3 Plazas de SVE en un vivero y jardin infantil en Bélgica


L’Enfance de l’Art – Nursery & kindergarten (near Tournai)

Duration: 12 months

Starting: end of August, 2015 (3 places)

Environement of the project

Voluntary person will be housed and fed either in a family or in a clustered near Tournai (Belgium town of province, French, lively, close to the campaign). Tournai has all the advantages of the city (social and cultural activities, access to shops, cinema, student life), and is close to the North of France and Lille, and one hour from Brussels, capital of Europe.
Within the cohousing exudes a young and dynamic atmosphere, open to the world. Possibility of cycling. Food in large part organic and vegetarian.
Lunch (picnic) working days are prepared by the volunteer to taste. We share the evening meal prepared together (freedom of choice) in the common rooms (kitchen, living room and dining room), a washing machine, and inerrantes tasks common life (dishes, maintenance of common areas and garden).
Out of hours service, the volunteer is free of his time. It has WIFI internet access to our library and has a bike.
The nursery is part of the lot of cohousing, so toddlers also benefit from communal garden. Around the garden, so there is the nursery, 3 studios and 2 apartments each with a bathroom and a little kitchen, each person has their privacy guaranteed. The habitat is spread over 2 floors without elevator.
The kindergarten is located Templeuve, 10 minutes drive from Tournai, the volunteer will be supported to go far. The school is in a quiet environment, where a special atmosphere reigns. The classes have been renovated by parents and educators, garden design as well (which serve as the playground).

Activities proposed to the volunteer

From the first contact by email, the volunteer can get an idea of the work they perform with a description of how we work, in conjunction with the education Steiner kindergartens and Loczy for the nursery. We ask the questions quickly whether voluntary already knows these pedagogies, and if he wants to work in a kindergarten or nursery.
The volunteer will have an idea of the context in which it will work through the many pictures on our Facebook page.
We also describe the way of life in which they are received, and also the volunteers share the same housing in collective housing.
The person will be met at the airport and accompanied to his first in Belgium, integrated in our cohousing or in a family, and the entire social fabric that surrounds the school. Within the school parents are from different backgrounds: Italy, Romania, Germany, Pakistan, France and Brazil. Voluntary person will take the time it will need to integrate into a team.
The volunteer will be operational from the first day of school in kindergarten and follow the children throughout the year, until the end of June It may be observed at first, and act when he feels. Steiner pedagogy demand certain distance of the educator from what he saw, it induces thoughts, questions, impressions, learning through movement.
These feelings can be shared the evening with co-inhabitants, the parents, educational meetings, and also shared writing: EVS can if they want to write a text that will appear in the journal of the association. Initiatives daily with children, and around the association are also welcome, let us talk about their creativity and participatory control.
The same goes for the crib, except the input and output service because the crib is not closed during school holidays dates. The volunteer who works benefit from leave as a volunteer who will be in kindergarten.
Voluntary person will receive a course of weekly French, based on the understanding of the language, it will be a discussion, plus some grammatical data to write French correctly.
Voluntary person fill the role of gardener helps of a Kindergarten or assistance to educator to nursery in the ear of the head teacher, Brigitte Jurdant, which saw itself in housing clustered in the street Croisiers.

Painting and drawing, fairy tales and nursery rhymes: volunteers can share their language, making cakes and breads, outdoor games, crafts, walks in woods … All framed (e) by the planters. Small chores to maintain day to day kindergartens or nursery, spring cleaning is the weekend by parents who take turns. Voluntary person also participate if they wish in the weekly educational meeting with the teaching college, and monthly that caters to parents, training days that cater to staff and events related to the association to be held during the period of volunteering.
Volunteers will certainly folk festivities to mark the life Tournaisienne carnival celebration of the accordion …

Volunteers profile

Voluntary person must want to work with children under 7 years, and have qualities that derive: be smiling, gentle, helpful, attentive, responsible, creative and loving, loving crafts. If possible, be non-smoking in all cases not smell cigarettes when it is in contact with children.

All the people who contact us by email receive a short answer in French on availability at the time to receive them. Few people beyond this initial contact due mainly to the nearest one-year required period for pedagogical reasons. We treated and then accepted all the requests that are implemented as part of European voluntary services.
It is important that the sending organizations are part of the Youth in Action program for voluntary services EUROPEAN. We prefer to get ourselves subsidy application via Brussels but we are open to other proposals.
The association in general and in particular grouped habitat is a strong team, eager to provide each individual in contact with attentive listening and respectful accompaniment of his own personal and social development.

We can accommodate up to three volunteers so that everyone has his own room and sanitary comfort. The volunteers will be engaged in both kindergartens and nursery to understand all of our work spread over the seven years of childhood.
They will be chosen, preferably in different countries so that the French language is, in our cohousing, the reference language.

Risk prevention and security

Prevention of occupational hazards: All our workers are protected according to the standards in nurseries and kindergartens. EVS enjoy the same protections, moreover, it has no direct responsibility with children without the presence and the look of a professional.
The accommodations are equipped with individual alarm systems.
No smoking within the confines of buildings.
Regarding his relationship with others, both in the nursery and in the cohousing, daily dialogue is spontaneous and organized weekly. It is found in meeting all the solution of a problem.
All co-residents and staff will ensure the well-being of newcomers.
The guardian manages the potential conflicts and the need, gets help from the BIJ.
We will in particular encourage them in their contacts with other EVS and BIJ facilitating mutual invitations.

Given the function to fill in kindergartens or nursery, we believe that voluntary person must have a minimum age of 18 so that it has a responsible attitude to fulfill this role properly and also it can be self on a personal level to thrive best in the grouped habitat throughout its voluntary.
It will still be able to get help from the head teacher or guardian.

Organisation topics

  • Children
  • Other


Deadline for applying: 10/03/2015

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “SVE, vivero y jardin infantil, Bélgica ”

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