4 becas en Chipre para emprendedor@s culturales


Participa en estas becas en Chipre en noviembre 2018 con el Programa Erasmus+ para jóvenes que quieran aprender sobre artes escénicas. Viaja, disfruta y aprende con todos los gastos pagados.

Atención, sólo buscamos por equilibrio de género 2 chicos, sin límite de edad a partir de 18 años.

Tienes más becas Erasmus en Chipre a tu disposición en nuestra web.

Fechas y lugar de las becas en Chipre

Training course

1 Thursday (7:30 pm, starts) – 7 Wednesday (9am, finishes) November 2018

Larnaca, Cyprus

Deadline to book tickets : 11/July/2018.

Participantes becas en Chipre

Youth workers with strong interest on the topic and they are willing to share what they will learn in their respective organizations especially through a local workshop.

• Young people interested at the objectives of this project and they are willing to share what they will learn in their respective organizations especially through a local workshop.

Objetivos de los cursos en Chipre

The project ‘The Art Within’ concentrates on the enhancement of the basic pillars of selfempowerment and self-esteem through alternative methods, primarily related to Performing Arts.

Specifically, ‘The Art Within’ is addressed to staff, youth workers and educators who specialize on the didactic methods of the notions of self-empowerment and self-esteem, with the aim those to be endowed with innovative tools and modernized methods of operating towards their target groups, thus achieving a better quality of work and an increased ability in addressing the needs of any disadvantaged groups encountering problems such as low self-esteem, as a result of many difficult situations; social exclusion, racism, immigration, socio-economic problems, domestic problems etc.

Accordingly, well-experienced experts and professionals deriving from the Local Sectors of Theatre, Dramatology, Dance, Dance Therapy and Communications will deliver various seminars and workshops on ‘ Contact, Improvisation and Communication methods’, ‘Dance Therapy ’, ‘Storytelling’,‘Theatrical Improvisation’ and ‘Public Speech’ which are specially-designed to reflect an array of methodologies relying on empathy, imagination, physical and mental activation, articulation, body awareness, emotional depth, encouragement, open sharing of thoughts, feelings and opinions, quick thinking, quick action and reaction, engagement and communication with audiences through multidimensional activities, eradication of fixed or pre-mediated behaviours, exploration of individual creative impulses, usage of both formalised and non-formalised skills, presentational skills, usage of language in an authentic, un-planned way etc.

Simultaneously, through interactive Power-point and Video Presentations, the participants of ‘The Art Within’ will enrich their field of knowledge in order to come in touch with the more theoretical aspects of the programme, thus gaining a better understanding of the technical processes concerning the skills that could be acquired within performing arts, by mostly emphasizing on their potential impact on one’s self- empowerment and self-esteem. Through both types of workshops, young workers and educators will be taught to convey original knowledge accompanied with the desirable confidence, as both derive within the experience of public speaking, improvisation, storytelling and dance- therapy, as well as to obtain an integrated understanding of the importance and value of teamwork, motivation, trust, responsibility, independence, individuality, inspiration, passion and originality.

In this manner, socially vulnerable groups of people suffering from low self-confidence and selfesteem will detect alternative ways to recover, whilst in-parallel improving their communication skills, thus being able to achieve the ultimate threefold objective that has been set by the creators of ‘The Art Within’: (a) to be evenly integrated into the society; (b) to become active citizens and; (c) to strengthen their communication skills and other essential skills in order to enhance their career prospects, thus improving their chances for potential employability.

‘The Art Within’ training that will be hosted in Larnaca, Cyprus by us from 01/11/2018 until 07/11/2018 , in cooperation with partner organizations from Spain, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Estonia, Germany, Greece and Poland that will be represented by 2.


• The training will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging
active participation of young people involved.
• Ice-breakers, energizers, group-building games
• Simulations
• Role plays
• Intercultural and experiential learning
• Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary
• Inputs from experts
• Theatrical play
• Kinesiological exercises
• Physical activities
• Story telling
• Presentations
• Dance


Seguros becas en Chipre

The hosting organization does not cover travel and health insurance. Each participant should have valid health insurance (for example European Health Card) and travel insurance during the whole participantion in the project. We reccommend www.seguroserasmus.com

Also, you should have during the exchange travel documents: identity card / passport.


Reembolso becas en Chipre

All your principal costs during the training are taken in charge by the Erasmus + program (food, accommodation, training, etc.). About the travel cost from your home to our place, Erasmus+ program is taking a part of the cost. You can do a simulation on this website: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm

You have to buy your tickets and the reimbursement will be done a month or two after the end of the activities. Taxis will not be reimbursed.

