Voluntariado europeo en ayuntamiento de Sliven (Bulgaria)


Te traemos este interesante voluntariado europeo de la mano de uno de nuestros mejores socios en Bulgaria, del Ayuntamiento de Sliven, con un proyecto sobre juventud en cooperación con otras comunidades locales. En años anteriores ya hemos enviado voluntarios y actualmente tenemos ya uno allí.

Lee la experiencia de César como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

Lee la experiencia de Antonio como Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Sliven

Lee la experiencia de Paula en Sliven.

project dates

Project «Different but together- 2» long-term EVS project in Sliven, Bulgaria

ISA – Youth for openness and commitment is a group long-term EVS project, including volunteers for one year from 1-st October 2018 till 30 September 2019

project location

Sliven, Bulgaria

The town of Sliven is situated 100 km from the Black Sea under National park “Blue stones”.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliven )


1 for male and 1 for female volunteers from Building Bridges Association

project description

With the «Different but together» we want to bring a European dimension to the partnership between the youth community and executive institutions working with children and young people different from others and bring them into the formation of adequate youth policy, subservient to European norms and morality of respecting differences. We will show tolerance, respect and support, perceiving and regarding others as unique with its flaws and differences.

Through the participation of volunteers from Croatia, Portugal, Romania, Spain will encourage social inclusion and well-being of young people, promote intercultural skills and increase the capacity of the organization to use the European experience in youth policy formulation geared to young people. We will create a youthful space and upgrade the experience of the youngsters in social Centers of family type and the Protected houses for orphans through «learning by doing». With the support of the volunteers we will form different viewpoints and break the stereotypes of working with target groups of youth.

We will work for the relationship of young people in the area of understanding and acceptance of differences in their behavior, lifestyle and achieving the adoption of the choices of the others. Project aims to establish a partnership and implement the best practices of in-formal and non-formal education and active citizenship, supporting understanding between young people from the target groups. Young people and volunteers will initiate activities organized by youth for youth, reflecting and satisfactions the needs of young people in disadvantaged position. With the project we want to increase the motivation for meaningful everyday life and work of these target groups. EVS volunteers and young people will apply the principles of cooperation and dialogue on making and affirming policies of intercultural awareness. They will try to establish mechanisms of cooperation and implement the principles of interaction between young people and local authorities in achieving sustainable policies.

They will consolidate the various target groups of influence and implement youth activities, reinforcing patterns of tolerance and respect. The project will promote the best practices and assist small municipalities in the region in developing a youth space and cooperation, protection of the interests and resolving problems related to social inclusion and well-being of young people.

Will raise awareness of the EU citizenship and the rights flowing from it and increase their motivation for social, linguistic and cultural diversity.

 training during the project

pre-departure training provided by Building Bridges

on-arrival training
mid-term training
trainings privided by coordinating oranisation

Other details

According to the rules of Erasmus + each volunteer will receive individual
support (91.75 euro per volunteer per month (1101 euro per one year.)AccommodationVolunteers will live in two flats (bedroom, living room, bathroom) in the city center of Sliven. Both are really close to the building of the Youth House.
Volunteers will have wi-fi internet connection – fully covered by the organization.

The travel conditions according to European distance calculator

Maximum costs per country
 Spain 360 euro

volunteer profile

Participation in training seminars – intercultural communication, language skills, teamwork, development of ideas for activities;
• Presenting of the project, the activities and the EVS volunteers to the local media;
• Introduction to and communication with:

– the media, interviews, participation in TV shows;

– institutions, meeting with the Mayor of Sliven and the Director of Social Activities department,
– schools participating in the project activities

• Establishment of contacts with young people from the target groups – introduction of Protected Houses, Blue House, Resource Center for People with
Disabilities, children on the street and Socio-pedagogic boarding school Hristo Botev;
• Planning of activities for field work with the target groups – together with the project team;
• Planning and preparation of activities, initiatives, public events, campaigns to achieve project goals;
• Informational campaigns and initiatives to promote Erasmus + and EVS – at schools, clubs, community centers, small settlements in the region – Kotel, Nova
Zagora and Tvarditsa;
• Creating a photo archive for project activities and EVS – publishing on the facebook page of EVS – Youth House Sliven;
• Presenting volunteer’s work to the publicity of Sliven region through personal meetings, social networking, local press publications and internet;
• Preparation and production of presentations and promotional materials – promoting the achievements, encouraging the creativity of the young people and
their awareness;
• Participation in planning and realization of activities and active communicatio with the Youth Council – meetings, discussions, debates, round tables, initiatives,
open scenes, local/regional/international events;
• Evaluation of the project activities – monthly workshops, mid-term and final evaluation.
• Charity initiatives, eco-campaigns, activities in schools in the municipality and the region;
• Planning of follow-up activities for the realization of EVS
• Evaluation, analysis and reporting of volunteer service.

