3 becas para curso sobre inclusión social en Portugal


3 Becas Erasmus+ para miembros de Building Bridges para el curso en portugal con todos los gastos pagados de alojamiento, manutención y viaje durante las actividades

CURSO COMPLETO, pero tenemos más cursos Erasmus+ aquí


Equal Inclusion for a Gold Future


21-28 October 2015


Porto, Portugal.

Introduction to the roject:

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms, without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.”

The main theme of the training will be focused on raising European awareness of the realities and possibilities for more inclusive society in the anti-discrimination youth projects with marginalized groups, against social exclusion.
Social indifference and apathy regarding different social groups and social conflicts, lack of social activity and methods for improving the situation of socially marginalized groups represent a problem in multicultural communities of Europe. Members of marginalized groups are prone to different treatment in the countries and societies in which they live. Certain groups in society are systematically excluded from opportunities that are open to others, because they are discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, gender, caste, age, disability, or other social identity.
They are disadvantaged by who they are or where they live, and as a result are locked out of the benefits of development. Social exclusion deprives people of choices and opportunities to escape from poverty and denies them a voice to claim their rights. This discrimination may be directly based on an individual’s perceived membership of a minority group, without consideration of that individual’s personal achievement.


The idea of this project is arises to meet a need express by youth workers who work in the field of social exclusion with young people. This project will treat the phenomena of exclusion and it is a matter of necessity related by the boost of social exclusion rate among young people in the European Countries, origin by insecurity in living standards, political and social isolation, feelings of estrangement and unhealthy lifestyles, surge of unemployment rate among young people.

With this training we aim to increase the skills and the background of the Youth workers, whom can offer opportunities to young people, to prevent and to remedy the social exclusion. Its main aim is to develop the skills and knowledge of the youth workers and youth leaders and to make them more prepared to contributed social inclusion and active participation of excluded and marginalized group.

Objectives are:

– Exchange practices among youth workers from different countries on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion, insights and values about youth work with marginalized groups
– Motivate and empower youth workers for active promotion of combating social exclusion in their activities by respecting values and principles of European youth work for inclusion and proposed solutions and recommendations for challenges in their project management and fundraising
– To give them (participants) concrete tools, methodologies
– To raise awareness about the importance of inclusion on local, national and European level
– Empower youth workers in understanding and using new Erasmus + programme for their youth work for inclusion and developing their skills for working with marginalized groups within the programmes
– To exchange experiences and good practices in order to create a common working plan, quality criteria and communication tools between the participants
– Develop new local and European projects for inclusion, that are aimed at raising young people’s awareness of everyone’s responsibility in tackling poverty and marginalization as well as at promoting the inclusion of groups with fewer opportunities.


This seminar is aimed at group leaders of informal education who would like to educate people about inclusion, the group leaders of inclusion and all professionals and volunteers who run activities linked to nature and aimed at young people.

Portugal – 6 participants –
Italy – 4 participants –

Romania – 3participants –

Slovenia – 3 participants

Latvia – 3 participants –

Spain – 3 participants –

Bulgaria – 3 participants –

Turkey – 3 participants –

Bosnia and Herzegovina – 3 participants –

Greece – 3 participants –


Hosting organisation would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets ASAP to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved byHosting organisation . All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course/youth exchange. Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants. We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets.

Travel costs from Spain are up to 180€ 

Selection process

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your application form, CV and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «TC Porto«. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “TC Porto“.

Selected participants will receive the detailed infosheet after the selection process.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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  • susana
    27 agosto, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    Buenas tardes;
    Mi nombre es Susana y estoy interesada en solicitar el curso para inclusión social en Portugal.
    Me gustaría saber si este curso se va a desarrollar en ingles o en Portugués. En cualquier caso me gustaría saber si existe un nivel mínimo requerido respecto a el nivel de idiomas.
    Muchas gracias.

  • admin
    2 septiembre, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    Hola Susana, el curso se desarrollará en inglés, no se exige un nivel mínimo, pero se recomienda tener un nivel intermedio para que lo aproveches al 100%. suerte!

  • Beatriz
    3 septiembre, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    Hola, me gustaría saber donde puedo encontrar la solicitud, y si todavía puedo echar.

    Un saludo

  • admin
    3 septiembre, 2015 at 11:10 pm

    Hola, este curso ya está completo, pero tienes más convocatorias en la sección «Becas». suerte!

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