Plaza de voluntariado europeo en Rumanía sobre interculturalidad y tradiciones


Servicio Voluntario Europeo de 1 año en Rumanía


«Discovering the local traditions through storytelling» project aims to promote the intercultural learning among the young people through rediscovering the traditions.


The specific objectives of the project are:

– Participation of four volunteers to an EVS stage, which will prioritize the non-formal education.

-Promotion intercultural dialogue through non-formal education methods putting the accent on storytelling method.

– Strengthening of the partnership cooperation between youth organizations interested in promoting non-formal education among young people with fewer opportunities.

– Increasing solidarity among the young participants in the project.

– Promotion social inclusion through the participation of four unemployed young people in project activities and by organizing youth activities for young people unemployed.

The project proposes an innovative voluntary stage for a total of 4 young people with fewer opportunities, young people aged 18 to 30 years, coming from disadvantage economic communities from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey.

The main activities which will be implemented within the project will be:

– Promoting traditional crafts, folk traditions within Bujoreni Village Museum, using a series of non-formal education methods, especially the method of «storytelling».

– Initiating media campaigns using methods of non-formal education, campaigns that will promote the folk traditions.

– Initiating a media campaign to increase the number of blood donors. – Organize workshops in rural schools to promote folk traditions.

– Organizing seminars, debates, meetings with stakeholders, where besides promoting folk traditions as a form of learning, it will be promoted Erasmus +.

The project will be implemented using the methodology «learning by doing», with a great emphasis on non-formal education methods.

The results and achievements of the project will be:

– innovative voluntary stage which promotes the non-formal education among the young people with fewer opportunities.

– the brochure about folk traditions from Valcea and the communities of volunteers. The brochure will include description of the methods of non-formal education put into practice by volunteers during the EVS stage.

– media campaign on awareness the local, regional and national community to donate blood. – the website of the project.

The project will have impact on young participants, on local community with the dissemination of the dissemination.


Role and tasks of volunteers:

The activities of the EVS stage will be divided in 3 subcategories: a) outdoor activities in Bujoreni Village Museum.
b) activities in 6 schools from rural environment.
c) media campings.

Within them, will be done the following activities:

– organization of the activities “The village of grandparents”, in Bujoreni Village Museum, where the volunteers will tell stories to the pupils visiting the museum, using the non formal education methods, storytelling. Also within these activities, will be organized workshops for discover the traditions: making traditional handcrafts in wood, using the traditional music instruments, pottery, making bread in the traditional oven, trips with the cartridge etc. The volunteers will organize representations of forum theatre and shadow theatre, exhibition of photography with the help of “photo – voice” method, films projections, with the help of “film – voice” method.

– workshops of personal development, organized in schools from rural area. Thus, will be organized workshops in schools from Daesti, Bujoreni, Valea Cheii, Pausesti Maglasi, Vladesti. Within these workshops, the volunteers will use non formal education methods as: development of the life abilities, relational communication, game storming, graphic facilitation, appreciative inquiry.

– media campaign promoting the civic responsibility by promoting the blood donation. In this activity, the volunteers will use non formal education methods as: social animation, forum theatre, flash mob, role games, press releases, film voice, photo-voice.

– media campaign promoting the learning by discovering the traditions. Within this activity, the volunteers will use non formal education methods as: forum theatre, flash mob, storytelling, photo-voice, gamestorming, intercultural games, living library.

Practical aspects:

The volunteers will work 6 hours / day from Monday to Friday. Their schedule will be organized as follow: preparing the activity. 10.00-13.00: Activities in the national park 13.00-14.00: lunch break.

14.00-16.00: Activities in the national park and schools.

The volunteers will have 2 days off every month, will have days off according to Romanian legislation and will have holidays according to the university year 2015-2016

The volunteers will be accommodated in two apartments rented by ATFPDR in Rm. Valcea city. The houses is equipped with central heating, water, TV cable and internet. The kitchen is fully equipped. The houses have 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms and living room. To feed, the volunteers will receive a fixed amount at the beginning of each month, amount which will allow them to buy aliments and cook themselves. Also at the beginning of the month, all volunteers will receive a fixed allowance (pocket money). The local transport will be provided free of charge for the entire EVS period by ATFPDR.

The volunteers will receive monthly 190 euro(60 euro as pocket money + 130 euro money for food).




  • –  Young people between 18-30 years old
  • –  Boys and girls in equal number
  • –  Young people ready to spent 1 year volunteer in Romania.
    The deadline for finnish the selection of volunteers is 15 May 2015.
    Between 15 May-15 June 2015,the mobility contract must be signed wich each volunteer.

Validation of the EVS stage:

Volunteers involved in this project will be awarded with a Youthpass certificate at the end of this EVS internship, which will describe and validate the experience of non-formal and informal learning acquired by each volunteer during their EVS internship period. The Youthpass certificate will be considered a process of awareness, reflection and documentation of learning during the different stages of the project.


1. Geography and climate:

RâmnicuVâlcea is situated in the central-south area of Romania. Set at the foothills of the Southern Carpathians, the city is located at about 12 km from the Căpăţânii Mountains, 17 km from the Cozia Mountains and about 40 km from the Făgăraş and Lotrului Mountains. The southern limit of RâmnicuVâlcea is formed by the Getic Plateau and the Oltului Valley.

The Olt River crosses the town of RâmnicuVâlcea as well as the E81 road of European interest and one of the main national railway routes.

The climate of RâmnicuVâlcea is temperate-continental with average temperatures of 10 to 11°C. The multi-annual average of rainfall is around 700 to 800 l/mp, and there are about 90 to 100 days of hard frost annually.

The town is situated atb 190 km north-ouest of Bucharest(the romanian capitale).

Places for EVS STAGE:




Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: with subject “EVS Romania Storytelling”

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