Ciao a tutti! After almost two months since my last day in Molfetta I am ready to share my experince with all of you. My name is Ainara and I am 30 years old. I did my EVS in the Istituto d’ Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Liceo Classico “Leonardo Da Vinci” and also during some time in Liceo Scientifico.

As soon as I arrived I realized that Molfetta was different from the city I live in the north of Spain and at the same time had some similarities. The thing is that when you are from Spain and live in Italy is imposible not to feel like you are at home and think in all the things we have in common: culture, history, food…..but living in Molfetta and finding new places allowed me to learn that every country, every city has something that makes them unique.
Since the first day I felt welcome, we were ten volunteers from Europe plus the Italians and we always did things together, we were like family. One of my favorite it was having caffe and cornetto for breakfast, or walking around the port with the others. We had a lot of activities together like: Coro Natalizio, Giornatta dalla Europa, Serata internazionale…
In the school all the teachers used to be very helpful and nice. I gave Spanish course and participate in the different activities and acts of the school. But the thing most important for me and that made me learnt more was helping students with different disabilities.
In the nine months I spent in Italy I meet new people and friends, learn, help,cry, smile, travel, LIVE and now I can say that this incridible adventure will be part of my memory forever.
Thank you Molfetta!
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