In our work during the project we will use:

– Informal methods – hearings, discussions, icebreakers, energizers, simulations and brainstorming;
– Method of change – creative work for learning about life skills /dialogue, trainings, implementation of initiatives, round tables, debates, etc.;
– Equality – respect for personal qualities, age and intellect;
– Group work – volunteering, teamwork, working with young people with different kinds of problems;
– Support – active hearing, games, visualization, work therapies – creative workshops;
– The Peer Education Method; «Learning through work and action» – teamwork, tolerance, imagination development, creativity, assessment,
self-control, techniques for building skills, communication skills, communication techniques and group work, role-playing;

The volunteers’ role is entirely helping the organization’s work, as well as the involvement of the teams that work on the preparation and implementation of the
planned activities, evaluation, generalization and popularization of the results.

Weekends and holidays – volunteers will have the chance to explore according to their interests: Excursions in Blue Stones Nature Park, sport activities, trips to
other towns and villages, visits to cultural and historical monuments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria
The useful links:

Here is a list of suggestions that we would like to give to you:
– We suggest you to bring your laptop, if you have.
– Bring also warm clothes, during Autumn and Winter the weather can be really really cold.
– And, of course, a big opened box of powerful and positive energy to work with us.
– Don’t forget your passport/ID card, any important documents or health/medical supplies that you will need (for example – medicine for allergies)

Here is the Weather forecast for Sliven:
The Bulgarian money currency BGN is called “LEV” and look like this:

When you arrive at Sofia airport

You can use the metro in Sofia to get to the main bus station or to the main train station – they share the same station of the metro – Central Railway Station. Just
you need to change the line at Serdika station and to transfer to the other line.

From there you can take the bus or the train to Sliven.
Buses are more comfortable because they are direct and the first one is at 7 in the morning and the last one is at 20:30. Almost every hour there is a bus going for
Sliven. The price of the ticket is between 18 and 22 leva (9-11 euro), depending on the bus company.
The first train is at 7 in the morning and the last at 22:55 but usually they are not direct, which can be uncomfortable. The price for the ticket is between 15 and 20
leva (8-10 euro).

If you have questions do not hesitate to ask.

How to apply

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Sliven Ralitsa Difrerent but together. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

Voluntariado con jóvenes y mayores en Sicilia

Prácticas en asuntos legales europeos – Bruselas

Voluntariado residencia mayores en Francia

  • Iago
    24 enero, 2018 at 4:34 am

    Hola, estoy interesado en este proyecto, pero también ando mirando el de Croacia (que dura 2 semanas aprox.). Obviamente no son compatibles los dos. ¿debo elegir uno de los dos, o decantarme por el de Bulgaria?

  • Iago
    24 enero, 2018 at 6:24 am

    También me gustaría preguntar 2 cosas.
    Estoy haciendo todos los documentos en inglés, son 3 (Europass cd, carta de motivación, y una tercera que es el Formulario de solicitud). Hago los 3 en inglés, o alguno puedo alguno en español.
    Y por si quiero solicitar para los dos que deseo, ¿mando lo mismo especificando a los dos que solicito? (los dos son para: Asociación Building Bridges). Por eso lo pregunto. Al final de la página de Motivación, aparece lo mismo en los 2 proyectos.

  • admin
    24 enero, 2018 at 7:34 am

    Hola, si hay dos voluntariados al mismo tiempo debes elegir uno, gracias!

  • admin
    24 enero, 2018 at 7:34 am

    Hola, debes dirigir todo a nostros, y todo en inglés obviamente, gracias!

  • Iago
    26 enero, 2018 at 4:10 am

    Una cosa, en esta página, la última línea en negritabpone:
    “EVS Sliven Ralitsa Difrerent but together. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME”

    ¿Ese ‘Difrerent’ sería ‘Different’?

    Es el ‘asunto’ del mail que hay que mandar con todos los datos.

  • admin
    26 enero, 2018 at 5:59 pm

    Hola Iago
    te respondimos ya por mail, gracias por tus documentos!

  • Raúl
    28 enero, 2018 at 11:21 pm

    ¿Sería posible recibir por correo aquellos voluntariados que puedan realizarse únicamente en verano? Soy estudiante y estaría disponible a partir de esa fecha. Un saludo!

  • admin
    29 enero, 2018 at 4:59 pm

    Hola Raúl, en breve sacaremos plazas para corta duración y por supuesto verano, suscríbete a nuestras novedades!

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