We need your travel documents (boarding pass, tickets, invoices) to be able to reimburse you, so MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ALL YOUR TICKET RECEIPTS!

The reimbursements will be proceeded by bank transfer after the exchange upon sending all travel documents and international bank details. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance of the project and presentation of the original travel tickets with boarding passes, receipts, invoices.

Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on the ticket and receipt/invoice. Any tickets purchased in a local currency other than EUR0, will then be converted and calculated according to the exchange rate of the month when the ticket/s were purchased, as stated in the official European Commission web-site.

If you wish to travel on other dates than the dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing your tickets! Please plan your trip carefully.

Early arrivals or late departures will be the own responsibility of the participants.

According to the NA the arrival and travel back must be realized by participants within maximum of 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travel (holiday travel, etc) there is no chance of reimbursement. Also, if you want to stay one or two days longer, before or after the training course, we will not be able to host you at the training course’s location and you will have to find a place to stay at your own. If you have difficulties with it, contact us. Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation outside the dates of the exchange!

Coordinator organization will transfer travel expenses to your sending organization and they are the ones who will give you your travel expenses back. Travel expenses will be reimbursed the latest one month after the submission of the final report and to get them you will have to do all participants tasks, including ones before and after mobility as stated under participants’ tasks .Every participant is obligated to actively participate in all activities. In a case of missing out more than 10% of activities participants travel expenses won’t be reimbursed and participant is risking getting expelled from the project and sent back home on their own expenses.


Cómo llegar a Chipre

-Larnaca International Airport – has the biggest number of airlines and connections.

Closest to the venue, cheap flights by blue air, wizzair, Aegean airlines and others. (Prefer Larnaca’s Airport because is close to the venue)
– Paphos Airport (second airport of Cyprus, this should be your second option). Cheap flights by Ryanair, easy jet and others.

Please bear in mind that according to the guidelines of our National Agency the travel dates can be plus or minus 2 days (the cost for the extra travel dates is not covered, for example accommodation, food and transportation). You can either a) arrive one day earlier and leave one day later or b) arrive two days earlier and leave on time c)or
arrive on time and leave 2 days later d) or arrive on time and leave one day later or e) arrive one day earlier and leave on time. All these options will be accepted only if they have the same or lower value with the actual travel dates of the training course (start day and last day of the training).

Irrespective of the means of the transport used, participants will be reimbursed on the basis of the least expensive route between their place of residence and the town in which the course is held.
Please don’t book any tickets before receiving our written confirmation.

Maximum amount for travel for each country (flights, trains & buses):
Spain- 530.00 euro

The venue of the training course is Hotel Cactus in Larnaca (6-8 Tyrimou Street)., near McKenzy area, very close to the airport of Larnaca. MacKenzy is actually a beach full of life, café and restaurants, especially the weekends. More information about the city of Larnaca, here

For the first and the last day of the TC we might (upon availability of our members) pick some of you from the airport (first day) or the hotel (last day) using the private cars of our members. Most of the participants need to use bus to reach the hotel.

Detailed schedule for transportation from the airport to the venue and from the venue to the airport will be send 1 week before the training. The hotel is 10 minutes by bus from the airport.
You will need to inform us in advance by text or email about any changes in your arrival time.
From Larnaca airport you can take the bus number 425, 429, 446


that has a stop very near to the hotel. The nearest bus station is Oum Charam. The bus pass from the airport (for your departure) and nearby the hotel ( for your return) every 20 minutes.
Timetable 425: http://www.cyprusbybus.com/RouteDetails.aspx?id=106&t=2
Timetable 429: http://www.cyprusbybus.com/RouteDetails.aspx?id=110
Timetable 446: http://www.cyprusbybus.com/RouteDetails.aspx?id=127
Remember to ask, Larnaca is a small place, everyone knows the hotel and the bus drivers are very friendly for sure other busses pass very near the hotel.

Please note that participants who arrive or depart at dates that are different from the schedule, they have to make their own arrangement to and from the airport at their cost. For example the training starts (arrival day) on 03 Oct, and participants arrive on 2 Oct, he/she is considered out of schedule. Also, they have to cover the cost for the accommodation for the extra days.

 How to get to Larnaca from Paphos airport

Please check the detailed schedule at http://www.kapnosairportshuttle.com/ and then book your tickets. In case you miss the bus, you will not be charged. The payment is made in Cyprus at Kapnos station. The booking guarantees you a sit in the bus.

You can take either Travel Express from 0800 – 14:00 (sometimes from 06:00 to 1700) (you have to book in advance http://www.travelexpress.com.cy/ ) or Kapnos Airport Shuttle (you better book in advance).

