Voluntariado residencia mayores en Estrasburgo, Francia, con todos los gastos pagados por Erasmus+, para jóvenes menores de 30 años de edad.


Strasbourg, France


September 2018 for 12 months


Proyecto voluntariado residencia mayores

The nursing home has 3 doctors, 10 nurses, 15 caregivers, 30 service agents, 1 physiotherapist, 1 psychologist, and 1 facilitator.
We host 123 more or less dependent residents, with medical needs. Nevertheless, the retirement home is an environment where it feels good to live. It is closed to the city centre, and its 15000 m² enables pleasant walks, as well as nice talks on benches.

The House has 12 living rooms, 7 dining rooms, 1 activity room, 1 meeting room, 7 treatment rooms, 1 hair salon, 1 exercise room, 119 bedrooms, of which 115 individuals, to host elderly people, able-bodied or not, with the most comfortable and secure conditions. The House remains human size, even if it is rather significant.

The main idea of « la Retraite », is not to animate with the only purpose of doing it, but rather to find activities, that would offer elderly people enjoyable moments, as well as new memories, which would take the form of paintings, sculptures, photos, or films produced during these times. Enabling them to still make plans after 80, is one of our objectives. In fact, discussing future with elderly people is not a trivial matter.

Some activities have already been implemented by the House: vine festivales (fête des vandanges), Christmas, Carnival, Eastern, choucroute day, two trips a year to the restaurant, one pick-nick during the music festival (fête de la musique), a concert every Thursday (piano, singing, etc) or a great movie, shopping at the Palente market, paintings, sculptures, fruit cake baking, oral exchanges, card games, lotos, etc.

Localidad voluntariado residencia mayores

Our institution is located downtown, at the North-East of Besançon, on the road to Belfort, and we are very close (by bus) from the city center. Besançon is the capital of the Franche-Compté region, which is beautiful and rich in history, and with amazing landscapes, going from the Jura muntains (Swiss border), with their skying stations, to the Haute-Saône plains, very rich in culture mixes, and in horse and cattle breeding. Besançon had 120 000 inhabitants. The city also has renowned museums, some religious edifices, and some castles. All these elements makes it a beautiful city, coil in the Doubs, center of touristic attraction and cultural notoriety.

Objectif of the hosting project :
Hosting a volunteer aims at creating human connections that go beyond differences in terms of culture, nationality, age habits of way of living.
– People hosted in our institution, have lived the great conflicts of the previous century. They may therefore be more sensitive to cultural and ethical differences than later generations. They have a watchful but also critical eye on young people. Therefore, having a volunteer coming from abroad, would provide our organisation with an enriching and valuable exchange topic and experience.
– By their simple presence, young volunteers help restore a fair opinion of different individuals. The exchanges between elderly people, their family and the young volunteer, is a very valuable experience for all of us.

– The volunteer :
 Will live this service as a valuable personal, social, and human experience;
 Will discover a city, a region, a country, a new language and culture;
 Will be in contact will a special population, and discover a professional environment.
– For staff members that supervise our volunteer, this service is an opportunity to share knowledge and living experiences, while favouring exchanges, listening and asking questions.

Since 2005, our organisation welcomes an EVS volunteer (almost) each year. The hosting of an EVS volunteer has a real impact on the local community. We therefore, are pleased to host a new volunteer every year within our institution and the Retirement Animation Committee (Comité d’Animation Retraite). Each new farewells of our volunteers leave a feeling of solitude in our residents’ hearts. Fortunately, this one vanishes quite rapidly, with the arrival of a new volunteer.

We know, by experience, that this year is an important step for young people’s way towards adult life. The EVS year makes them grow up, and become aware of their own capacities to face new situations.

For us, exchanges between elderly people and the volunteer and between staff members and the volunteer have a positive impact on their respective cultures.

Tareas voluntariado residencia mayores

From their arrival, the volunteer will be invited to choose the different activities they will be in charge of during their service (games, lotto, pottery…) This decision will be taken with the organization’s facilitator and Board.
Volunteer’s tasks:
– Individual support or group walks to the local market, or support to the psychotherapist;
– Escorting residents to the dining room;
– Taking part in collective activities such as pottery, painting, baking, lotto, psychotherapy, excursions…
When the volunteer will feel comfortable enough, as a facilitator, they could suggest new activities, and develop
their personal project throughout their volunteer service. The activity includes a minimum of 4 key points (1 per
The volunteers provide elderly people with a “well-being”, and is largely beneficial to the local community.
Volunteeers are invited to take part in the local life, and to be in contact with structures such as mediathec,
museums, linguistic centers, sport clubs, chors, etc.
The volunteer tutor and referee with regularly meet to make a point with the volunteer. This procedure aims at
evulating the difficulties the volunteer has meet, and to find appropriate solutions. This time also allows to
evaluate the volunteer’s progress in terms of language, local life integration, autonomy, self-confidence,
relationship with APAS’s residents…)

When necesary, the volunteer will take part in meetings. While taking into account the necesities of their service,
the volunteer will benefit from a great freedom to undertake activities such as expositions, cooking recepies,
lectures, that would present their home country.

Alojamiento y comida

Working hours, days off, and holidays:
The volunteer will work a avage of 32 to 33 hours per week, divided into 5 days. See planning above.

Week ends are usually free, and the volunteer also benefit from 2 days off per attended month.

Food, accomodation and local transports:
Our struture will provide the volunteer with a furnished and equiped room (sanitary, kitchen and internet access). The room is completely independent from other APAS buildings, and offers direct access to the site’s parc. The volunteer could also benefit from meals cooked by the structure’s kitchen. For week ends ans holidays, they will receive a monthly amount of money to cook their own meals.
The volunteer will also benefit from our regular laundry care.
The volunteer won’t need to use any public transport to reach their work place, as they will stay on-site.
Nevertheless, a transport mean will be available (transit pass.)
All facilities will be offered, as we want our volunteer to make the most of the city’s cultural life.


Cómo solicitar este voluntariado residencia mayores

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form (signed)

Please send your documents to asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS_Strasbourg Lucie.YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME”

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