7 plazas voluntariado europeo en Italia en varias áreas



From March 2016 to September 2016


Bolzano and Trento


7 september 2015


> Villaggio SOS Saronno :  only male volunteers. 1 vacancy available from March2016 for 12 months. Activities with children and young adults inresidential structures.

> ASIF Chimelli  1 vacancy from March 2016 until September 2016 Activities with local children and teenagers.

> InCo: 1 Vacancy fromMarch 2016 until September 2016. Project located in Trento. Promotion activities of international mobility for youth and of interculturality.

> VINTOLA (accreditation in process, link to the website) 1 vacancy from March 2016 until October 2016. Activities with local children, teenagers and young adults in Bolzano

> LA STRADA (accredited but still not in EVS data base): 2vacancies from March 2016 until September 2016  Bolzano is a bilingual city (Italian andGerman are official languages and used in everyday life). La Strada hasdifferent activities and in particular youth centers and residential structures for teenagers and young adults

> Caritas Bolzano: 1 vacancy from March 2016 for 12 months. Bolzano is a bilingual city (Italian and German are official languages and used in everyday life). Several activities in Caritas are carried out inGerman and therefore, volunteers with a basic knowledge of German and/or Italian are preferred to facilitate volunteer’s integration.

Projects foreseen parallel activities involving volunteers from the different Receiving organizations



Interested? So here the application procedures: (read them and follow them carefully)

1) download the application form from below

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Vy9pbU9kqiU3loWmR1TnpTcDg/view?usp=sharing[button size=medium style=less_round color=blue align=none url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Vy9pbU9kqiU3loWmR1TnpTcDg/view?usp=sharing]Application form[/button]

2) get deep information about EVS and its conditions; read asmuch as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and thecity where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreamsof experience abroad;

3) contact your sending organizationWe will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only from members through sending organization!;

4) discuss the opportunity with your sending organization checking the opportunities offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you!

5) ask your sending organization to send us an email with your application attaching the form together with the CV with picture. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through sending organizations).Email’s subject must be: «EVS application InCo through SendingOrganization: NAME OF THE RECEIVING ORGANIZATION».

Thus, for example: «EVSapplication InCo through Sending Organization: La Strada». Emails withoutthe specific subject will not be included in the selection process.

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges



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