Please check the prices and choose the cheapest one. The travel express will bring you to the venue directly and with Kapnos you will have to take another bus from the central station in Larnaca to the venue (Cactus Hotel in 6-8 Tyrimou Street).

The nearest bus station is Oum Charam with bus 425,
http://www.cyprusbybus.com/busesmap.aspx .

Remember to ask people or the bus driver for help, Larnaca is a small place, everyone knows the hotel and the bus drivers are very friendly. If you arrive or depart during the programme period, one of our volunteers might pick you (detailed schedule for transportation to the venue will be send 1 week before the training) from Kapanos shuttle in Larnaca, in this case you will not need to take a second bus.

So from Paphos International Airport one of the options is to take KAPNOS Airport Shuttle to Larnaca. Before exiting the airport, search for the Airport Shuttle KAPNOS (meaning – in Greek- and moving like SMOKE!) and buy your ticket to Larnaca, and then search for your bus outside the airport. The ticket will cost around 15 Euros from Paphos (oneway ticket, the amount for the tickets is already included in the given budget, keep The receipt!), and the 80-90-minute-long trip.


The rooms are double (mostly, at least for 85% of the participants) or triple, fully equipped with everything you may need. Towels are changed every 2-3 days, bed sheets every 3 days. The rooms are very close to the training venue. We might combine people from different countries in the same room so as all the participants to have the opportunity to get to know each other.

What to bring:
Please bring any medicine you might need. We don’t have all the medicines you might need in Cyprus (brand, ingredients etc) also the medicines in Cyprus are very expensive in comparison to other EU countries.
Please try to bring one laptop per country we might use it in some of the sessions.
We will have free internet access in the plenary room and in the lobby area but not in the rooms. You can connect with your laptops. There is WI-FI in most areas of the hotel.
Information regarding extra Facilities

The hotel offer free wi-fi in the communal areas.

If you want to have internet in your room ( per room), the cost is as follows

€4 per day
€8 for 3 days or
€16/ for a week

The Hotel can install you a fridge in tour room for 2 Euros per day.

Please contact in advance the hotel if you want to make a booking for your extra stay in Cyprus. Prefer to arrange your stay with other participants in double or triple rooms because single rooms are very expensive.

The food will be prepared by the hotel.
If you are a vegetarian or you have any allergy problems, please inform us as soon as possible.
Participants might be asked to choose their food for lunch or dinner ( 1-2 times only for the whole duration of the training) by themselves so they can eat at a restaurant of their choice in the city center. We will announce during the training the reimbursement limit for eating at the city center.

Cuota extra

Food and accommodation is FREE. There is a participation fee of 40 euros (apart from the one from Building Bridges-yesEuropa) which the participants are required to pay in cash during the TC. Please, pay special attention to this point as we will not be able to keep this amount from the money you will get back for your travel expenses.
The participation fee among other organizational expenses covers the cost of dinning in a restaurant near the beach. It covers also a trip or site visit




Food is an important element of every social occasion in Cyprus.

The island's geographical position and its history have resulted in a very interesting merge of Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Armenian and European

A popular style of dining is “meze” which consists of many small dishes with a little of everything. There is no better way to sample Cypriot cuisine than the meze, when
visiting for only a few days, as you can enjoy the widest variety of local food.

*Please inform us if some of your participants have special dietary needs.


 If you are a student, bring your student card and/or your European Youth Card (a discount card for young people aged between 13-30 years old and it offers
special discounts for many products and services in Cyprus as in other countries. You can find more information on: https://www.eyca.org/.

Proceso selección para las becas en Chipre

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

Building Bridges members and/or long term unemployed (proved by scanned document) will have preference to this volunteer service.

You should complete registration in 2 steps:

1. Please send your CV and motivation letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com. Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”. All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject «TC Cyprus Art Angelos.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME«We give you creative ideas about how to create a good CV in English.

2. Pay the registration fee (40€) by Paypal or bank transfer to :Asociación Building Bridges, CIF G85466886. This registration fee includes one year membership to our National and International activities. 

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ebucvvske17hbn/Empty.application%20Form%20for%20Erasmus%2B%20candidates.doc?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application Form YesEuropa[/button]

 * It is compulsory to send application form, CV and motivation letter and pay the registration fee at the same time in order to be within the pre-selection process.

If you are not selected by the sending or hosting organisation, we will reimburse the fee. Please see conditions of Erasmus+ grants

paypal comprar suscripcion

Payment by bank: Asociacion Building Bridges


ES67 0081 1534 5900 0116 4823 / BSAB ESBB

What do our participants say?

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