Voluntariado en Polonia con ancianos y discapacitados


Project title:

“E VS. PL” (Europe vs. Poland)


Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland (2013-PL-170) Więcbork, Poland (2013-PL-171)


March 7th, 2016 – March 6th, 2017 (3 volunteers in Więcbork: Greece, Italy, Spain)

Project outline

For the next (April 30th deadline) we are going to apply with the project designed for 9 volunteers from 9 different countries. As our organization since the last year has been coordinating organization, we want to propose 2 different hosting organizations for volunteers: 1. “Adults for Children” Association (Sępólno Krajeńskie, Poland, EI number: 2013-PL-170) 2. Socially Active Association (Więcbork, Poland, EI number: 2013-PL-171)


Więcbork, Poland

Project term: March 7th, 2016 – March 6th, 2017 (3 volunteers)

EVS volunteers will be able to work in Environmental Dayroom, Elderly People Club, and Care Home for Disabled People. They will have a chance to get useful abilities and experience as far as working with children, the youth, dysfunctional families, adult disabled people and the elderly are concerned. The volunteers will work according to an individual work plan allowing them to work in all the subordinate units. Everyday will be an opportunity to gain knowledge and new experiences in Milieu Self-Help Center, Milieu Day Room and, occassionaly, in Senior’s Club or during local events for local society.

Weekly working time will not be longer than 35 hours. We are open and flexible due to modifying individual working plans to allow the volunteers to optimize their work according to their interests and abilities. These are the place where our volunteers could develop their skills:

Environmental Dayroom (children aged from 6 to 16):

 helping instructors and educators with preparing and carrying out various classes (cooking, sport, making jewellery, macramé, ceramics, felt and wicker articles)

 helping instructors and educators with serving meals

 helping children with their homework

 helping instructors and educator with organizing trips,

 running EVS volunteers’ profile on Facebook concerning their daily activities and reflections Care Home for Disabled People (disabled adults):

 helping instructors with preparing and carrying out various classes (art, music, sculptural tailor, rehab, drama, making ceramics)

 helping instructors with teaching disabled people daily activities (self service training, cooking and budget training)

 helping instructors with serving meals

 helping instructors with cleaning after classes

 taking part in trips Elderly People Club (people aged 60 or more):

 helping instructors with preparing and carrying out such occasional meetings in order to counteract the social exclusion of elder people as art, cultural and educational classes (literature, painting, film, music, learning English), sports classes (nordic walking, selfdefense), memory training (games improving intellectual abilities)

 taking part in trips

 helping instructors with preparing various occasional meetings (Christmas Eve, Grandparents Day, Women’s Day, carnival play)


–“E VS. PL” 6 We would like to encourage EVS volunteers to share with us their ideas concerning the above classes (e.g. language classes for the elderly, cooking classes for disabled adults or cultural classes for children and the youth). Events for the local community:

 spreading the idea of volunteering in local institutions (meeting with children in kindergartens, schools and orphanages)

 helping volunteers visiting Adults for Children Association with organizing common promotional actions concerning the idea of European Voluntary Service

 helping AMICUS volunteers (Janusz Korczak Secondary School in Więcbork) with food collection

 helping with preparing folk song festival for disabled people

 helping with preparing Friendship Picnic for disabled children and their families

 helping with preparing Więcbork – Karolewo Run to commemorate nazi terror in 1939 We would like to give the volunteers a chance to choose a group of people to work with which suits them best. EVS volunteers leisure time: During their leisure time, EVS volunteers will be able to know Polish culture, customs and traditions and try to communicate with foreigners.

They will be also able to take part in:

 Polish language classes

 various cultural events (going to the cinema, taking part in concerts)

 trips to various places (while working and in their leisure time)

 occasional events (Women’s Day)  meetings with mentors

 meetings with other EVS volunteers hosted by “Adults for Children” Association in Sępólno Krajeńskie (12 km from Więcbork).


Working hours

We are very flexible in terms of volunteers’ work. We are open for volunteer’s suggestions. They can choose in which establishment they want to work more and in which less. The volunteers together with the coordinator will agree about the working hours and a weekly schedule. The amount of work should not exceed 36 hours per week. Exemplary Schedule / Weekly timetable(prepared for 2 volunteers but we are going to host 3 )


The volunteers work 5 days a week (Monday to Friday). For every month of work each of them can get two extra days free. They can cumulate the days and take longer holidays. Nevertheless, they have to obtain the agreement regarding the dates from the Host Organization.


The volunteers will be accommodated in a separate flat equipped with necessary home appliances. The flat will be located on one of the residential complexes in Więcbork near town center and working habitat. Food Monthly allowance for each volunteer will be 85 € for their own expenses. As far as the alimentation is concerned, there will be two options available: cooking on their own or eating dinners in a restaurant (both covered on an agreed earlier level).

Local transport

If it comes to local transport, there is no problem. Więcbork is a small town so there is no need for it. Polish language classes Volunteers are going to be provided with Polish language classes. The classes will be lead by volunteers from the club Amicus from Secondary School in Więcbork.

Volunteers with special needs

Unfortunately we do not have possibility to host volunteers with special needs at this time.

How to apply

Building Bridges Association members will have preference, please enroll to the association here.

becas y voluntariado socios building bridges

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can attach below with subject “EVS Lithuania Creativitas. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

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