.

4. Expand chances on the labour market of volunteers and disabled people  to find the work due to unique skills, experiences and the knowledge gained during their participation it the project.

5. Create friendly relationships based on respect and trust among the citizens of foreign countries

6. Gain of international potential of organisations
If you have any questions – do not hesitate to ask. I would like to know as soon as possible, if you want to participate in the project (as soon as possible because we have to buy ticket, and make some administration things…) – of course if we will finally choose you;)

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges


For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

– Application form

[button size=medium style=round color=blue align=none url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H3C0fWdV5RLgXb04kmL168A81rjGFJnAYoqzb0NoCI8/edit?usp=sharing]Application form[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Poland Milicz»

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